Chapter 12, Gage’s Mojo is Back

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 21-45-32-12Welcome back to the Uglacies, a legacy that was nearly trashed.  When last I tried to go into their home the lot was corrupted.  Ugh.  But I figured out some downloaded CC was the culprit.  I have not figured out exactly which one is the culprit, but I am working on it.  In the meantime, I got the household up and working again.  Yay me.  So let’s dive in.  Here is Louise, our current heir to the throne.  Still a romance sim, but now satisfied with 20 lovers, she can focus on more important tasks like dumping the trash.  Being heir is a glamorous job after all.

“Who said I was satisfied?  Have you read my want panel lately?”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 21-49-22-42Little Seth appeared at the end of my last chapter.  Now I wanted to make fun of Bruce’s parenting because he frankly reeks of loser… but alas, Bruce proved me wrong.

“Weee.  I love babies.  Behold my platinum plumbob!”

OH WOW!  Are those aspiration points?!  Why I don’t think I’ve seen those in an Uglacy interacting with their own child since Don was around.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 21-50-04-99“Bruce, can grandma hold the baby for a while?  I’m a family sim too.”

“No buzz off.  Get your own kid.”

With three family sims in the house, there is a constant fight for the baby.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 21-51-42-71“Fine, Jihoon and I will just make out then.”

“Please, not in front of my baby.  So not cool.  And you guys call yourself family sims?!”

“How do you think we got to be family sims, kiss me baby.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 22-17-20-93“PUKE!  This is the 5th time I have told you to get in the fricking tub!  You smell like… well puke.”

Yes, the dogs are still here, in case you were wondering.  Like a plague of pain.

“I could be doing other things, like the neighbors for example.  But nooo, I  have to wash the dog.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 21-46-07-71“Oh Jihoon, you are so cute.”

“Wendy, my darling bride…”

Geesh guys, get a room, or better yet… GARDEN!  They won’t keep their hands off each other.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 22-10-14-01“Oh and some poor plants have to live in the city, with all that yucky pollution… but not my precious tomato plants.  Talk to momma.  Thrive my babies, thrive.”

The only thing that needs more attention than pets and babies… plants.  Gardening, second biggest pain in ass next to pets.  All day they are out there and the gardener doesn’t leave till midnight.  Not that she does much more then water everything that being watered by the sprinkler and creates more weeds for the Uglacies.  Ongoing nightmare of botany.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 22-24-20-20“Bowl head kid from high school that was my first kiss.”

“Louise, you got boobs!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-20 22-30-36-25As if this guy’s appearance could get any worse.  Whoops, it did.

“Woah I like it.  I look good in prostitute red.”

“Yeah, yea, and the purple makes your eyes pop.”

“Do you think I could get a downloaded haircut?”

“Sorry kiddo, we don’t waste those haircuts on townies.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 12-57-21-64Meanwhile, down at Angel’s Flower Shop…talk about a “hard sell”…

“Look lady, back off, your lack of eyebrows and makeup is scaring me.”

Believe it or not this is Tiffany Uglacy, who we hired to manage Angel’s Flowers, but whenever she changes into a uniform, she instantly loses her eyebrows and make up, and she gets a new face.

Yea, that’s disturbing, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 12-56-59-20Not that it stops us from getting the Best of the Best award…

“Wow, I bet she is the best of the best from what I hear.”  *drrrooool*

Buzz off creep-o, she already has an ugly spouse.  Maybe next chapter.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-23-38-22

Zombie Potheads is a rank 10 business now as well.  We sell pottery folks, please.  This is a G-rated game.  I haven’t even taken the blur censors off.  Mainly because I don’t want to see the Uglacies naked, but I like pretend I have standards.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-24-57-00“Grandma Samara, what an honor it is to dazzle you with my salesman ability.”

“Do you have black roses, preferably dead.  I want to surprise Don.”

I think Louise looks a lot like her grandma Samara, kind of a throwback, and Samara seems to like her a lot too.  More then she did her own kids, but then Samara liked anyone more then she did her own kids.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-39-32-41“Darling, let me talk to you for 5 hours straight about business perks and you won’t get more then a quarter way completed… even if it is Fall.  Blah blah blah, timecards, blah blah blah, motivation, blah, blah, blah…”

OH SCREW THIS.  She will just get her business perks the old fashion way, having a business!

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 23-31-44-84We buy the corner shop in Blue Water.  It looks like a store, but we can rearrange it to a beauty shop.  Ignore the crappy picture, and the fact that Louise wants to woohoo 5 service sims and “befriend” 3 guys in town.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 23-55-24-37Who cares if Louise only has a bronze  badge and hasn’t earned her cosmetology license.

“How about a free haircut?!”

“Sounds great!”

“I just need you to sign this release of liability form first, minor details of course.  You know, like all your hair falling out, going blind from chemicals reactions, me cutting off an ear…no biggie.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-23 12-16-43-42Yup free haircuts.  You get what you paid for.  We call this style El Choppo.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-51-32-75Back at home it’s time for a birthday… OH boy are you as excited as I am?  Don comes to all our parties because well, they rock if he’s there.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-52-26-72*sigh*  Uglacies are so much harder than Prettacies.  I know, I’ve done both.  Seth is okay looking.  A little weird in the mouth, but no where near true ugly.  Even Jihoon and Lisa look away, obviously disappointed.  Gads, more baby making in the near future.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-54-43-83“Waah, the mean lady says I’m not ugly enough.”

“There, there, Seth.  You’re ugly enough for Nana.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-44-03-37Have I mentioned that Bruce and Shaun have some kind of hate fest going on since college?

“HOW dare you come to my son’s birthday party you loser.”

“I don’t know what my sister sees in you, Bruce.  You can’t even make ugly kids.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 14-00-24-66

The one thing I do right in my legacies… parties.  I think I should get a point for every roof raiser, all I have to do is stick Don and a bottle of champagne at the party.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 20-54-17-54Time to get that lazy good for nothing doing something.  Bruce rolled a want to plant seeds… you go Johnny Appleseed.

“I wanted to plant one seed.  I didn’t say I wanted to be out here weeding all flipping day!”

I aim to make my sims happy.

We interrupt this legacy in progress to bring you a word from our sponsors…



“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!  I know WordPress has been adding advertisements, but Gage?!  And what is he selling?  It better NOT be some escort service.  He’s got some explaining to do!  Just as soon as I wash my  eyes out with soap!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 18-04-44-41“Okay Gage, Fess up.  What the boolprop is going on?  There I was writing my legacy, minding my own business, and suddenly this ad pops up.  Mojo?!  What is Mojo?  Are you doing what I think you’re doing?!  Cause I might get a little risque and cuss a bit, but I tend to keep my legacy clean, and I’ll have none of that…”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 18-03-40-12“Baby, woah, you got me all wrong.  Don’t you know how classy the Gagemeister is by now.”

“That’s the problem, I do.  Gage, I’m getting a migraine from all this animal print. Classy and you do not go in the same sentence.  Hey, Gage, eyes up here.”

“Sorry darling, but that is a low cut sweater.  So yea, I just decided it’s been kind of boring with the lack of simselfs, and I needed to branch out.  It was selfish of me to keep all my mojo to myself.  The ad says it all.”

“Gage, it’s a weird black and white ad of you in your underwear advertising one word, it makes no sense… oh… oh wait, it’s a cologne ad, isn’t it.  Either that or a condom ad.”

“No, baby you got it right, it’s a cologne.  But it wasn’t easy extracting my Mojo for a cologne.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 18-05-24-42
“Really?  Tell me it was painful.  That would make my day.”

“Nope, it wasn’t painful.  It’s just my mojo is special, and it took a special kind of magic.  It all started a few days ago…”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 19-55-56-19“Michelle came over.  It’s been so long since I had a simself that appreciated my irresistible good looks and charms.  But that Michelle has taste.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 18-03-22-69“Michelle Young?  She writes the Alphabetepic Apocalypse, Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse, GageNation and she downloaded you recently.  Oh dear, I should have seen the signs.   She was visiting you way too much, and boy did she like your hot tub.  I just never see it, because I don’t get the attraction at all.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-04-17-17“Well there’s no cure for Gage fever, baby.  Except for a big old dose of Gage.  So she showed up here, with a special fan shirt she had made just for me.  And you know me, I can’t resist those pretty simself ladies…  she asked me what my secret was, and I told her.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-03-54-66                                               “Mojo, baby.  It’s all in my mojo.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-08-28-59                                          “And that’s when I had an idea!”

Sims2EP9 2018-10-05 22-07-24-92“HAHAHA, you had an idea, good one Gage.  You’ve never had an idea in your life, unless it involved a sim self and a hot tub.”

“HEY, I’ll have you know I am very intellectual.   I’m not all just good looks you know.  Anyway, I had an idea…”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-07-25-44“Michelle, if I could harness my mojo, and market it, I’d make millions!”

“Yes, Gage, yes, I can see it all now!”

“Aww but it’s all a pipe dream, darling.  No one can harness the power of Gage.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-17-22-07              *POOF & insert theme music from Bewitched.   “Actually Gage, I think I can.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-19-02-23“Woah, you’re a witch!”

“Yes, that’s right, Captain Obvious.”

“So are you a good witch, or a bad witch?”

“Let’s just say I’m a good witch who can be bad…  hee hee.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-45-47-63“Now stand very, very still.”

“Er, this isn’t going to hurt is it… and don’t zap off any of the Gagemeister’s mojo making parts, if you know what I mean, witchy-poo.  We might need those for later.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-29-50-16“Let’s see, Mojo cologne.  I need a little eye of newt, salamander tail, oh and corn syrup.  Geesh that crap’s in everything now days.  Well that’s okay, because we all know boys and girls that corn syrup is made from wholesome GMO corn, and it’s good for you.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-49-37-98“It worked, Gage, and it smells a little like Old Spice, 3 day socks, and cotton candy.   I think that was the corn syrup.  So what do you want to do now?”

“Hmm.  I have another idea.”

Sims2EP9 2018-10-05 22-16-56-37“OKAY, OKAY.  That’s enough Gage.  I get the picture.  So that’s it?  You two concocted some essence from you… that I don’t even want to know where that secretion came from, and made a cologne?”

“Yea, Baby.  Want to sniff it?”

“Absolutely fricking not.  I don’t know about this, it sounds like a plan that could go very, very bad.”

Sims2EP9 2018-10-05 22-21-33-50“Come on baby, don’t micro manage me like that.  Didn’t I help you with Don when he was all ticked off at you?”

“Well that’s true.  But I donno.”

“I just want to have a little downtown business, sell some cologne, impress the ladies.  Pleeasseee… pretty please?”

Sims2EP9 2018-10-05 22-24-00-72“Okay, fine, fine.  But this better not come back to bite me in the ass.”

“It won’t, it won’t.  Well I can, if you want  me to…”

“GAGE!  I mean it.  And keep those advertisements to a minimum.  And shorts on mister.  I better not have any nude pics of you popping up on my legacy.”

“Sheesh, give me some credit.  It would drive the ladies wild if I gave a full frontal.  Plus you still have that stupid blur censor on… and there isn’t enough blur…”

“UGH, I’m leaving.  Not talking about this.  Which reminds me, I’m moving out.  I need my own space now, and this bachelor pad is becoming a bit much.  I need to focus on my legacy writing.”

“Sure, sure, sweetheart.  I understand.  Hard to hold yourself back from me.  I get it.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 12-37-27-95“So Wendy, we’ve been married 50 years now.  Can you tell me the family secret of Don’s chili?”

“Well I could Jihoon, but then I would have to kill you.”

“Heh, heh, that’s a joke right… Wendy?”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-10-19-64Uh oh, Baboon don’t look now…

“It’s Jihoon.  Are you ever going to get my name right sometime in my lifetime?!”

I highly doubt it at this point.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-11-05-85“Ahem.  Jihoon Uglacy, you have lived a very good life…  well sort of, as good as it gets for legacy sims, and we’ve come to take you to that happy sim place in the sky.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-11-36-01“Here is your complimentary Pina Colada and the Bella twins will now exhibit their side boob show.”

Seriously, those coconuts don’t cover much.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-12-04-08

Woah.  Way to leave Lisa out of the will.  Talk about a forgotten spare.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-12-58-50“WAAAH.  I can’t believe he’s gone!My sweet, sweet monkey man.”

Wendy took it very hard.  She actually loved her hubby.  She soon got to the point of losing her sanity.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 21-27-50-23“I will scrub the dirt until it is clean enough to sparkle for his grave.”

Just when you think you’ve seen every sims 2 interaction there is, the game gives you new material.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-21 13-50-16-79“Hey mom, I came over to check on the dogs.  Hey Lulu and Puke!  Are you guys feeding them?”

“Sure, at least once a week, Lisa.  By the way, dad died, but he didn’t leave you shit.”

😦   True story-all the dogs love Lisa.  She was the only one who paid any attention to them.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-22-42-58In other news, Puke nearly died.  He liked laying in the big windows, and unfortunately became stuck there and nearly died from starvation.  I had to use reset… *gasp**

Are the glitches returning as we spiral into the fifth generation and are half way there.  Only time will tell.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 13-49-54-63And Bruce takes a job in the slacker profession just to get this “Special plant” nursery.

“Grow, my little bubble plants, grow…”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 13-52-22-04Then Bailey the White Wolf came by and kicked Puke’s butt.   Then had to brag non-stop.

“Yea, and my brother is Ghost on Game of Thrones…”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-08-05-72Aw time for another birthday…   gone horribly wrong.  It started nicely, all the Uglacies had come over to see little Seth grow up.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-09-01-63“Wow, I grew up awesome!  This is the best birthday party ever!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-13-30-40

And that was when the Grim Reaper came through the wall and cut grandma in half.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-12-40-10“Really Grim, you couldn’t wait till my grandson’s birthday party was over?”

“Death waits for no one Mrs. Uglacy.  Besides, sometimes people give me cake.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-14-43-65“NOoo, please Mr. Grim Reaper, don’t take my grammy.”

“Sorry kid.  Happy Birthday by the way.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-15-32-67Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-15-58-18

Seriously?  I would have though grandma dying in the middle of the party would have dampened the festivities a little bit.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-24 21-00-18-48Seth immediately gets a makeover fitting to a crazy scientist nerdy smart look that was his namesake.  (Seth was named for Seth the scientist on The Fly).  Seth is a Sagittarius, 4/4/9/7/1.  Basically a hyperactive, playful asshole.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-24-46-67Not content with just grandma’s death at the party, Shaun immediately latches on to Annabella and tries to kill her, by loving her to death.

“Oh my little niece, I am going to love you and hold you forever and ever.”

“WAAAAH, I need food and I’ve crapped myself!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-27-19-89“Hey sis, I think this one’s broken.  It doesn’t stop crying.”

“Oh you have to feed them these things called bottles.”

“Mommy, save me.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-23-48-12“Shaun, hand me the baby and back away.”

“No!  I want to stand here and watch your child starve in a diaper of her own filth while holding her lovingly.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-22 21-29-23-75Finally Shaun gives up and throws his niece on the floor.  Where she apparently was melting into the carpeting.

“FOR the LOVE of GOD, somebody feed me.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-24 21-39-16-44Meanwhile, in the dining room…

“OH my little nephew Chucky, you are so cute.  Why do you smell like that.  Let Aunt Tiffany hold you so no one else can have you, or feed you, or change your diaper.  But don’t worry, I’ll let go of you when the social worker gets here.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-24 21-37-25-65But finally Louise was able to rip Chucky from Aunt Tiffany’s arms so yet another birthday could happen.

“Oh yay, yet another birthday.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-24 21-38-10-24“Screw it, I just want cake.”

WHAT?!  He didn’t even grow up and you threw him down to eat cake?

“I’m hungry, so sue me.”


“I just found Annabelle on the floor back there.  It’s not our fault we had to wrestle these kids from their overly involved Aunt and Uncle.  Man, I should be woohooing right now.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 19-47-56-00

Finally both kids were grown up and surprisingly survived.  Lets talk Stats.

Chucky-4 Neat, 8 Outgoing, 4 Active, 7 playful, and 6 Nice.  He’s nice, didn’t see that one coming.

Annabelle-4 Neat, 4 Outgoing, 9 Active, 7 Playful, and 1 nice.  A mean little girl with ADHD.  I see lots of moaning and groaning about fun, fun, fun, in her future.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-24 22-10-02-06Lacey and Larry are still alive too, in case anyone is wondering.  I figured out their stats, They are both geniuses, medium active, friendly, cowardly, and medium finicky.  And green.  In case you couldn’t tell.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-18-37-07Larry will likely be our heir, as that is the only puppy the Uglacies roll wants to play with.  Poor Lacey is completely neglected.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-17-10-68Now I’d like to say that Louise is a crappy, typical romance sim parent, but I would be lying. She actually rolls occasional wants for her children… *gasp*  I know, right!  Like teaching Annabelle to walk.

“Well the sooner she can walk, the sooner she can get her own food and make her way to the potty by herself!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-34-55-95“Yawn, my work here is done.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 19-45-39-91Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself, Louise.  I see you snuggling with Chucky.

“Well Romance sims need their social, and since you’re not letting me screw half the town anymore, I need an occasional hug.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 19-52-08-17“HEY, excuse me, but who is the real family sim here.”

Gads, I just realized he is dressed to match his car.  Well with all this downloaded clothing, I am at least getting the well dressed handicap down easily.  My sims get new wardrobes on a constant basis.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-01-56-11Speaking of handicaps, time to work on the Storytelling one.   Louise writes her best selling Novel, “Memoirs of A Romance Sim.”

“Well it would have to be memoirs, since I don’t get any real action anymore.”

Louise you are sitting there with a baby bump, obviously you are getting some action.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-07-07-51And Bruce decides to study Anger Management…

“How to be zen when you are really pissed off.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-10-12-11                      That’s good Bruce.  Maybe you can stop hating on Shaun now.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-44-37-21“YAY, I got an A+!  I am going to be the best scientist ever!  Just you wait and see!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-45-46-45“DADDY, look I got an A+ on my paper about the displacement of molecules and molecular travel!”

“WOW son, that is awesome, let’s go have a snowball fight!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-38-15-40“INCOMING, dad!”


“Owww, you little &^$#@”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-38-41-15“Heh, heh, just kidding son.  I mean what an arm you have on you.  My anger management class has really paid off.  I should be furious with you right now, but kids will be kids.  Aren’t you just precious.”

“Sorry dad, I added a few rocks to that snowball.  Why don’t you toss it back and this time I can try broken glass instead.”

“Why you fricking little… grrr, precious little asshole you.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-33-26-54“It was horrible.  They just held us and held us, and we were starving and covered in our own poo.  I mean what kind of Aunt and Uncle do that?!”

“Listen kid, Evil Jack knows shit.  So you gotta be prepared, see.  You need a weapon, shank their asses when they try to pick you up again.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 19-04-26-63Chucky:  “Is there anything sharp in here I can use for a weapon.”

Annabelle:  “Not really, let me sharpen this block with my teeth.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-25 21-13-01-22“Hey kids, look who came to visit, Uncle Shaun…  Aaaah, who tripped me down the stairs, I’m faaaalllling.  OH kids, look Uncle Shaun has had a bad accident.  I wonder how that happened.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-43-56-28“Aaaaahhhhh, Daddy you’re swinging me too hard!”

“Am I you little joy from the depths of hell?!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-51-36-99“Larry, you are the cutest puppy ever!  I can’t help rolling wants to interact with you.”

“Durr, Larry wants Scooby snacks.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-52-03-37“Nobody loves me.”

Poor Lacey.  Don’t you worry girl, we will get you the best home ever.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 22-05-09-87Trust me, being the favorite puppy isn’t all its cracked up to be.

“Arrgh, cough, cough, can’t breathe.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 20-50-28-13Wendy, you are officially the best ghost ever!

“Well this shower is filthy!”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 21-06-43-26“Hello Seth.  We at the Academy of Dance want to tell you we admire your commitment to mastering the art.”

“Er ok lady.  Thanks for breaking into my house to tell me that.”

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 21-12-28-79“Tell me this is it!”

Ok, ok fine.  But I need an ugly kid, a really ugly kid.  And zombie skins, I want one more zombie… fingers crossed… rabbit foot out, eating lucky charms…

Sims2EP9 2018-09-28 21-41-31-81“Screw you, here’s another normal kiddo.”

Fine, whatever, the house can’t take any more sims or puppies right now.  This is it.  Meet Tina, named for the Talking Tina doll on the Twilight Zone, a very creepy old episode.  Let’s hope Tina gives us some scary genetics.


*sigh*  I guess it’s not that bad, at least he has his shorts on and the lights are dim.

Sims2EP9 2018-09-16 20-20-38-20“See you next time my pretties.”

“You are so hot as a witch.  I love a lady of magic.”

“OH Gage, you make me blush.”

OK ending this here.  Quickly.  Tune in next time, and until then, happy simming!






Chapter 11-It’s Going to the Dogs!

Sims2EP9 2017-11-26 15-49-09-34“Geesh, when is this loser ever going to update…”

Okay, okay, I know I’m way behind.  It’s been two chapters of college, which can be pretty painful in a legacy.  So quick recap, this is the Uglacies, they have 10 generations to get even uglier.  Legacy living means no cheats.  No boolprops.  Not even a motherlode.   I am on generation 3.  Because it’s been ages since I updated this, here is a VERY quick review.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 15-34-53-95The founding couple of our legacy was Angel Uglacy, an actual granddaughter of Don Zombie, and daughter of Zip the Zombie… who goes back years ago and this family’s legacy would take a whole story in itself, so let’s keep it simple.  She is on a quest to bring back the ugly to the Uglacy, so she marries Quinton from her college day, or as I liked to call him, Quinomei in honor of his Uncle Komei.

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-57-56-24They had two children, Nosferatu and Wendy.  Nose is named after the original vampire that was in some old black and white movie from 1800, or something like that.  Wendy is named for the wife of Jack Torrance in the Shining.  My naming theme… horror movies of course!  Nose becomes a vampire, and Wendy becomes heir.

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-01-16-43-89Wendy marries her college boyfriend Jihoon, or as I liked to call him Baboon… and they have four children…

Sims2EP9 2017-08-11 22-39-57-86Tiffany, the oldest and in the front hogging the picture is named for Chucky’s girlfriend.  Shaun, the only boy, is named for Shaun of the Dead.  The twins Lisa and Louise, Louise being the zombie, are named for the twins off the Shining.

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 16-43-22-18Louise wins the heir ship for her awesome good looks.  She is a romance sim with a want for 20 lovers, a chip off the old block of Gage Uglacy.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 16-59-06-63Now this legacy would not be complete without mentioning the mini legacy happening in the background… The Uglacy’s dogs.  Without a doubt the Family Breed is the most difficult handicap I am playing.  Pinstar says it’s technically not a handicap but you should literally get at least 10 extra points and a brand new car for this fiasco.  Meet Pierre, our doggy founder.  Why I started with such an asshole dog I will never know.

Pierre’s mate was Lassie, a very sweet, pretty collie who never deserved to be part of this dysfunction.  After he got done beating her up and hating her, I had to lock them together in a fence for days to get them to even like one another.  The result was…

Frick, Folly, and Frack, the hound dogs from hell.  They all looked identical.  Yes, Frack is attacking his own mother.  Folly became heir.  Now just so you can see how absolutely fun dogs have been, let me share some pics…

Easily the hardest handicap ever… the family breed is not for the weak.  The dogs poop, pee, tear stuff up, and exhaust the legacy family. Good times.

Folly would breed with a terrier named Moody, and have Peppy…

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 00-22-39-02Peppy was then with Teddy (we were adopting dogs to add in).

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 00-38-16-50Teddy had  two puppies Mustard and Ketchup.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-28 14-06-16-31And Mustard bred with a black lab named Lulu, who had Sugar and Spice.  Which leads us to our current heir dog, Sugar.  Spice was given to Lisa, a spare dog for a spare sim.  See, the dogs are more complicated then the actual family.  Whew, I can barely keep track of this crap.  So onwards…

Sims2EP9 2017-11-24 20-46-41-77Now back to our current story in progress.  The little Greek house on Peanut street has grown.  It’s a bit dismal, but at least it’s not all pepto bismol pink like Heather Huffington’s house down the block.

Sims2EP9 2017-11-24 21-39-09-70“OH my gosh, you’re actually back.  We thought you died.”

Shut up Lisa.  Moving on.

Louise, the chosen heir, continues to work on her aspiration of 20 lovers.  I doubt she’ll be platinum by the end of college to spite her dedication.

Sims2EP9 2017-11-26 17-47-33-04On top of that, I suspect Louise and Heather Huffington may have done some college porn…

“That it girls, get naughty.”

Sims2EP9 2017-11-26 16-55-40-84But I don’t think Louise will have a gold badge in cosmetology any time soon.  I should add a disclaimer here that if you actually are reading this because you want to see awesome legacy playing, you’ve picked the wrong story.  IF you’re amused by watching another player bumble everything worse then you ever could, well enjoy!

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-32-33-71“Oh my Bruce, I never noticed how tight your elastic suit was.”

Sadly he gazes into her eyes, while she gazes at, well, his nether regions.  Romance sims, pffft.  She and Bruce have been housemates forever, and for good reason, we wait until he graduates for her to claim another lover.  Cause jealousy in the Sims 2 never ends… never.  Thinking they are being clever, they sneak off to the hot tub of love.

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-34-49-90Unfortunately the woohoo hearts gave it away. No life of a romance sim would be complete without…drama.

“BRUCE, BRUCE is that your woohoo heart in the hot tub!  That better not be!”

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-37-13-51“OH noo, no, no, no, you’re with that sleeze Louise!  How could you break my heart like this Bruce?”

Emily Lew:  “OH I can’t look.  I thought I was the only one he cheated with.”

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-38-00-31“HOW dare you cheat with anyone else but me, Bruce!”

“Hey Emily, he’s my boyfriend… I should be the one slapping him.”

“Get in line, sister…Oh, wait, yes you’re right.  I have absolutely no relationship with him… cough, cough.  Carry on then.”

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-40-39-30Bruce, obliviously, “Woah, that Louise…she is so hawt.”

“WHAT the hell is going on here?!  First woohooing with Louise, and now Emily slaps him!  Something is amiss.”

Well, in layman terms, I think your boyfriend may be a tool.  But it’s just an educated guess.

Sims2EP9 2017-12-24 03-13-55-56After all that excitement, FINALLY… Louise graduates.  Note the artistic use of grilled cheese in this graduation portrait.

“Yeah it’s rotten grilled cheese.”

Sims2EP9 2017-12-24 03-18-58-65“Lets Rock and Roll.  Still waiting on platinum…”

Arrrgh.  Fine.  Homeward with you.  So sick of college right now.  Let’s see who you can boink in your neighborhood.

Sims2EP9 2017-12-23 23-27-46-62Of course the spares graduated too.  First was Tiffany.

“Are you kidding me, this outfit is sooo not me!  I’m a fortune sim, not a bum!”

Sims2EP9 2017-12-24 02-06-58-67Then Lisa, who Kaylynn did not look happy about.

“She’s going to leave me!”

Actually, you’re probably get a nice little house together, and never be played again.

Sims2EP9 2017-12-24 02-18-21-04And lastly, Shaun.  It was time to leave college behind… yay, these were the longest semesters ever!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-27-44-59“Mom, it’s good to be home.”

“Yes,  well I’ve just been hanging out in my nightgown playing pool.  Exactly how you left me 4 years ago.  Thank goodness this isn’t the sims 3 and I was aging, because I would be dead by now as long as those college chapters took.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-36-16-04“So mom, let me show you my cosmetology skills.  How about a new haircut, you’ve been wearing that since you went to college.”

“Well maybe something new would be nice.  You probably have your gold badge by now…”

“Erm, bronze.”

“Bronze!  What were you doing all that time in college?”

“I was networking mom.”  *cough, cough*

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-38-17-71“Look mom!  You look great!  It’s a young haircut!”

“It is nice, but it looks oddly familiar.”

Maybe that’s because it’s Tiffany’s hair… note to self, download more hair.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-47-08-25In the meantime,

“Tiffany, you can’t have mom’s hair. That’s an old lady cut. Try this!”

“OH I love it.”

Let it not be said I don’t keep my sims happy.  Speaking of…

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-40-50-52Time for some loving.

“I wish I may, I wish I might, get some more woohoo tonight!”

I knew the pain of getting this wishing well would be worth it.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-41-25-57And he’s ugly!  Bonus Points!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-41-56-25Geez, this is almost too easy.  I should feel bad.  One interaction, three bolt chemistry, and instantly falling in love.

I should feel bad, but I don’t… 😀  Steve Jayapalan, lover # 16.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 22-49-53-12Well maybe I feel a little bad about the dog.  Look away, Sugar, look away.

“Hey that mutt barking at us is totally ruining the mood.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-28-03-39Victim # 17, Professor Shea Alloto.  Apparently Louise likes redheads and pervy professors.  Another 3 bolt chemistry.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-33-54-18Bleh, I need to wash my eyeballs out now.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-11-05-81Not that Louise’s life is all fun and games right now.  Time to garden.

“You’re kidding me, right.  When’s the last time someone tended this mess.”

Before you went to college, now get crackin missy.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-38-29-81And then there’s the handicaps we’re after.  This includes reading magazines.  She has to keep up 10 point interest in crime for fearless, fashion for the well dressed sim, and culture for the noble composure sim, because well, the Uglacies are all about that.  Nothing says noble and cultured like an Uglacy.

“You do realize none of us can pass out or pee ourselves for noble composure, right?  That one’s going to be impossible with your sim management.”

It hasn’t happened yet… I think.  I need to re-read my own chapters.  Quick reminder, I’m trying to get storyteller too, one novel per generation, and roaming ghosts.  And then there’s the pet lineage.  Plenty of mini challenges for us.   Cause 10 generations of hell just isn’t enough.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-21-14-90Louise invites Lisa over to give her one of the puppies, because there are four dogs hogging up the home right now (the family breed challenge is a serious pain in the butt).

Sugar and Spice both love Lisa, the only kid that played with the dogs.  We decide to keep Sugar and give Spice away.  Lucky Spice.

“Please take me, Lisa, they haven’t fed me since you left, and you can imagine the horrors I’ve had to witness by your sister.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-23-50-05Don’t you just hate it when your sentry bot malfunctions.  Poor Jihoon, right in the line of fire.  He got his flamingo fried.

*pops popcorn* *snicker*

Sims2EP9 2018-05-05 23-24-33-63Woah it gets the neighbor that never leaves, Samantha Ottoman.  Maybe you should go home sometime, not that I blame you with your loser husband and twenty kids waiting at your house.  And her mother-in-law.   Maxis had a cruel sense of humor when they put this family in the neighborhood.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 13-40-17-77“Woah that was fantastic.  Can you do another bust a move!  This time add more bounce.”

Gads, motel boys only have the option to  chat… and tip them of course. Ripoff!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 14-46-19-52“Just wanted to let you know Baboon, you are doing a great job of bringing back the Uglacy’s good looks.”

“I’m Jihoon… Jihoon.”

“Yea, sure, whatever man.  I’m Gage, I’m sure you’ve heard of me.  Gagemeister, stud muffin, simself lover, most downloaded sim ever, master of the universe, Bachelor extraordinaire…”

“Er, no, doesn’t ring a bell.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 14-46-02-77“Dude, you really don’t get out much.  I was five stars back in my day and had simselves clammering to download me, and I bet you can imagine why.”

“No, I really can’t.  And please, for the love of God, please don’t tell me.”

“My mojo… it’s irresistible.  In fact, I should go into business with it.”

“Yea, you do that.  Gotta get back to my flower store now.  Good luck with that escort service or whatever the hell you’re considering.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 14-46-32-86

Yay, the pottery shop is now a 10!  Only nine more businesses to go… *sigh*

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-09-27-97Meanwhile, Louise closing in on her lifetime desire of 20 lovers. #18 Steve Jayapalan.

“Wow, it’s getting hot in here!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-04-50-78“Thanks Louise, I think I need to check myself into a burn center now.”

Talk about a girl whose electrifying…

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-15-22-41“That Louise, how dare she constantly cheat on me, although I cheated on two girls to be with her.”

Yea, Bruce, how dare she.

So since Louise moved back in, Bruce is here every flipping day… stalking…eating our food, hanging out in the hot tub.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-16-16-36“Bruce, come on, I’m trying to get my lifetime want here and you’re cramping my style. What can I do to get you to settle down?”

“Well, what I’m really pissed off about is this bowl haircut you gave me.  Look at these cool robes I morphed into after college.  I’m not the same geeky kid in a pink super hero outfit.  I’m zen and with it now.”

“I can fix that Bruce, I think.  Well I have a bronze badge so it’s iffy.  Either I’ll fix it or you will look like a clown.”

“Life is full of risks, Louise.  I’ll take it.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-22-07-72“That’s perfect.”

“Good, I’m glad you like it.  Now can you stop leaving poo on my steps and knocking over my trashcan.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, I never did that.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 14-12-05-74Really Bruce, cause I got pictures saying otherwise.  You’ve been dumping our trash… and worse…

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 14-11-47-33“I have your gnome, leave $50,000 simoleans in the mailbox tomorrow or you’ll never see him again.”

Bruce we are not paying 50,000 for a wooden gnome.


No.  Go home, Bruce.

“A grilled cheese sandwich and a game of pool?”


Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 15-20-10-56“Did you forget something?”

Er, is the garden finished yet? Lemonade STAT.  Well at least she’ll have a nice zombie tan for summer.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-40-56-70It was time to pick a mate for Sugar, and since we have opened the color green, I have Louise adopt a pit bull from the pet store.  We shall call him… Puke.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-06 15-45-47-50Puke immediately fits into the family tradition of evil dogs.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 13-54-02-69The Grunt boys certainly seem attracted to the Uglacy girls, and Louise zeros in on Buck Grunt.  He’s all for a date and dancing at Don’s Chili Palace.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 13-55-08-77But try to kiss him, and oh nooo…

“I’m not that kind of guy!  And you were with my brother Ripp!”

Details, details.  Buck and his sense of morals.  Ugh.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 14-07-18-81It took 2 annoying days of dating him, but finally!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 14-09-48-43Lover 19=Buck Grunt.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 14-14-28-11“Yes Police, my ex lover Bruce keeps walking in here like he owns the place.   Can I file a restraining order?”

“Hey Louise, got anything to eat?”

This guy will not give up.  He’s at the house every flipping day.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 22-47-16-48“You want me to go on an outing cause you’ve heard how fun I am.  Yea, I bet you have.  Will there be making out on this outing?  Well in that case…”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-02-04-13“So have you woohoo’d any repairmen yet?”

“No, the motel boy was not having it.  I did woohoo a creepy professor tho.”

“Oh nice!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-14-03-31I smell puppy love… or maybe just the pee all over the house.  Puke does seem to like Sugar, that could make things nice if I don’t have to actually lock two dogs together to build a relationship.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 22-44-55-21“Not that I mind, but why do you keep inviting me over for chicken noodle soup?  Don’t you know I like Chili?”

“Because Don, you’re a filthy flu infested neighbor that keeps coming over here and making us sick.  Now eat the damn soup!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-23-08-61Lover # 20… Nery Turner!  Yea, Louise gets her lifetime want and is platinum for life.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-24-46-20

Better yet, we get a discount on furniture!  What  a deal!  Woohooing complete strangers certainly has it’s perks!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-48-19-35With the twenty lovers out of the way, it was time to get down to baby making.  Bruce had grown on me, and he’s certainly got the ugly down.  They have a great relationship right now, so Louise proposes the big question.  I figured it was in the bag.

“Hey Bruce, since you already practically live here, I Have a a proposal for you.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-48-51-36Drumroll please… “Marry Me!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-49-40-01“No way, I’m not falling for that.”

SAY WHAT!  Ugh, he rejects her!  Totally did not see that coming.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-50-31-07Not two seconds later, “Well if you won’t marry me, let’s just make out.”

“Sure, I got no problem with that.”

They both seemed happy to totally disobey me… grrr, sims.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-56-14-50“Let’s make out on this downloaded couch, this should be fun.  I will show you the ways of yoga make out.”

Cow to dog, “You poor puppy, hey, don’t pee on the suit again.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-19 23-57-39-73“Wow, what great flexibility you have, Bruce.”

“Hours of yoga, baby.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 00-09-59-86Louise:  “Did you hear something?”

Bruce:  “Like what?”

Louise:  “It sounded like baby music.”

Bruce:  “It’s just the wind.  We refused to get married, and it’s known you have to be married in a legacy to have babies.  Legacies are neat and clean like that.”

*whistles innocently, sure sure*

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 00-10-38-13Oh no, no, no, don’t you dare pass out Jihoon and ruin my noble composure handicap.  Nevermind that I forgot about you and left you tending the garden all day.  Is he technically passed out if he is standing upright still.  I say, NO.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 00-12-03-79Drink your lemonade and go to bed…  that was close.  Jihoon nearly pee’d himself too.  I managed to keep him on his feet and clean so I didn’t lose the handicap, but it was very, very close.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 15-07-41-86Louise invites Bruce on a date.  When asked what he wants on their date, Bruce apparently wants to cheat on Louise with Emily Lew.  Wow.  Just wow.  And I thought my sims were jerks.

Louise isn’t bothered in the least.  Typical romance sim.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 14-30-38-79After finishing their date with some woohoo, Louise does manage to get a ring on Bruce technically by piercing it through his lip.  She asked him to move in, which he promptly accepted to spite his refusal to marry her.  It’s the next best thing to marriage.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 15-25-20-70Now this is confusing, he wouldn’t marry Louise but his first big want is to propose to her.  And to bathe our dogs.  It just doesn’t get any better that this.  Now he wants to marry her.  And the dogs do need baths, so it’s a win, win.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-20 15-26-40-25“Louise, baby, I’m old fashioned and just wanted to do the proposing.  Will you marry me?”

Fortunately, Louise hasn’t rolled any fears of marrying Bruce.  I have some fears about him, like he needs medication, but she doesn’t. Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 12-38-05-56Just in the knick of time, because generation 4 is on it’s way.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-18-42-07Let’s talk Bruce.   Bruce is an Aquarius, who enjoys playing bass and avoiding work.  He is lazy, sloppy, and playful.  Although nice, he is shy (lies) and prefers dark hair and cologne, but hates little old ladies with gray hair.  His interest include entertainment and culture (Ha!) and his inventory includes one gnome (I wonder where he got that).

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 12-39-34-82And now we have a new stalker, Emily Lew.  Great.

“Well she took my man!  That hussy.”

Yea, cheating with him on you while you were cheating with him on another girl.  Your indignation is so justified.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 13-22-36-17Meanwhile, Louise engages in the most painful, time-consuming interaction in Sims 2.  Passing perks.  This literally could kill a sim time wise, so I have started to do it off the home lot so it doesn’t age my sims.

“And then there’s clocking out.  You have to clock these whiny employees out before they get unhappy, or they will quit on you.”

‘Yea mom, okay.  Can we go home now.  It’s not like I’m ready to pop this kid out or anything.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-31-12-17The wedding was hurried for obvious reasons.  It went well except for a few problems.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-28-56-55Shaun apparently borrowed Uncle Gage’s suit for the wedding.  Nice.

“Shut up, you don’t give us nice clothes anymore.”

You’re a spare, I don’t have the time to make you look good.  Not my fault you left college with that unfortunate get up.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-32-54-86Wendy was apparently very happy that her daughter was getting married.

“Yea, finally she can stop whoring around and start having babies.  Tiffany dear, when are you and Tank tying the knot.”

“Oh you know mom, we’re enjoying the spare life right now.  I’m sure he’ll get to the question soon enough.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-32-23-98All in all everyone was happy about the nuptials, except for Danae, the cow from college, who showed up and glared at everyone.

“How dare these people marry when I flirted with both of them!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-41-29-80And Emily Lew who seriously showed up uninvited as a wedding crasher.

“Hey have I missed the wedding?  No problem, I can ruin the reception.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-42-46-90Speaking of missing the wedding…

“Lisa, where are you, why aren’t you here for your twin sister’s wedding.  What do you mean she invited your dog but not you?  Get over here pronto.”

True story, we could invite the dog but not Lisa… weird glitch?

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-43-30-39Finally we can celebrate… what?!  Someone died?!  How dare they in the middle of a wedding.

Mustard took the opportunity to pass away and screw up the wedding at this very moment.  Way to go Mustard.  Told you dogs are a pain.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-45-50-16No one seemed particularly upset over Mustard, except poor old Lulu, who howled for hours.  😦

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-46-49-63“I would like to take a moment to toast my beautiful daughter and new son in law, Bruce.  May your love be a symbol of loyalty, faithfulness, and commitment for years to come.”

“Cough, cough, not likely.”

“What was that Emily Lew?”

“Er nothing, just my champagne went down wrong.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-48-56-25“Oh my God, the dead dog is stinking this wedding up!”

Okay, not really, it’s the live dog.  Fooled you.

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-50-09-10Time to cut the cake, and this would have been a lovely picture if not for fricking Emily in the background swooning over Shaun in his outrageous suit.

“Oh my,  a fellow romance sim with good taste in animal prints.”

“Er, no really I’m not a romance sim… and this suit isn’t mine.”

“Be still my beating heart.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-48-00-06The thought bubbles say it all.  Geesh. Can anyone focus on the wedding please?!

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 14-53-49-31Lisa finally shows up at the end of the reception.

“Wendy, maybe we should use the wishing well and find Lisa a nice young man.”

“Lisa’s gay dear.”

“What?  When did this happen?”

“About three chapters ago.  You really need to pay more attention, Jihoon.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 15-00-26-21Sometimes I get so annoyed with my sims, and then they autonomously do something cute like this.

“Whose grandpa’s baby, huh?  Who is, you is.  That’s who.”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 15-56-53-37Green Acres is the place to be…

“Shut up narrator.  Who puts a pregnant girl out in the hot sun and has her planting a garden?!  I better not get burned again!  There is only one thing worse than this!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-07-40-63“Louise, I need to discuss travel perks with you…”

“Mom seriously, a thinking cap and using the fall advantage?  Do you really think this will help?”

“I’m desperate, all this work and you only have 4 perks…”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-16-51-65“Aww, this is the life.  Just chilling by the pool.  Is that screaming I hear?”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-22-05-64“Dear, please, you don’t have to be so dramatic about the perks.”

“It’s not that, mom.  The baby is coming!”

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-24-15-45Meet Seth, named for the main character in the horror movie, The Fly.
Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-25-35-75I don’t think I’ve ever seen a family so happy about a baby.  Maybe it’s cause they are all family sims… well all except…

Sims2EP9 2018-05-27 23-27-28-22“Here you go, Bruce… take the baby.  You’re the family sim.  I want to go take a bubble bath.”

And that’s it folks, I finally caught up.  Join us next time for more simming mishaps.  Until then, happy simming!






Chapter 10- Tricks and Treats

Sims2EP9 2017-08-11 22-39-57-86When we last left the Uglacies, all of the kids had arrived at college.  A poll for the heir was on.  The viewers have spoken.  The votes are in… who reigned supreme as the next Uglacy heir?  Drum roll please…  bum bum bum bum…

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-42-03-77Louise Uglacy… come on down!  You won by 71% of the votes with 15 votes.  Tiffany came in second at 4, and Shaun had one vote.. and Lisa had one vote.  I mean come on, was there any doubt… she’s an ugly zombie with a unibrow… and the romance aspiration to have 20 simultaneous lovers.  If that doesn’t scream Uglacy, I don’t know what does.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-11 22-43-59-62“Now wait one frickin, frackin second here… I demand a recount!  I obviously was groomed to be the Uglacy heir.  This isn’t fair!”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-11 22-44-33-68“Get a grip sis, the votes are in and the polls are public at  It’s not like I ever wanted this gig anyways.  Now I have to settle down and have a bunch of brats.”

Lisa:  “I’d love to have some babies and…”

“OH shut up Lisa!  Take your family loving aspirations out of here, would you?!  You are way too pretty to be heir.”

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 16-43-22-18“Great, now I’ve got to play the part.”

Let’s work on getting out of the dorms and into the Uglacy Greek House.

“Fine, fine, these nerds should be showing up anytime.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-12 17-41-57-14“Yay, try to catch us!”

“Ha, ha, tag you’re it.”

“I’m not going to let you talk to me, ha ha ha.”

“Er, remind me again, I want to be part of this Greek House because?”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-12 17-42-34-13“Gooo Verbits… oh yay.  This is so much fun.”

“Your school cheer sucks.  I’m not sure you are pledge material. We need a better performance.  One more time with feeling.”

“Grrr, I’ll give you feeling bowl hair boy.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-12 23-36-33-03“She’s in there sucking up to the Greek House that I was supposed to get into first, because I was supposed to be heir.”

“Oh get over it, Tiffany.   Why don’t you join Buck and me in our interpretive dance of pathetic sibling wannabes.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-12 23-49-00-28“Tank, thank goodness you came to college.  Not all is lost… I’ve missed you so much… *slurpy, kissy noises…*

“Tiffany, baby, me and my brothers got a cool little apartment on campus.  We finally got away from my crazy old man.”

“Oh I’m so glad you’re here, you’re my one true love.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 00-59-58-53

5 Minutes later…”OH my goodness, that Phil is dreamy…”

Er… okay.  Don’t let Tank hear that Tiffany.

“Tank, Tank who?”

Fortune sim, my butt.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-12 23-51-58-26“So we took a vote, and you managed to corner all of us and befriend us.  Welcome to the Uglacy Greek House!”

“Great.  This is almost as exciting as the day I got potty trained.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 00-56-50-54“Do I really have to go… I mean there are free meals at the dorm and lots of guys.”

It’s a legacy college tradition…  and they have a hot tub and double beds.

“Well in that case… call the taxi!”

Spoken like a true romance sim.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-37-42-86“OK bowl cut boy, time for a new look.  And I dyed it  to match the color of that pink power ranger suit you insist on wearing.”

“WOW, I love it.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-39-16-67Makeovers become the new initiation for pledges… because there is no greater torture than a bad makeover.

“Way to go on the blush, sis!  You know zombies can’t pull off this color.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-41-42-13“Wait, you’re telling me I have to wear this until the pledge period is over?!  I just though I had to write your term paper, scrub a toilet or two, but this is ridiculous.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-46-57-75But of course she gets Phil’s right the first try…

“OH baby, it’s so me… I’m feeling all Austin Powers.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-47-25-26“She is so fine!  I would tap that.”

“He is so fine!  I would tap that.”

From one romance sim to another.  But then they would literally tap anything.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-58-53-86Not that the *cough, cough… the fortune sim is much better.

“What?!  I’m just relaxing.  Nothing wrong with chilling in Phil’s bed.  It’s economical.  I save on buying a bed.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 14-55-17-78“Chris, this is award winning chili.  They aren’t kidding, Don’s recipe is to die for.”

“So right, Phil, let me reach in and grab your heart.”

And there are some rumors about Don’s famous chili… no comment.  Let’s just say I bet our secret recipe would make those baked bean amateurs pee themselves.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-10-04-29Speaking of Don, his Chili Palace is hugely popular.  Louise takes all her dates there, which should keep him in business alone.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-11-54-49The simselves flock like crazy.  They buy his desserts faster then he can stock the shelves.

Blueberry Pie:  “But what do you mean you’re out of Blueberry Pie?”

Cowforbrains:  “How about some fresh sim pies… I mean meat pies?”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-13-54-17Pony’s simself:  “Come on hostess, I want some chili already.  I’ve been standing here eyeing this menu for two hours.  How long must I tap my feet impatiently?”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-16-30-30Even Bella Goth hangs out here, although she seems to want some weird vegan version of Don’s chili.  Figures.

“Well I have a figure to maintain.  Not everyone can pull off this red dress.”

That’s not what I hear… cough, cough…

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-28-23-16Speaking of… victim #1 Kenneth Grundstorm.  Only 19 simulataneous lovers left to go and have to be completed within one year to get her life time want… CAN she do it?  Because once we hit the Junior year Louise has to re-roll as the heir and likely will not get romance and the same lifetime want.  The clock is clicking.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-31-01-96“Well I was going to haul her off to the secret society… but never mind.”

Actually happened.  He never did come back for Louise, not sure if she missed her chance, but hey, she was busy getting busy.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 15-32-17-15“I moved in, can I wipe this makeup off now?”

And lose that fantastic lipstick. No way.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-05-56-44“So to properly bow Phil, you have to look down lower, lower… yes, right there.”

Louise:  “I’m totally on to you Tiffany.”

“Shut up Louise, you got no room to talk.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-29-16-00Victim #2, Ravi Do… yea I didn’t make that up.  He looks a lot like her grandpa Don.  Feeling a bit Game Of Thrones here.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-29-40-72Not that that stopped us.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-41-04-24Whose that hussy just a walking up the street…

“I am not a hussy.  I run the finest sorority on campus.”

Sure, sure Heather Huffington.  Whatever you want to call your sordid little den of sins.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-42-29-12“Oh Heather, long time no seee.”

And I actually forgot Barbara the cheerleader had a fling with Heather back in the day until she ran up and smooched her as a “hello”.  But then hasn’t everyone had a fling with Heather?  Her lips are the petri dish of the campus.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-43-43-65Another fine member of our Greek House establishment is pissed off Chris who is furious with Tiffany for no reason whatsoever.  Chris has anger management issues.

“Maybe cause I’d like to graduate sometime in the next ten years.  Or Maybe cause you actually turned my girlfriend into a brain eating zombie and kicked her out of this house because you were too lame to figure out how to get a mod out of your game!  Or maybe it was the time you had one of your heirs use me, then throw me away because I wasn’t ugly enough… or…”

OKAY Chris.  Go color or something.  Geesh, you should just be grateful to get game time.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-55-11-34Victim #3… Rip Grunt.  The poor forgotten middle brother of the grunt family.  Surely this kid needs some love.  Lets go all out.  Put on the disco dress for this one.

“Tell me what you want, what you really, really want…”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-53-41-90“I want to be friends with my little brother Buck.”

“Wow.  Way to kill the mood.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-57-21-31Better start out with a peck, Louise.  Don’t want to scare the crap out of him.  As the lioness nears the prey… ever so cautiously…

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 16-56-29-45Awww, first kiss.  I guess none of my sleezy sims have gotten to him yet. Until now.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-00-45-61“Rip, hold my hands and look deep into my social glasses…”

“Rip!  Get away from that she wolf!  She’s just going to use you and throw you away… just like our mother did to dad!”

Now, now Tank, get your sim story history correct.  Your mother did not cheat on your dad, she died mysteriously… while watching TV with Olive Spectra or something.  Bella was the big cheater in Sims 2.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-01-37-61550 interactions later… 4 beers, a bag of popcorn, and 54 cuss words…

“Yay, you’re my best friend.”

GADS he is so hard to get… what college boy plays this hard to get?!

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-05-27-65Of course, it’s not helping that Tank is hovering. “I’m warning you, Rip, she’s the college tramp…”

“SHUT UP Tank!  You always try to ruin everything for me!”

Technically Heather Huffington is the college tramp.  I just needed to clarify that for the readers.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-06-17-48“Your brother’s just jealous.  Let’s forget about him and have a good time.  What do you say, Rip?”

“You really like me?”

“Er sure I do.”

“That’s great, but I got to go now.  I have to study to maintain the Dean’s list.  See you later.”

ARRRRGH.  Really Rip?!  We are on a time crunch here.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-20-20-15The next day… finally.  She deflowers poor little Rip.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-30-06-92Sadly he shows up with flowers that evening while she started courting a new potential lover.

“I thought I was special to you.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-30-39-69‘Fine, I’ll just take my flowers and go.”

And he did.  He didn’t even get mad.  It was kind of sad and pathetic.  Poor Rip.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-39-50-22Not that it slowed Louise down.  Victim 4 was Juan Copur, the dorm zombie whose brain eating tendencies had finally disappeared along with the mod.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-44-22-44But who should show up… Rip’s brothers.  This crap only happens in my game.  Keep in mind I have no control over Buck or Tank, they just happened to be at the party and stalked the hot tub all on their own freewill.

“See Buck, not even a day and she’s already forgotten about Rip and moved on.”

“Tramp!  Trash!  CHEATER, CHEATER!”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-46-17-36“Er, these guys are really starting to creep me out, Louise.”

“Just ignore them, Bob, they’ll go away.”

“Juan, my name’s Juan.”


Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-47-14-00OH My God!  I have had Banned 4 Life pictures before but Buck Grunt poses for the all time kill!  He’s one kinky freak.  Buck is not afraid to take it to the next level.  I need some soap for my eyes.  He’s enjoying that mohawk way too much.

Tank:  “GEESH Buck, even I’m outta here!  You little creeper.”

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-00-24-91Thank goodness Don was there to save the day and make the party a roof raiser.  Chris graduated,  freeing up a spot for Shaun, the last remaining Uglacy in the dorm, to move in.  Now all the Uglacies are in their Greek House.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 17-09-23-21Feeling a little bad for Chris, I had Aurora, his zombie girlfriend from chapters ago, came over and eat his face, and they lived happily ever after.  Actually she didn’t eat his face because I finally figured out how to get that mod out of my game.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-27-19-28Barbara, Noseferatus’s girlfriends from chapters ago, also graduated, and maybe, if I have time, I will move her into his downtown apartment and they will live happily ever after too.  But that is a big maybe. I barely can maintain one family of time sucking sims.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-49-44-24Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-49-50-99Barbara grows up while Shaun hates her with a passion of a 100 angry faces and wants to literally see her dead ghost.  See exhibit A above.  No one seems to particularly like Barbara and her cheer-leading ways.    Thank goodness she is moving out before he moves in or chaos would be inevitable.  Especially since he is oddly attracted to her too.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-51-08-14“What a great party!”

Arggggh… what the hell?  Where did she come from?  And why is this grandma is her undies… eeew.  Some questions are better left unanswered.

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-17-22-45I finally figured out that while carnivals won’t work if you own the business, they will work if you just make them a community lot.  I didn’t actually make this lot, I think I downloaded from Mod The Sims.  But yay, unlike the horrendous mess we made of spending all the Uglacy’s money on an amusement park that didn’t work, now this one does.   BECAUSE ITS NOT MINE. That’s why.

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-16-27-08“OH my gosh, this roller coaster actually moves!”

“I had no idea they could actually move, or that we could sit in them.  Amazing!”

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-19-56-91“Arrrgh, the haunted house is actually haunted, with badly singing and dancing skeletons.”

“That’s right baby, and no matter how bad our singing is, you better never delete this lot, or we will seriously haunt your game by crashing it… muhaha.  Come on Boys!  Let’s break out in a chorus of Justin Bieber songs!”

True story boys and girls… never delete modded npc’s or your game will be eternally cursed.  I have learned the hard way that you should read the fine print on Mods.

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-34-59-05Speaking of npc’s, is it any surprise that the charlatan is actually drawn to the railroad tracks?

“AHA, finally, I can do more than pick pocket mere sims.  Now I can kidnap fair maidens and tie them to the track, muhaha.  It is a glorious day!”

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-33-54-51“Hey I need some rope and a fair maiden up here!  NO not you Sandy Bruty!  I said a fair maiden.  Where is that doofus Meadow Thayer when I need her?”

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-35-20-74“Wait, what do you mean there’s no interaction to tie a sim up on the track and kill them?  But, but that’s so unfair.  What’s the point of the tracks?!”

Sims2EP9 2017-06-11 12-36-37-73“Curses.  Foiled again.”

The Charlatan walked all over the tracks the entire time.  I was literally laughing aloud and amused by this.   He was drawn to the roller coaster tracks.  Oh if only I were a modder, the mods I would make.  Death by train tracks would be at the top.

Sims2EP9 2017-08-13 18-41-15-07But I digress.  So back at the Uglacy House, Tank walked in on Tiffany and Phil, “relaxing” as usual.


“Oh calm down Tank, Phil and I are just good friends.  We were just talking.”

“In bed?!”

“Well I said we were good friends.  Geesh.”

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 15-14-41-89“That’s it, Louise.  I’m not letting you do any more makeovers on me.  You haven’t gotten one right.  When the hell are you going to earn a badge?”

“Oh was the point to get a badge?  I thought it was to make you look stupid.  Besides, I’m too busy to actually earn a badge.”

“Don’t you mean getting busy?!”

“Getting busy is being busy.  It’s all about goals, and mine is 5 lovers… but who am I kidding?  I will never be happy.  I’m an overachiever that way.”

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 15-22-13-98Louise: “So Phil, I have a special graduation present just for you…”

Lisa:  “OH no, come on sis.  How can we be twins?”

“I donno, Lisa, you’re so NOT an Uglacy.  Come on Phil, kiss me.”

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 15-22-54-81

“Cough cough, one second while I hack up my lung.”

“Great, he’s  got the sim flu, and I have to kiss this germ infestation.”

You rolled the want.  Although now you will probably get the flu and infect every guy on campus.  Wonderful, nothing like having a sick romance sim who wants to bang everyone.  This is how STDs start boys and girls.

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 15-29-31-96Lover 5- Phil, who is potential uglacy material.  But for now he is going in the sim bin, because he has officially graduated.

“Wow that was the best graduation present ever!”

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 15-45-21-52“Woohoo, Hit my five lover goal and now on to 20.”

“Sis, can you please not run around in your underwear all day?  And besides, we are almost Juniors.  That could all change.”

“Wrong big brother.  You see after our creator re-examined the Legacy college rules, I do not have to change my aspiration as a junior.  That’s an option, not a requirement.  So guess whose going to get 20 lovers???  Oh, and here’s a hint, it’s not you.”

Yes, so change of plans.  Get Louise platinum by end of college, that way she won’t go all red when she has to start popping out Uglacy babies and doesn’t have a life.  Because nothing sucks worse for a romance sim than Legacy living.

Sims2EP9 2017-09-05 16-05-45-89Lisa, on the other hand is my most difficult sim to keep in the green right now, probably because I make her do all the cleaning and homework assignments, just like the Cinderella she is.  About to hit red, we call her girlfriend Kaylynn Bear over for a quick date and some aspiration points.

“Kaylynn, we have room now.  Why don’t you pledge and move in with us?  I feel so alone here.”

“Sure Lisa.  That sounds great.  I’d love to be used for your aspiration fodder.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 11-47-58-64Speaking of using sims, Louise is on date with Richard Menon, the original zombie that crashed my sorority house several chapters ago.  Richard went to a zombie rehab and finally stopped his brain eating ways.  All the better so Louise can seduce him as lover #6.

Time for some romantic poetry… to interpret their date.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-14-10-63Although Richard  no longer eats brains, Louise immediately realized that Richard’s insane.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-13-22-24Not that it stops her or slows her down.  She wants to make out in front of the town.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-20-59-98Romance sims are so very uncouth.  With no moral regard, they head for the booth.

The pictures they take are best left unseen, but woe the poor janitor who cleans up the scene.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-23-10-44With the shame icon of woohoo hearts still fresh over her head, Louise promptly picks the next victim to bed.

“Well hello there…”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-25-28-87When what to her wandering eyes should appear, but her hot Grandpa Goopy from past many years… NO NO NO.  We ARE NOT going that Game of Thrones.

“But he’s the hottest sim in the room!”


Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-31-11-41“The great Goopy Gilsbaro.  Wow.  You are legendary.  They don’t make sims like you anymore.”

“Well thank you kid.  Thank you very much.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-45-07-37OH no, the bachelors have arrived at the sorority house.  Gage, Gage Jr., and Goopy.   I feel like the romance sims are infesting my town faster than zombies.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-49-20-79And of course who else should show up but Heather Huffington.  Uninvited!  Are you kidding me?!

“Ohhh, hey, whose your cute uncle Louise?”

I’m sure Gage and Heather have already met… in some chapter somewhere.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 12-49-55-90“I am so honored to be in the presence of the great Gage Uglacy.  I’m not worthy.”

Seriously Heather, you need to find another role model.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-33-51-47Our little greek house on Peanut Street is expanding…

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-31-40-28Every house has it’s “I HATE YOUR GUTS” relationship.  This one is Lisa and Bruce.

“Well yea!  He’s such a ridiculous dork. Like look at him.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-58-10-94Meanwhile Louise is busy getting busy again.  This time with Count Holden.

“I heard you vampire dudes are all about a good time.”

“Vell ve do like our pleasure aspurrations.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-59-11-62“Well, well, well.  Who do we have here, but the little tramp who broke Ripp’s heart.”

“Er, hello General Grunt.  Yea, that’s me, I deflowered poor Rip.  Now can you get out of the way.  We want to go dancing at the Crypt.”

“Yea,why don’t you make me.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-59-34-68“Very vell, if you insist… you vant to let me suck your bluudh.”

“Wow… I never noticed what big fangs you have.  You must have a great dental plan.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 18-59-58-06“Yeah well you boys have fun, I’m going dancing.  See you inside Count.”

“Slurp, gulp, ves, ves, I vill be dare in ah minute.”

Meanwhile I was smacking my head against the keyboard.  I didn’t think vampires autonomously attacked downtown and the last thing I needed was a vampire General Grunt.  UGH!  Although, this could be hilarious.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 19-02-44-33“Sorry vear,  I vas momentarily distracted.  Now vhere vore veee.”

“No problem Count.  Kind of glad you bit that idiot.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 19-05-44-51“Oh, you svell delicious.”

“You’re not biting me are you?”

“Er… no… maybe… vust a vittle nibbling.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 19-07-07-19“Wow, I can see with all new vampire eyes… and she is hawt!  I see what my son saw now.  Hubba, hubba.”

“Is that weirdo swooning over me?”

“Ignore him, vear.  Time es vunning out, vet’s go vack to your vlace and I can suck your bluuud.. I vean vee can make sweet love.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-09 19-30-26-10Oh so disappointing Count Holden.  Only 500 aspiration points.  Pffft.  And I thought vampires were supposed to be great lovers.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-13-37-13Well they can’t all be Casa Novas.  Time for a change of pace… A HALLOWEEN PARTY!

I do love to download for the holidays.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-30-52-45

“Did someone say party!”

No party would be complete without this little zombie.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-15-44-01“Ladies, Gagemeister here, ready to full fill all your wishes.  All you have to do is rub my bottle…”

Arrgh.  Of course he shows up.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-36-45-07“Look, I even brought a friend.  How about a little probing?”

“Um, normally I do the probing…”

“Wrong again.  I’m the mad scientist here. I’m just going to grab your heart.  Er, you do have a heart right?”

“Of course.  It has ten chambers and its’ own condominium.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-32-56-19

“Guess who I am?!”


“Dang it!  How could you tell?”

“Oh I don’t know.  The camouflage eyes perhaps.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-26-36-46
“OH geesh Lisa!   Will you stop beating up Bruce already?”

“Why Louise?  Is he another of your lovers?”

“NO!  You’re totally ruining the party score.  Now he’s going to be running around whining at everyone.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-32-00-30“Waaah, and then she beat me up.”

“Dude, get over it already.  By the way, you’re dressed awesome for Halloween.”

“These are my regular clothes… waaaah.  Nobody understands me.”

NO, no we don’t.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-19-47-85“Lisa, oh my darling but you have grown up.”

“ER yea, GRANDPA Goopy.  Can you dial that thought bubble down.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-20-43-20“Seriously, you need to get into SIM PE and make some adjustments.  Having great uncle Gage and great grandpa Goopy hitting on me, is too much.”

Well it’s okay now.  He’s hitting on your girlfriend, Kaylynn.


Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 23-05-16-20“Heather!”


Oh look, slut sisters from another mother… isn’t that precious.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-29-38-54“Sure, sure, we always get the bad wrap.  But where would sims be without the romance sim?  Am I right guys?  I mean fortune sims are so boring.  And then you have knowledge sims, ugh.  Who wants to see a sim study all day?  And popularity sims reek of being utter annoying.  Pleasure sims aren’t half bad, but family sims, they are just romance sims disguising their desires in ‘oh, I want ten babies’.   Nobody wants ten brats, they just want to make the babies.”

“I completely agree, Heather.  It’s us romance sims that make this game exciting.”

“We could run this show Goopy.  Everyone should be our love slaves.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-30-53-28“Well I did have a fan club once…  It was almost like having love slaves, only they didn’t love me, and they wouldn’t do what I wanted them to.”

“Because they were everything but romance sims, Gage.  Simselves are never romance sims.  We should get one of those aspiration thingie bop things, and make everyone a romance sim.”

“Even the simselfs?”

“OH especially the simselfs.   Can you imagine?   It would be like one big sim orgy of love!”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-43-18-13We interrupt the romance sims evil plotting to bring you this, the Greek House is all set up to party for Halloween!  Almost all these goodies can be found at Mod the Sims.  Now let’s return to our party in progress.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-46-22-98Apparently Lisa was able to get Kaylynn away from Goopy, and really likes her Halloween costume.  Kaylynn Bear is actually quite pretty without the plain Jane haircut.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 23-23-48-24While Shaun and Lindsey realized they had a two bolt connection.



Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 23-25-21-75“I never noticed that you were attractive until you covered your face in makeup.”

“Me either.  Wow.  There’s just something so sexy about clowns.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-48-40-25“But I can’t hula.”

“You just wave your arms like this Heather.”

“OH my Gawd, it’s so complicated!”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-38-25-12Cause this is thriller, thriller night…and no one’s gonna save you, from the beast about to strike.  You know it’s thriller, thriller night…

Heather:  “OH boolprop!  Now you guys are doing the zombie with Don?!  Why do you guys have to do all the hard dances!”

“They aren’t hard Heather, you’re just mentally challenged.”

“Can’t we do the macarena?”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-47-46-14Meanwhile, outside…

“Listen Louise, I’ve really been wanting to talk to you.”

“Ripp, you’re a nice boy and all, but you need to understand, I never wanted anything serious.”

“No, no.  I totally get it.  I’m a romance sim too.”

“WHAT?!  You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Honest.  In fact I’ve already rolled the want for 3 lovers and 10 make out sessions.  So you see, you don’t need to avoid me at all.  Well, except when you’re on  a date or flirting because I will totally see that as cheating even though I really don’t care.  Such a lame over-reaction built into the game.”

“I know, right?!”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-48-31-82

“Well he may have forgiven you, but I haven’t.”

“Wow, I suddenly feel daggers staring into my back.”

“Your day of reckoning is coming.”

“Yea, okay Tank.  By the way, you may want to stack up on some garlic necklaces the next time you go visit daddy-o.”


Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-54-00-94Where are you going Queen Tiffany?

“Visiting campus, I’m getting a pizza.”

But I just laid out a whole buffet for the party!

“Don’t care.  I want pizza.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-28 22-38-22-00“So I overheard you were thinking of taking over the world with romance sims?”

“No. ” *shifty eyes*  “Whoever told you that?”

“Yea, ha, ha, like you could.  Everyone knows us popularity sims rules.  People would follow us, not you guys.  That’s why we’re politicians, mayors, and generals and big wigs like that.  Romance sims are nothing but play toys.”

“You’re our play toys bitch.”


“Nothing, I was just clearing my throat.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-52-03-93“That’s weird.  Wasn’t this ornament on the porch a minute ago?  I could of sworn.”

Yeah, me too.  That’s not creepy at all.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-52-41-11“Well let’s get you off the sidewalk, little guy.”

“Your mother sucks wieners in hell!”

“What, what was that?”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-53-33-28“Are you putting me in the cop car?”

“Uh, nooo.  I’m the limousine police.  Apparently I just happened to arrive when the cops were busting up your party.”

“But you are a cop?”

“Erm, sure.”

So the secret society finally comes back for Louise on Halloween, after she’s befriended a gazillion of them.   A little late on the take.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-54-30-34

Cop:  Hmmm, that’s odd.  It looks like he has handcuffs on her.  Could he possibly be kidnapping her?  Maybe I should look into it, of course that would mean interrupting my super important job of breaking up parties after midnight.

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-55-10-31

Well he does seem to be forcing her into that suspicious limo…

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-55-46-39

“Hello young man.  Is everything okay?  I couldn’t help but notice you shoving a handcuff woman into your car.”

“It’s um fine.  She just dressed up as a victim for Halloween.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 12-56-13-27

“Oh well carry on then.  What a  nice young man.  Silly me, thinking something was amiss.  Must be those over-perceptive cop instincts of mine.  I’m sure she’s fine.”

Sims2EP9 2017-10-29 13-39-00-25

Yeah, I’m sure she’s just fine!

Happy Halloween everyone, and maybe next time I will actually get these kids to their graduation!  Until then, keep on simming!




Chapter 9, Carnie Folks

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 01-49-21-51Welcome one, welcome all, to a Sims 2 business you will not soon forget.  I know I won’t.   No matter how hard I try.   Never content to just have a simple business for my legacy family, I decide to go big or go home!  The Uglacies were becoming Carnies!!!  Which seemed like a fitting business for this family.  I went download crazy and downloaded whatever carnival crap I could get my hands on.  This beautiful carousel is made by crispsandkerosene found here:

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 00-54-47-73Yes, Tiffany (the heir to be, or so I thought, get to that later) wanted 5 top 10 businesses. So Uglacy Land was born!  Kind of like a  glitched version of DisneyLand for sims.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 00-45-04-87There were bumper cars (by Echo at the Mod the Sims and at her site

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 01-46-09-72A ferris wheel from Ilana Sims.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 02-01-01-75Bop the evil clown on the head… and that looks like it would actually damage your hand.  This disturbing game was also designed by Crisps and Kerosene Sims.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 02-01-57-36Cotton candy, popcorn stands, also by Crisps and Kerosene Sims.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 00-49-37-45Even a pie eating and hot dog eating contest table by Crisps and Kerosene.  I also have roller coaster capabilities per Echo at Mod the Sims, unfortunately, the Uglacies literally ran out of money and to be truthful, it was not a good business endeavor.  It turned out to be hugely painful, expensive, and a flop.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 00-52-10-12First of all, the townies seemed genuinely confused by the items.

“Popcorn?!  But what is this?”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-47-22-80Not that Tiffany couldn’t sell it.

“Come on Pazlo.  You’re preggers dude.  Surely you deserve some cotton candy to compensate for that alien PTSD you’re dealing with.”

“You’re right!  Fluffed sugar makes everything better!  I’ll take two.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 00-50-54-00But the business pretty much sucked.  *crickets chirping*

“Do I still have to stand here?”

Yes, Lil White Comet.  Sadly you uploaded your simself to be tormented… and this is what happens when you play with strangers.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-57-20-00Not to mention the lot was twilight zone glitchy.

“How did I get up here?”

NO idea, because there are no stairs there anywhere.  The carnival had issues.  For one, none of the sims could autonomously ride the rides, and the bumper cars disappeared every time we left the lot. I figured out later that carnival items were not meant for Open for Business, and should only be used as a random community lot.  Or maybe a better sim player than me.

Guess I should read directions more. You know, those read it files I totally ignore when downloading content.  Well, let’s tune in to the legacy family already in progress.  We’ll get back to this train wreck of  a business decision later.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-39-42-36First of all, Wendy, the heir, spent way too much time on the energizer… and turned into an aging professor.

“GET me out of these clothes, now!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 10-06-51-62Jihoon ages soon after, he tries to go all classy with a suit…

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 23-30-30-58But I soon fix that.  Oh, and his skin matches his flamingo!

“You constantly leave us out here burning in the sun!  We’ve all got sunstroke trying to get your stupid wishing well from the garden club.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 23-38-44-33I would  argue that point except I actually considered that Shaun of the Dead might really be Shaun of the Dead…  Thankfully, he was only passed out.  All day.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 22-17-52-05Meanwhile, Tiffany (the firstborn) was dating Tank Grunt whose General father loathes the Uglacies.  It was like Romeo and Juliet… sort of.

“Oh Tank, I’m so glad you decided to go bowling with me.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 22-12-24-94“Cause I’m gonna kick your ass… booyah!”

“Oh baby, that’s good, but you know I got all these body points from running my old man’s obstacle course.  No way are you going to win.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 22-13-41-86“Er, that was just a warm up shot.”

Yeah.  Sure.  She beat the snot out of him.  Better practice up on that obstacle course if you want to compete with an Uglacy.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 22-08-10-79Not that he seemed to mind.  Tank is apparently drawn to strong… mean, vicious women with no nice points.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 22-19-26-83“Move aside kiddies.  Let Glenda the good witch show you how it’s done.”

“OH my gosh, I didn’t know witches bowled?!”

“Yeah, we got a league.  We get together every Tuesday.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 22-34-02-49Tiffany was my chosen heir without a doubt, until this picture.  The twins Louise and Lisa grew up, they both look too pretty to consider for heirship to an Uglacy… until you look closer.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 22-34-29-88Oh my gosh, how did I miss it before.  Why that is Gage Uglacy’s nose planted on that kid’s face.  And she’s a zombie!!!  Louise even follows in Uncle Gage’s foot steps by rolling romance… fantastic,  you little hussy.  Her lifetime want to have 20 simultaneous lovers… oh she will be re-rolling in college, but the fun until then.  Her secondary aspiration is pleasure… oh boy.  Her personality is 9 neat, 8 outgoing, 6 active, 4 playful, and 8 nice.  I think we have competition for the heir ship after all.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 22-34-46-95Lisa, on the other hand, has the makings of a Prettacy heir.  She rolls family, with a lifetime want to marry off 6 kids.  Her secondary aspiration is popularity.  She’s mean… typical prettacy material.  Her personality is 10 neat, 3 outgoing, 10 active, 4 playful, and 2 nice.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-12-59-41“That’s right mirror, mirror on the wall.  I am the prettiest one by far.”

Lisa is very, very vain.  She loves mirrors.  I constantly have to pull her away from them. How ironic.  Or predictable.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 20-26-30-86“Hey sister, get a picture of me.  Look at my goldfish lips.  I’m so hawt.  And you’re not.”

EEe gads, look at all that homework,  only one thing to do.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 19-57-37-13“This is so unfair!  Why do I have to do everyone’s homework!”

Because you’re the pretty one, Lisa.  And as the Cinderella spare, that’s your job.

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 00-22-39-02Peppy died, and unfortunately, I did not even notice.  In fact there was no urn anywhere, and I looked for days.  And I have yet to see his ghost.  Not sure if it all glitched or what.   But Teddy howled and howled… so at least someone missed him.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 00-48-01-98In addition, Lulu and Ketchup kept up the pet handicap, and Lulu gave birth outside in the rain to two puppies.  Who she left in the pouring rain.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 00-55-16-94While she was all snug and nestled in a nice warm house.  Great puppy parenting there.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 00-50-39-36Fortunately, Louise rescued Sugar and Spice and brought them indoors.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 00-59-40-85Where Teddy and Ketchup made up for their sucky mom.  Now we have five dogs.  Love the family breed handicap (NEVER doing that one again for one measly point!).

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-50-02-57And finally after years and years of literally gardening and begging that stuck up club to let us in…

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 20-59-02-24Victory is ours!  The wishing well!

“I wish I may, I wish I might, have lots of friends to use tonight!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 20-59-48-35“Your will is our command.”

“Oh wow.  This is much creepier than I imagined.”

Shaun, being a pleasure sim with a want for 50 first dates, waste no time making good use of the well to nab a first kiss.  Apparently he gets a Geisha girl.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-59-45-41Which seems to be a trend with this well.

“I see.  International dating.  Okay, then.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-38-55-14Meanwhile, it seems fitting to catch the twins up on helping with the family business.  But all they want to do is play red hands.

“Well it’s boring here.”

“Yeah,   No one ever shows up on this lot.  It’s dead.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-41-02-28“I know, let’s eat all the profits.”

Wait, hey, I didn’t tell you to do that… grrr.  I am going to turn your free will off.  I mean it!  Back away from the goodies!

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 11-56-11-81“Debbie, so glad you could make it.”

“Well you forced me to come over here after you forced me to be your friend with the wishing well and…”

“Sssh, sssh, shh.  What does it matter?  Come in and see the carnival.”

“OH cool, can I ride rides?”

“Er, no, they are all broken.”

“Can I play games?”

“Well technically yea, but watch the spiked clowns, a townie lost his hand last week.”

“Erm, can I buy cotton candy?”

“If my sisters haven’t eaten it all.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 12-17-12-41

Yay, our first level 10 business.  It’s a miracle!  Really… it is.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 22-39-27-77“Hey Louise, it’s summer.  Let’s go hang out at the pool, steal some more drinks from the bar, and smustle all night long.”

“Sorry Mehrissa.  I can’t do anything anymore.  Someone realized I’m ugly and wants me to catch up on my skilling.”

“Oh bummer man.  Sucks to be you.  Guess I’ll go hang out with your dad.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 22-47-07-20“Gee Mr. Uglacy.  This seems inappropriate.”

Yea, Jihoon, way to watch porn with the neighborhood teenagers.

“ITS a HORROR show.”

Sure, sure…  whatever you say.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-35-25-60“Johnny, so nice of you to come to dinner.”

“Yea, well I wasn’t sure it was a good idea.  Rumor is you’re going steady with Tank.”

“I’m not that committed.  I actually have two bolts for you too.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-50-42-98“Really?  That’s awesome Tiffany.  Because I’ve had the hots for you ever since we met at the carnival and you forced me to buy popcorn.”

“OH noo, no, no.  Not Johnny too!  Why can’t she see me, Buck?  I’m the one she should be with.  Not my brother Tank, and certainly not that pollinator kid!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-55-19-59Wendy:  “Oh hi Buck, over here for dinner again.”

Buck:  “Mrs. Uglacy, I can’t look.  Tiffany is… is with that Johnny kid.”

Wendy:  “Er,  okay.  Want to play some pool, Buck?  I got a great trick shot.”

Buck:  “Don’t you understand.  My heart is breaking.”

Wendy:  “I think we have some lemonade for that.  Wait, that’s for heatstroke.  Never mind.  You’re shit out of luck, kid.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 00-05-12-89“Mfff, you’re so fine, Tiffany.”

“Oh Johnny.”  *Insert uncomfortable kissy noises.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 00-00-37-66“HOW DARE YOU TIFFANY!”

“Ouch, Buck.  What’s your problem.  Is it because I cheated on Tank?”

“Er… yes.  Exactly.  With his arched nemesis no less.  You refuse to see my, I mean his love for you!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 23-37-47-29“Sister, talk to me!  Oh my boolprop, what has she done to you?”

“Must be heir… zzzz.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 10-47-50-44Meanwhile, down at the Zombie Pothead Shoppe, Shaun does his duty as a spare.

“Must get stars… mffft.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 10-50-15-56“Wait Shaun, I need to breath.  How many more stars do you need till level 10?”


“OH wow.  Ok, gimme me a minute.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-26 10-54-14-19“Good job Kid, keep it up.”

“OH for goodness sake, Gage.”

“What Don, he needed business advice, I gave it to him.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 23-46-37-62“Nose!  It’s so good to see you.”

“Wendy!  I would say you haven’t aged a bit, but er, that would be a lie.”

“Well you haven’t.”

“That’s because I’m a spare baby, no one plays me.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 00-00-16-21“Uncle Nose!  I’ve so much to tell you.  Apparently I’m in the running for heir now.”

“OH Louise, I am so sorry.  That’s a bad break.”

“All I do is skill now!  It totally sucks.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 01-05-22-02OH geesh, not this Phil kid again.  He won’t go away.  He is worse than Marsha Bruening and he has the hots for every Uglacy girl, like he wants in the family or something.  Every chapter has to have a creepy stalker.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-09-49-55“Hear you might be heir, Louise.  Oh baby, have I told you how hot you are.  Sizzle, sizzle.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-12-50-84“Fine.  I’m a romance sim, Phil.  I’ll use you for aspirational fodder.”

“Hey, I’m okay with that.  Use away.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-15-30-40“Did I mention this might be painful?”

“Er, is this like a  bad scene from Ghost?  I think I’m caught on your pottery machine.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-21-56-20“Phil, I know my sister Louise is a romance sim.   But I’m family, and I want to flirt with you and…”

“Sorry Lisa, but you’re spare material.  I’m looking to be part of this family.  I am ugly after all.”

“Phil, I hate to break the news.  You’re not ugly enough.  We have standards.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 12-18-47-36“That’s it, this chapter is definitely going to take more booze to get through.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 22-42-32-18“We are three wild and crazy guys.’

YAy, an outing of ugly men.  I feel like Louise hit the ugly trifecta.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 22-42-46-63We even have a grand prize.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 22-50-44-45“Erm, since when is Mr. Big a vampire?”

Great.  First I had rogue zombies, now I have rogue vampires.  Did this game not get the message… THIS IS NOT AN APOCALPYSE!  Gads, I just want a simple sims game.  Is that too much to ask?

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-00-26-19“So I hear your little sister Louise is up for heir.”

“What?  That’s ridiculous.  I am obviously the ugliest Uglacy child.  Plus I’m being groomed.  I have several talent badges and own all the Uglacy businesses.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-01-09-67“You’re obviously mistaken, Marion.  I’m the one all the attention is centered on.”

“I heard Louise was out on an outing the other day,  making lots of friends.  What does a potential spare need with friends?”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 11-08-39-85“Hmmf, I’ll tell you about spares.  You know you’re a spare when they make you fish for useless crap.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-10-31-20“Mr. Bear wants to say a special goodbye to you.”

“Marion get that damn bear away from me.  I’ve told you that before to stay on your medications.  Geesh, who talks through a bear, weirdo.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-25 23-13-19-37“No, no, no, the voices don’t like it when Mr. Bear goes away…”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-27 21-41-19-58“Tiffany, you’re up early.”

“Off to college mom.  Important for heirs to stay ahead of everyone.”

“Oh, okay, dear.  Well see you in a few years then.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-28 23-34-16-35“Bleh!”

Don’t tell me Mr. Big Vampire bit you.

“Nah, I drank a boot!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-29 00-01-57-93“Sis, do you really think you’re going to win this.  Tiffany’s been groomed for this for years.”

“So I’m  a long shot.  I’ve got most of my skills now.  It could happen.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-29 00-12-00-71“If I have to drink one more glass of eggplant juice…”

NOPE. You’re there!  Top of all your skills!  Time for college!

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 21-07-30-85And so the Uglacy kids were off to Sim State,  nice riding outfit Tiffany.  Tally ho!

“Hardy ha ha.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 21-59-16-12Immediately we have a crisis.  For this is no ordinary zombie.  No, no.  I downloaded a mod in my game when I was playing the apocalypse that allowed for brain eating zombies, so this is no Don the zombie.  He’s dangerous and could really mess up one of my potential heirs.  I hoped he was just passing through.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-01-34-19No such luck.  Of course he moves into their dorm.  A brain eating zombie.  I wonder what he plans to major in.


Neurology.  Makes sense.  This time though, I went into my downloads folder and found the mod.  Hopefully the threat was eliminated.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-43-11-55“Hi everyone, before we sign off, I just want to say, I’m Tiffany, and I should be heir, because obviously I am the ugliest.  Also I am a neat freak (10 pts.), a bit shy (3 pts.), really active (9 pts.), very playful (9 pts.) and mean as shit (3 pts).  If my charming personality didn’t convince you, I’m a fortune sim with a lifetime want to own 5 top ten businesses.   My secondary aspiration is romance.  I want to get to the top, and I might sleep with others to do that.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-40-19-64“Wrong.  I’m Shaun, and I should be heir.”

“Er what’s wrong with your eye dude?”

“Exactly… So I am a pleasure sim with a lifetime want for 50 first dates.  I fairly neat (6 pts), a little shy (3 pts) , somewhat active (6 pts), kind of serious (3 playful pts), and super nice (10 pts.).   My secondary aspiration is family.  I’m a nice guy.  Who just wants to play the field first.  And it’s been said I look like Grandpa Don… that should make me heir alone.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-47-30-70“I’m Lisa, and I’m too pretty for this legacy, so there’s probably no point in rattling off my statistics, but because I like talking about myself, I’m a family sim with a secondary aspiration of popularity.  I want to marry 6 brats off.  I’m a neat freak (10 pts.), somewhat shy (3 pts.), overly active (10 pts.),  semi-serious (4 pts. playful), and not so nice (2 pts).”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-30 22-42-03-77“I’m Louise, and I grew up in this uni-brow all by myself because that’s how bad I want to win this.  At first, I didn’t appear that unique, until I got older.  I’m becoming more of an Uglacy with every birthday.  I’m neat enough (6 pts.), outgoing (8 pts)., active (6 pts.), somewhat serious (4 pts)., and super nice (8 pts.).  I love to love (romance) and want to be a shameless hussy and have 20 lovers at the same time.  My second aspiration is pleasure.  Plus, I’ve got zombie skin.  I had to play that card.”

Well looks like we are going to have a heir poll.  You got two choices.  Vote here through a comment (I’ll count em up) or at at my special heir poll at

Let me know who you think should carry on the Uglacy legacy.  Till next time, happy simming!

Chapter 8 Uglacy, Moving Days!

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-28-47-90I know, I literally haven’t posted since Christmas… I just finished my degree in college, so it’s time to do some serious catching up on Simming!  MY apologies.  Now let’s get to it.

Springtime arrived.  And we all know what that means for a legacy family… BABIES!  Okay, everything means babies for a legacy family because it’s all about the generations, 10 to be exact, of soul sucking, needy, difficult sims.  Anyway, we are now popping out generation 3, and as if that wasn’t fun enough, Wendy and Jihoon decide to have twins. NO, I did not use cheesecake… *sob*.  Because on top of all of that…

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-28-45-83Teddy has twins too!  Bringing our household total to 8!  But wait, there’s more…

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-23-08-63We have a whole community of cockroaches breeding as well… that I can’t get rid of because…

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-22-50-31We have glitched trash! Which I tried to wall off, which doesn’t work. It’s magical trash, folks.  You can’t delete it, you can’t cheat it (I tried), and the sims will not pick it up, but they know it’s there.  It downs their environment score and keeps them in a constant state of cockroach flu. Good times.  So to truly recap, read the other chapters for more details…because I’m too far in now.  But let’s talk potential heirs.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-34-28-96The firstborn child of Wendy and Jihoon is Tiffany, who definitely lives up to Uglacy standards.  She is the ugliest of the them all.

“Is this picture cute now?  I even added a puppy!”

Er… um… you’re unique sweetie.  Anyway, Tiffany has a great personality too.  She’s a scorpion…I mean Scorpio… She has one nice point, 9 playful, 9 active, 3 outgoing, and 10 neat.  Need I say more.  And so far she is the ugliest… but she’s lacking zombie skin which is so disappointing.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-58-27-81Then there is Shaun who literally grew up while I was paying no attention, but in my defense, there were babies and puppies being born at the same time and I was praying my game didn’t crash and burn.  Anyhow, he is a Pisces, with 10 nice points (No firstborn glitch here at least), 3 playful, 6 active, 3 outgoing, and 6 neat.  Nice and well rounded, he is the total opposite of his psycho sister.  And he grows up in pink.  Not that there is anything wrong with that… it’s just a color.  Like rosemary or lilac, or lavender.  He instantly rolls wants to do homework, ask someone to help him with his homework, and go to school… he’s as exciting as wallpaper.

“I want to go to school and do homework! OH no, school is cancelled for a snow day!!!”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-31-21-01“HAHAHA, school is cancelled suckers!”

Uh, Tiffany, where did those three gnomes in your inventory come from?!  (Seriously, I just noticed it, what the hell, the little neighborhood thief).

“None of your beeswax!  I’m building my gnome army, and I’m going to rule the hood.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-27-47-60“Okay, I’m tired of posing, I’m putting this kid on the floor now.”

“Jihoon!  Don’t you want to snuggle our little bundles of joy.”

“No, I want to go play on the computer.”

True story, Jihoon is the family sim, and Wendy is the pleasure sim, but that’s a LIE.  Anyway, meet the twins, Louise (the zombie) and Lisa (the non-zombie).  Keeping in the tradition of horror film naming, I named them after…

maxresdefault“Come Play with Us…Danny, forever and ever, and ever…”

Perhaps one of the scariest scenes ever in the Shining was the Grady twins.  I tried to find out what their first names were, but apparently they didn’t have any.  So I based the names off of the two little actresses, Lisa and Louise.   Because Grady 1 and Grady 2 seemed a bit confusing.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-47-21-71“Hey, Shaun, there’s the school bus, they are coming to take us to school after all!”

“WOW, really.  I can’t wait.  I better go get my backpack and pencils, oh and that neat calculator mom got me!”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-47-52-31“Hey, wait, I don’t see a school bus.”

“Sucker.  Your move, loser.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-50-50-75“I don’t understand.  Why do we have to feed them when they just poop it out?”

GADS Jihoon.  You are the family sim, act like it.  Where’s Louise by the way?”

“Um, she’s fine.   I just gave her some tummy time.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-55-05-58OH GOOD GRIEF! OK, don’t judge me, if you were looking for one of those perfectly, well ran pretty legacies, well you got the wrong one.  I had Wendy build a servo, but there’s too many sims in the house now. Only one thing to do…

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-32-48-81For the first time, I have my legacy family hire a butler.  They are rich, they can afford it, and I’m not going for the no sim service handicap.  However, technically it seems like cheating.

“That’s because it is madam.”

Er, hush you.  This is Vasyl, who apparently doesn’t have an upper lip.

“That is incorrect, madam.  I have a stiff upper lip, as is required for a high bred butler.”

Good Grief!  You’re going to a problem, aren’t you Vasyl?”

“Quite possibly, madam.  Now you can dismiss the other servants as I can do all that they can do.”

I would hope so with how much we have to pay you!

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-48-53-74“Oh, you poor child, your parents are atrocious especially that paternal one.”

Yes, finally now that I don’t have to worry that the babies will starve, I can focus on other things with this family.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-44-56-17Such as the tramp co-worker that keeps following Jihoon home from work, Michelle Hussy, I mean Tse.

“Why hello again, Michelle.  This is the third time in a row you’ve followed my husband home from work.”

“Gulp, er yes.  We are coworkers, he’s a college senior professor now.”

“Yes, and while that is hard in itself to believe, I really do want you to make yourself at home.  How about you serve us a meal?”

Yes, Wendy wants to influence.  I’m so proud, and why should the Uglacies cook if they can get unsuspecting townies to do it for them?

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-42-21-80Seriously Michelle, you serve them Slim FAST shakes?!

“Well, they are all bordering overweight right now…”

OH, I am just leaving Wendy on free will for this one…

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-47-19-24Sure enough, Wendy goes all lecture mode…

“WHAT?  I ask you for a meal, and you whip out nutrition shakes?!  I know you townies never have any cooking points, but I was at least expecting macaroni and cheese.”

“Well you are getting a little… erm… plump.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-47-43-56“Oh sister, you stop right there, you pop out four kids and see if you look like a twig.  You stalking husband hunting freak.  And snap, you can’t pop out those babies because you are a pretty little townie, and you know what, you will NEVER be an Uglacy.  You don’t have the skills.”

Well technically, Uglacies aren’t really known for skills but…

“SHUT up narrator.”

Yea, but they have other talents.  Like producing mean children, glitching lots, and giving free will a whole new level.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-17-47-69Still, Michelle didn’t get the hint and kept up her creepy stalking ways.  Apparently, she has a stalking outfit too, which is what she wears when she breaks into Jihoon and Wendy’s bedroom at night…   I only wish I made this crap up.

“They need to bathe their dog, that makes stalking so much harder when the house smells.  These people are so inconsiderate.  And the downstairs stinks like glitched trash.”

Well I am so sorry our house doesn’t meet your housekeeping standards of excellence for your stalking expectations.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-22-49-52-90Speaking of things that go bump in the night, Quinomei’s ghost is up and running, and pissed.

“YOU got rid of my bed!”

NO, no I did not!  Not this time.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-20-19-84I mean even in the afterlife, he’s an idiot.  I even plopped the bed in the graveyard!  It’s his old bed.  He was a stupid sim, but now he’s a stupid, pissed off ghost.

“YOU didn’t change the sheets since I died!”

OH geesh.  Seriously?!

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-11-32-46I knew that Tiffany was close to her teen birthday… I just didn’t realize how close.

“OH crud, I’m not going to make the cake. Quick brother, hide my shame.”

“Gee, this narrator lady is really bad at birthdays, isn’t she?”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-12-20-46Tiffany:  “Behold me in all my glory.”  Not that anyone paid attention.

Gage:  “Don, can you find some booze?  How are we supposed to get these party scores up without a bar?!”

Gage Jr:  (Heartfarts) “Wow, my distant cousin is looking fine.  We got enough space in the tree to…”

Shaun:  “Well if I’m not getting cake, I’m outta here.  What a lame birthday party.”

UGH!  Can you guys focus here!  This legacy family has ADHD among other things.

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-13-07-15“Ahem, doesn’t anyone want to check me out.  I’m suddenly rolling the want to own  a piano, a bowling alley, and a piece of artwork valued over $500.”

“Gee sis, I could have sworn you rolled romance with that outfit.”

“No way.  Guess what I wished for when I blew out the candles, little brother?  5 Top Businesses!”

“You do know we have 3 and they are only above like 4 or 5 stars… good luck with that one.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-24-51-89“But hey sis, you got boobs!  Can I touch them?”

“Eww, back off you little cretonne.”

Even my simself looks disturbed by this kid’s gestures.

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-28-46-89“Son, it’s fine to want to touch girl’s boobies, but erm, not your sister’s okay?”

“Dad, are we going to have the talk?”

“Do I look like a P.E. teacher to you?  I’m a college professor.  If you want that talk go to Uncle Gage… wait, on the second hand, don’t.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-16-23-29“So what do you think Grandpa Don?  I’m fortune, and I am going to make this family rich!  Didn’t I grow up great!”

“Sure kid, but I would lose the Meadow Thayer boots.  A wardrobe handicap is not picking the worst outfit you can find.”

Although that would be a fun handicap!

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-18-45-27 Meanwhile outside…our spare Nosferus is quickly regretting coming to his niece’s party.

“Cousin, what are you doing?  Have you heard of personal boundaries?”

“Hey, I’m just getting the puppy out of your chest.”

“What?  I don’t have a puppy in my chest.”

OH nooo, Gage Jr. and his…

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-19-09-01Banned 4 Life pictures!

Involving an innocent puppy no less.  Does that thought bubble blame Gage for his perversions? I mean I know Gage should have never raised a kid.  So much wrong here.

“HEY, cousin,  get your face outta my crotch!”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-19-42-87“Was that as good for you as it was for me?”

“I swear, if you don’t back off, I’m going to …”

“Bite me, suck all the blood from my body, hypnotize me into being your slave?  Yea, nothing sexual there.”

“This is Sims 2 not the Vampire Diaries.  I’ll likely wash your windows and hiss at you.”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-15-29-63“He looks a bit like Eddie Munster.   What a little weirdo.  He’s a total freak.” (Says the stalker who secretly dresses in skin tight leather).

“Yes, he is.  He’s an Uglacy original.”  *Wipes tear of pride away. 

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-22-39-18“It’s okay everyone, I know we didn’t get any cake because Tiffany had to be selfish and grow up too fast, but little Louise here is ready to shake and bake, so gather round… Ok sweetie, daddy’s going to put your face down in the burning candles now.”

Insert annoying birthday horn orchestra.

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-24-06-92Everyone in unison:  “OH man, what is that smell coming from the bedroom!  I think I’m going to puke!”

Simself:  “Come on guys, it’s the glitched trash.  Why do you got to ruin the kid’s birthday party with those thought bubbles?  Dang it, how am I supposed to get cute legacy pictures when you people constantly do this to me?”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-29-21-41Next up is Lisa, same haircut, but something tells me these two are not identical twins.

Ones got an aloha dress and the other one is all Mary Poppins.

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-27-00-31Cop:  “Ok everyone, Strangetown P.D. here.  We got a report of a toddler birthday party.”

Gage:  “Alright, the stripper’s arrived!”

Cop:  “No sir, I can assure you I am a real policewoman.”

Gage:  “I’m sure you are… all… woman.  Wanna handcuff me?”

Cop: *sigh* “Like I haven’t heard that one before.”

Sim Me:  “Really, you’re breaking up a toddler birthday party?  There’s no booze here even.  I mean this is a totally innocent party.”

Cop:  “The neighbors reported lewd and inappropriate behavior in the front yard.  Something involving puppies…”

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-34-03-73“Yay, puppies… I want to love you, and hold you, and kiss you…”

These poor dogs are going to be so traumatized.

sims2ep9-2017-02-19-00-30-49-55“Cough, cough, cough… I’ve got the cockroach flu…”

Great, this night can’t get any better.

sims2ep9-2017-02-18-23-37-22-69“If one more of these sicko sims mess with my pups, I’m biting your simself in the …”

Yea Teddie, okay, I get it.  That was totally not my fault your puppies were molested.

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 01-37-14-64“Okay everyone, I have an announcement.  After careful consideration, I have decided to be an astronaut.”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 01-37-41-86“I can travel to other galaxies, boldly go where no man has gone before, and plus I hear NASA gives great benefits.”

“Wow, son, as a college professor, I am so proud.  I dare say you might be smart!  I didn’t think such a thing was possible with Uglacy genes.”

“Excuse me Jihoon… er I’m his mother and you do realize I have maximum skills and graduated college Suma Cum Laude.  Uglacies are not stupid!  We are not the Stupacies.”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 01-35-55-87“I think it’s a great idea dad.  Send the little dweeb up to the space, let some alien impregnate him, get a black sheep, and let me run all the businesses.  Have him pop out ugly brats.  Meanwhile, I’ll make this family rich!”

“Gee honey, I don’t know.  I heard your great great great Aunt Queenie was a black sheep and she lost her mind.”

“She was also married to Goopy Gilsbaro, dad.  That would fry anybody’s mind.”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 02-46-12-81“Hey I recognize you from the science club, fellow nerd!”

“Benjamin here!  I’m the kid with the anal retentive general dad who may have buried my mother in the back yard but no one knows.   Everyday is basic training at my house. My issues have issues!”

“Oh I know all about family issues.  I’m an Uglacy.”

“Oh wow, sorry man.  I think we have a lot in common.  Let’s be besties!”

Cute toddler and puppy pics, because… even the Uglacies have adorable moments.  Lisa is pictured with Ketchup  and Louise is pictured with Mustard.  Yea, it was late at night and I was eating a hot dog when the puppies came along.  It sounded good at the time.

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 02-54-02-27“Come play with us…”

Ketchup and Mustard grow up quickly.  We give Ketchup here to the creepy stalker.  This dog breeding handicap is causing a constant overload of sims, that and too many babies this generation.   I feel like I’m running a puppy/baby mill.

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-02-53-55

“Well I don’t want to brag, but I am the dean of the college, and the apples don’t fall too far from the tree, if you know what I mean.  My IQ is so bright, I have to wear shades.”

“Please Mr. Uglacy… you’re the dean of Fiesta Tech… that’s hardly an achievement.  And I cannot take you seriously with that ridiculous noodle thing on your head, which screams you cannot get promoted without gimmicks.  Now about your son getting into our private school of stuck ups… you are just going to have to do better than this.”

For those of you who can’t see how spectacular Jihoon is doing at schmoozing the headmaster… let me blow it up for you.

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-02-53-55 (2)ARRRGH!!!

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-05-03-65“You should totally consider me for your private school, Mr. Headmaster.  I never miss school, I’m never late for the bus, and my dad rides to work on  a helicopter.  He really is the top of his career.”

“That’s it, I’m leaving!  Since when does a dean have to kiss up to a headmaster.  What kind of parallel universe is this?!”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-20-32-32

“Oh yes, Mrs. Uglacy, that is a lovely toosh… I mean towel rack…”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-23-45-00“Look, let’s cut to the chase here.  MY kids are smart.  Shaun is going to be an astronaut, and my daughter is aiming to run all of Bluewater.  They would be a fine addition to your school and you know it.  We’ve fed you, schmoozed you, and kiss your butt enough… now what do you say…”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-23-57-65“Can you not see the infinite possibilities their little brains hold?!  They could cure cancer, solve world hunger, invent the Sims 5!”

Sims2EP9 2017-02-20 03-24-08-28“Maam… did you just try a business perk on me!”

“Er… maybe…”

Note to self, do not try to motivate headmasters… still we get the kids in by our teeth.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 22-52-10-95And the twins grow up…

“Do you want to play?”

Like you didn’t see that joke coming from a mile away.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-17-21-48“Wow Buck, you’re so much fun!  You’re my best (and only) friend.”

“Agreed Shaun.  Forever and ever…”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 22-09-07-64“Son we need to talk about this friendship you are developing with that Uglacy kid.  It was bad enough when those alien low lives moved into the neighborhood and your brother Ripp made friends with that Johnny kid.  But now we have this ugly zombie riff raff.  They are the enemy… can’t you see that, Buck?”

“But dad, Shaun is a nice kid… everyone else in school bullies me.”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 22-05-09-78“Don’t be ridiculous, Buck.  No one bullies my sons.  Now about this zombie kid, you need to stay away from him.  He will eat your brain.  If it were Ripp, I wouldn’t care, because that kid has no brains.  But you keep your distance.  That’s an order.”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 22-09-45-86“DAD, you can’t order me.  I’m not a soldier.  And Shaun is nice.  He’s not going to eat anyone’s brains!”

“Where is this coming from Buck!  Do you want an article 15, because I will write one on you, young man.  And then it’s Fort Leavenworth for you, where the obstacle courses have obstacle courses!”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 22-45-10-56

Meanwhile, Jihoon finally hits the top of his career and fulfills his lifetime want.  Wendy did that way back when with 50 dream dates, which was a fairly easy one.  Now they are both all platinum and can live happily ever after!

Heh, heh, just kidding of course.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 22-20-24-36“So what do you think my future holds, Grandpa Don?”

“Erm, I don’t know Louise… misery, skilling, mismanagement…”

“And the Cockroach flu… don’t forget that!”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-28 23-09-38-19Yes, the cockroach flu was doing the Uglacies in, they were always sick and it was just a matter of time till one of them keeled over, probably the heir because that’s my luck.  So I did the only thing I could do, and moved them to a big lot on the other side of town.  With 160,000 simoleans, it was an easy thing to do and gave them plenty of money to build a new home.  Oh hell no they are not lawn living again… we’ve worked too hard.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 02-02-25-16And I built them this… building was never my thing.  But to spite the lopsided windows it will still be an improvement over the cockroach villa they were living in.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 21-42-53-46Immediately Pollinator Tech 9 shows up to “welcome” Wendy to the neighborhood.

“Yea, keep your probes to yourself, mister.”

Pony’s Simself looks disturbed by him as well.  Can’t fault her there.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 21-44-14-54Wendy goes right for hanging loose with Pony, and Pony is oddly amused by her.

Meanwhile the pollinator sulks and contemplates why earthling women reject him.  (Because you’re a creeper, dude).  Next up, Jihoon must make major decisions.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 22-09-48-01Bixby Rabbit of course, Algebra sucks.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 22-10-41-26

OH yes, we shoot, we score.  And with that 45,000, we need something useful.  I know!

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 22-56-29-46A POOL!  Cause summertime, summertime, yea, yea, it’s summertime!!!

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-41-22-41We are going to get that damn wishing well if it kills us!

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-01-59-67“OH Armando, you have so many knots in your shoulders.”

“That’s really nice Mrs. Uglacy.  But you’re still not getting into the garden club.”

Actually, they won’t come over and see the garden, something about there not being enough time yet.  I am worried we might have glitched things when we moved.  It’s a shame too because the plants are actually thriving.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-04-14-77“Gee Tiffany, thanks for feeding us!  When I grow up, I want to be just like you.”

“Oh that’s sweet, Lisa.  You want to be able to cook?”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-05-06-73“No.  I want to have a big bust like yours.”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-17-50-63And fear not, our ghosts are here, and Quinomei is as stupid as ever.

“I’m stuck in this bush… and where is my bed?!!!”

“Hey dad, your bed is actually in  spare room.  Do you need some help?”

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-16-43-85“I get no respect.”

Well you’re not really scary as a ghost.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-17-14-57Pierre, on the other hand, is the stuff of nightmares.

He was scary as a dog… but this is the scariest pet ghost I’ve ever seen.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-22-28-49“I want another baby.”

Says the family sim who never rolled any wants to do anything with any of his four kids.  Shut up and eat your chips.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-31-50-07Meanwhile, whose in the new living room educating the kids… well it’s not the family sim whose a teacher… oh nooo.  It’s Wendy, the pleasure sim. Wait that sounds wrong.  I seriously typed that before I realized how disturbing it sounds.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-52-38-59“Okay sis, I’m going to shoot her dead and your job is to bury her in the garden…”

“Why do I always have to bury the bodies.”

“OH geesh, not this again.  Fine, you shoot her and…”

Townie girl:  “UM, I got to go now, I think I hear my mom calling me for dinner.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-05 23-44-20-84“We love eggplant juice”  Said no sim child ever…

Still gardening has perks, this is one way to skill them.  Drink, my pretties.  Eggplant juice=random skill points!

Sims2EP9 2017-04-29 23-10-39-21“Cough,cough, cough, oh no… we keep getting the flu back from the townies we already infected.  I’m choking… this is the universal sign for I need the Heimleck…”

ARGH!  This flu is getting on my last nerve.  Now the cockroaches are gone, but all the neighbors are sick and bringing it over.  I can’t play everyone’s house till they are better.

Sims2EP9 2017-04-30 00-00-00-34Whips out chicken noodle soup…

“Mommy, we just ate and I’m not hungry…”

“Shut up and eat the damn soup already.”

“But it’s sparkling and…”

“That’s because it’s magically delicious…NOW eat it.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-05 21-34-35-09Tiffany decides to look like the fortune sim she is and give herself a more professional appearance… Much better than the Meadow Thayer Look, and she has a whole wardrobe because, well, we are going for that handicap.  Really, I would download clothes for all my sims anyway, so that’s the easiest handicap ever.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-05 21-50-16-52Not that it helped a whole lot.

“Sometime in this century Miss!”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 00-14-27-79Wendy tries to help by passing along her business perks but Tiffany always cops an attitude…

“I know what creativity is, mom.  Geesh, I have nine skill points in it already! Can you get to the point already?!”

I don’t blame her tho.  Of all the things in Sims 2,  I think passing the business perks is the most painful interaction because it takes a lifetime just to pass them on… way overdone.  Easier to earn the perks than pass them on.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-05 22-22-18-23“YOU need those awesome flowers for Donna!  Nothing says love like dying tulips!’

Wendy’s face says it all.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-05 23-20-58-71“Space!  The final frontier.  I can’t wait till I can actually meet intelligent life.  But what if they are like that old pollinator dude…ewww.   I wonder if they all wear knee high socks.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-19-28-89“Ok Shaun, you need to grow up this tall to ride the rides.”

“Er, thanks sis.  And thanks for coming to my party in your underwear.  My friends think I hired you.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-23-03-48Shaun… rolls pleasure.  His Lifetime want is 50 first dates.  You player, you.  Phil and Buck both show up at his party.  I was hoping to get the option to grow Buck up.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-23-49-02

Hmm, apparently only random townies show up for that option.  And Shaun barely knows Phil.  We passed on that.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-29-43-91“Hey Shaun, want to play red hands again?”

“Not now Buck.  I’m hanging out with my teenage sister, cause I’m a teenager now.  Sorry little Buck A Roo. Maybe next time.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 22-25-35-05“Wow, what a rip off.  Can you believe this game didn’t even give the option to grow me up?!  I’m his best friend!  I am going to be stuck as General Grunts son forever, living in his house listening to him rant orders at me!  It’s so unfair!  And now Shaun hardly notices me.”

“Well at least you have a family.  I’m just a homeless townie kid, and they had the option to grow me up… but nooo.  Now I just get to wander around town with this bad bowl haircut for the rest of my life.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-06-07-04Later that night, who should literally come running over but General Grunt himself… I thought he was coming for Buck.  Or jogging for body points.  Something lame.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-06-53-06“OH geesh.  FIRE!  FIRE! FIRE!  What do we do?!”  *Squeals like a little girl*  “We’re all going to die!”

“Who are you?  Oh, you’re Buck’s dad, aren’t you?”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-08-19-65“I”M TOO YOUNG TO DIE.  MY COUNTRY NEEDS ME!!!”

“Calm down, mister, don’t get your panties in a wad, I got this.”


“Er, It’s just a fire extinguisher.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-12-20-76“Hello, Mr. Uglacy…”

“General Grunt, so nice to meet you.  We just love your son Buck.  We thought Shaun would never actually have friends…”

“Well as a matter of fact, that’s why I’m here.  You need to keep your zombie infested son away from him.   Nothing personal… but you know, your family is a bunch of low life pond scum.”

“What?  Why don’t you talk with Shaun, I’m sure you’ll see the boys are good for one another.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-21-28-80“Hey kid, just wanted to warn you know to stay away from Buck.  No more studying together, kapeesh?  He doesn’t need you trying to eat his brains.”

“I don’t eat brains.  Are you judging me because I’m a zombie?”

“Well yea, that and you guys are legacy bottom feeders.  I mean, come on, you’re a genetic cesspool of ugliness. No offense.”

“But that is offensive.”

“NOT if I say no offense.  Do you not understand the rules of engagement?”

“Do you not understand what a jerk you’re being?”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-20-12-22“Blah, blah, blah… I’ve said all I am going to say on the matter.  My son is not allowed to talk to you, socialize with you, or have any contact with you.  Now begone you zombie parasite.”

“But you’re in my house.”

“Oh.  So I am.  Then I shall be gone.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-11-49-58“I can’t believe one of my sons befriended the enemy.  Best friends with a zombie.  Pffft.  What is this neighborhood coming to?  First aliens, now zombies!!!  Well not my boys!  When I get home, they are all going to drop and give me fifty.  I’ll show them what Grunt boot camp is.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-06 23-55-37-56“Tank, my only hope.  What do you do when you see an alien?”

“PUNCH it, SIR!”

“That’s correct Private Tank.  And what do you do when you see a zombie?”

“PUNCH it, SIR!”

“Correct again!  Carry on, Tank, make daddy proud.”


Sims2EP9 2017-05-07 13-21-35-41Meanwhile downstairs… I may have done a little fancy footwork.  Hey, it’s not the legacy house.  This is not a no cheat zone.

“WOW, I grew up!  As a badly dressed slob no less.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-07 13-26-31-48“Congrats, brother.  Now lets get you a new outfit, complete with high heels.”

Yea, that won’t put your dad over the edge, Ripp.  Geesh, always the rebel, this kid.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-27-03-43It’s not surprising when the Grunt boys show up the next day, after all they are our next door neighbors.

Tank:  “NO idea why I am at these losers’ house.  I mean I get why my two worthless brothers are here.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-42-39-94But then Tiffany shows up… and Tank suddenly changes his tune.

“OH hubba hubba baby!  You are one fine sim!”

Both Tank and Buck have two bolts for her.  Ripp has one.  Oh boy.  Let the fun begin.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-44-06-51“Call me Baby, and I don’t mean maybe.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-48-17-08“Er, sure, but you’re here right now.  Want to go grab a bite?”

“DO I?!!!  I mean, yeah, sure, I’m not doing anything else right now.  But I have to be back by 9 to do push ups with the old man.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-59-32-49First interaction out of the gate… before I could even stop her.


Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 10-59-51-17“YOU need to cool it.  You know how long it takes me to get this camouflage just right?!”

“Oh relax.  Let’s go have some chili at Don’s.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 11-02-14-73And who should be there, complaining about the service of course.  No other then the General.

“Well I hated to dock you 3 stars, but dirty plates are dirty plates.  In the army, that would have never been acceptable at the mess hall.  I should be able to see my face gleaming back at me even after I eat.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 11-02-48-88“That girl looks oddly familiar.  Of course Tank is out on a date, he’s a ladies’ man and a chip off the old block if I say so myself.   Not like Ripp and Buck who couldn’t get a date if their pathetic lives depended on it.”

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to recognize an Uglacy. And I was busily trying to figure out what the hell is in Tank’s thought bubble for dinner. Is that steak?!  No idea.

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 11-05-07-74“Let’s toast to my future success, 5 great businesses yet to come, heir to the Uglacy throne, and amazing entrepreneur that I am.”

“Let’s not forget humble…”

“Pfft, Humble is for losers who have to suck it up.”

“WOW.  I really am liking you.”

Sims2EP9 2017-05-21 19-59-16-29After a dream date, Tiffany crashes for the night, only to have Buck eerily stand over her bed  in his swimsuit.  He appears to be unhappy that she chose his boorish brother over him and decides to stalk her.

“I’m the one she should love.  How can she not see that?”

OH this is going all soap opera now.  Join us next time to find out…

Is Tiffany really the heir?  Will the Uglacies manage to get 5 top 10 businesses?  Will they ever get a wishing well?    Will General Grunt find out his precious Tank is dating an Uglacy?!  And who will win Tiffany’s love, Tank, Buck, Ripp?  Or someone else? This and more… but until next time, happy simming!

Chapter 7, Uglacy Christmas Special

sims2ep9-2016-12-16-19-14-39-46When we last left the Uglacy family, Wendy had just given birth to Shaun.  Welcome back to the Uglacy family, the family striving to get as ugly as possible by generation 10.  We are playing by the legacy rules by Pinstar.  If you haven’t read the other chapters, you might want to, or just jump right into this Christmas Special if you’re in the holiday spirit.

sims2ep9-2016-12-16-19-24-24-75Tiffany, the firstborn, had finally hit childhood, and reminds me a great deal of her great,great grandmother Samara.  She has one nice point.  Oh the Uglacies I know and love.

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-36-45-37“OW geesh, Tiffany, my eye!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-37-21-79“Oops, sorry Grandpa Don. I didn’t mean to…heh, heh, heh.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-39-11-94“Why that little…”

Now, now Don… let’s be honest.  Tiffany is your favorite grandchild yet.

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-44-07-72He spends hours watching her show off.  At first I thought she was glitching or something, and then I remembered… CARTWHEELS!

“Yay, am I not fantastic grandpa!”

“That was the most amazing cartwheel yet.  Do it again!  Picture taker take more pictures!”

Yeah, I think I’ll pass.  *Yawn*

sims2ep9-2016-12-16-19-50-43-99Meanwhile, down at the Uglacy Christmas Tree Lot, the decorations and trees are selling like hot cakes and the business is up to a level 8.  Manning the stocking is no other than simself Lil White Comet, who write A Sparrow Legacy over at, when she isn’t stocking of course.

sims2ep9-2016-12-16-19-52-46-65It’s a happening, popular lot, Don even makes appearances.

“Er, Samara wants a black Christmas tree, Wendy.”

“Yea, that’s not really in demand Grandpa Don.  Sorry.  How about a creepy Christmas gnome?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-16-20-14-05-57To add fun to the lot, the Uglacies had a small ice skating rink built…

“UGH!  Jihoon, what the heck, I have 10 body points!  You have like two!”

“I have 3, I’ll have you know.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-22-43-10-59Obligatory boring baby picture of Shaun.  He pees, he poops, he cries, he sleeps.  You know the drill.

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-10-16-06“Hey little girl… I’ve noticed your intense interest in painting, and I’ve just walked in your house and brought you a gift…”

Yeah, that’s not creepy at all, EA.

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-54-37-45Oh but how 3 days pass so quickly, and it is time for Shaun’s birthday.  This time at night, so Nose could attend his nephew’s toddlerfication.  All was going according to plan, and then…

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-55-39-55Remember the banned 4 Life pictures we use to share on the exchange… er, well…this one could qualify.  What the hell is Cleo doing to Gage Jr?!

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-55-20-00“I don’t understand why I have to invite these freaks to my kid’s birthday party?!”

“Because we are related, dear.  I’m sure that picture is perfectly innocent.”

Yeah, right.  *cough, cough*

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-56-31-12And Shaun is apparently bringing in the New Years.  Cool it kid, we haven’t had Christmas yet.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-06-29-44I don’t know if he’s ugly enough, but he certainly impressed me with his wardrobe selection.  He looks a lot like Don.  What is this generation?  Throw back Tuesday?

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-01-07-19“Well there was that little incident at school, Grandma Samara.  I mean how was I supposed to know that Marsha Bruening was too clumsy to hang on to the top of the monkey bars while I stomped on her hands.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-05-13-89“Oh my little prodigy. You bring a tear to grandma’s eye.  I have so much to teach you.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-17-11-78“Can I open a present yet?”


“Can I open one now?”


“How about now?!”


sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-19-16-03“Jihoon!  Can you move your curtain clad butt out of the way?  I’ve got fifty bucks riding on this game!”

“Hey sis, that looks like more than fifty bucks in that thought bubble.”

“SHUT up Zip.  It’s in ones… okay?!”

“Yea right, and I’m drinking juice…”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-43-40-39The next morning…

“OH my, I must have ate too much cake.”

Wendy gets so surprised by her baby bump, she actually leaves her skill bubble behind.  Now that baby number three is on the way, that means…

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-35-45-71“Okay boy, you’re getting older.  So you and Teddy girl need to start on the next generation.  We’ve got a pet lineage to keep up here.  Go try for puppies…”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-37-05-71“OH my my, dogs doing the dirty… yes, yes… Let me take some pictures with my cell phone.  Better yet, I’ll video it and upload it to Facebook.”

“Creepy townies.”

I agree, Wendy, I agree…the weirdo stood there watching and clapping the whole time.  0___0

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-37-21-71“Nobody loves me.  They are all too busy skilling and badging, I’ve been in my crib forever.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-38-42-42“Now, now, Shaun.  That’s not true, grandma spoils the heck out of you.  Whose your favorite person ever?”

“You, gramma!”

“Now grandma is going to get you a smart bottle just as soon as I…”


OH great Grimmy,  scar that toddler forever!  Way to drop a little baby’s aspiration points.  Could you time it any better?!

“Hey, I’m just doing my job here.  Sorry kid.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-47-28-06“Sorry to inform you Angel Uglacy, but your babysitting gig is over, permanently.  On the bright side, you get the platinum package with all the free Pina Coladas you can drink.”

“Waaah, grandma.”

Rates as worse, cruelest death of my sims ever.  I mean poor Shaun.


And so Angel Uglacy finally passed away at 82 years old.  She lived a full life, achieved her lifetime want to be an Education Minister, but it sucks when you lose the founder.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-55-43-71She was buried alongside Quinomei under the Apple Legacy tree where soon these ghosts reeking havoc on the family and glitching up my lot in no time.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-08-36-06The grief for this family was terrible, mainly because Angel was an excellent mom and grandmother and everyone actually liked her.  Shaun probably took it the hardest, likely cause she died right in front of him.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-09-13-49“I’m not growing up well, am I?”

Er, maybe not.  This poor kid’s aspirations were tanking like the Titanic.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-53-56-89“Waaah, she was the best mother in law ever!  This is so unfair, right before Christmas.”

Jihoon had an especially close relationship with Angel… that bordered disturbing… like how he always wanted to massage his mother in laws back.

“Well she worked so hard.  What’s wrong with that?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-11-54-30-03And Peppy is not so peppy.

He howls, and howls, and howls.  Look at those sad eyes.  I can’t even make a joke with that.  It’s all so pathetic right now.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-52-13-97There was only one thing to do.  That’s right, you know what those cookies mean.

sims2ep9-2016-12-19-23-38-28-73Meanwhile, over at Don’s…

“I don’t know about this party, Gage.  I mean I can’t even stand to be in the same room as her.”

“Hey, we’re having it at my house.  All you have to do is make the chili.  It’ll be better at my pad, much as this house has the whole haunted house theme going with those ugly tapestries.  Simselves prefer bubble blowers, bars, and hot tubs.  I have just the place.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-19-23-36-29-88“Listen, it will be a good time.  If anyone knows how to have a good time, it’s me.  Just bring the chili mix and we are going to have an Uglacy roof raiser.”

“I guess.  But don’t expect me to forgive her, Gage.  It’s not happening.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-19-23-37-47-14“Of course not, Don. Just a party.  Lots of chili and mingling.  No hidden agendas here.  Not to mention the simself ladies…”

“Alright Gage, fine. I’ll be there.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-12-37-09-05“So he’s coming.”

“Gage!  Seriously!  Do you mind?!”

“No, I don’t mind.  Oh?  Did you want me to leave?”

“It’s times like this I wonder why I have not killed you yet.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-44-22-71“It’s time to get the party started ladies!”

Oh no.  Why do I have a feeling I am going to regret this in the morning.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-15-50-17-69“Great, I don’t know why I let him talk me into this.  I always let my soft spot for him rule my common sense.  All this is about is him wooing the ladies, and he’s going to try to force me to accept Candi’s apology.  Well it’s not happening. No way, no how.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-12-13-81“Nemo!  Nemo is that you in there?”

“That’s right Candi, I’m back writing too.  I just updated my apocalypse, Far Away From Eden, another Apocalegacy after a six year hiatus.”

“OH my gosh, another rebel!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-09-29-17“Yeah, well I was the king of subplots in my day…”

“I’ll say.  Your subplots had subplots.  I can’t believe anyone has that much imagination.”

“But like you, I missed the Sims 2 and my legacy family.  So I thought what the heck.  I just posted a new chapter at”

“Well welcome back!  Come on in and join the party.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-25-04-70“Okay Candi, this isn’t some kind of Gage Orgy, is it?”

“Don’t be silly Rflong.  That won’t happen.  But er, stay away from his hot tub, just to be on the safe side.”

Rflong-writes A Simple Legacy.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-25-33-48Not everyone is afraid of Gage, however…

“Michelle, baby, how are you?”

“Oh Gage… teehee, I love your hugs.”

Yea, hugs, that how it all starts Michelle, I’m just warning you.

Michelle Young-Alphabetic Apocalypse

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-59-56-44“Hey darling, where have you been?”

“I’m on hiatus, Gage, but don’t you worry.  I’ll be checking back soon, and when I do and I see what Candi has done, downloading me back into a game with you, she’s toast.  Literally.”

“Rawrrr, I love it when you talk murder.  Want to set on Santa’s lap?  I might have a special present for you, little girl.  This Santa likes his ladies naughty.”

“Oh gross!  You haven’t changed one bit Gage!”

Cowforbrains-  countless stories.  Usually dealing with killing sims, lots of sims.  That’s one way to end a legacy.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-19-11-12And taking out our trash for us is Pony.  Thanks Pony.

“Well your house is a mess.”

Yeah, three bachelors, all romance, tell me about it.

Pony- New Pokemon Legacy


sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-00-53-82“Oh my goodness, I’m trapped between two fine looking men!”

I think Nichola may have had a little too much ‘Christmas Punch’.

Nicholaplaythesims-member of Boolprop.  I didn’t find a current legacy, if you have one Nichola, message me. 

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-42-20-71“Hey Blueberry, jump in!  You’re ten steps behind!”

“Yea, you guys are freaking me out.  Seriously, you call that dancing?”

Blueberry Pie-Currently doing the Apocalypse Challenge in video but has written several stories at Boolprop.  But poor guy can’t dance the smustle to save his life.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-47-31-53“Look Don, I got it!”

“Er yeah, Blueberry.  Those are some moves alright.”

“Yahoo, I want to be cowboy!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-00-59-37“I can’t smustle…”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-56-11-32“So I’ll bang a pan!”

Lil White Comet again… employee, simself, pan musician.  Writes A Sparrow Legacy when not banging pans.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-53-59-77The party was going great… everyone was having fun.  But then someone had to pull out the karoke machine.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-14-31-45-32“Alright, time to do my version of Lady GaGa!  Can’t read my, Can’t read my, No he can’t read my poker face…”

Keika immediately hogs the karoke machine.  It was not pretty folks.

Keika- White Legacy

On top of singing simselves, all the Uglacies had arrived, and let’s just say, I was not feeling the love.

“Traitor, hissss.”

“Oh can it Zip.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-29-28-82I decided there was only one thing to do.  I had to beg Don’s forgiveness.

“Listen Don, I don’t know how many times I can tell you this, but I am really, really sorry I didn’t play you guys for years.  I missed you.  The sims 2 beat the sims 3 hands down in my heart, and honestly, I think a lot of fans felt that way.  Please forgive me.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-24-11-41“And I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I AM NOT ever forgiving you!  As far as I’m concerned, you’re dead to me!  Gone!  Kapeesh?!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-20-19-22“DAD that is a bit harsh, even for an Uglacy!  She created it, she brought you and mom together against legacy norms I might add.  She played you when zombies weren’t cool!  Pre-Walking Dead days!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-22-08-96“And then she left us!  In a sim bin for years!  Everyone just deserted us like yesterday’s news!  Are you forgetting that Gage.  I’m done talking about this.  I’m not forgiving her and that’s that!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-13-50-61“Hey, hey don’t cry…”

“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to…”

Keika:  “HEY everyone, Candi wants to hear It’s my Party and I’ll cry if I want To!  1…2…3”

“Just leave me alone, Gage, you just want to look down my dress anyway.”

“Er, well maybe a little, but you know I have a soft spot for simselves…sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-19-01-65And what happened then, well in Strangetown they say

that the Gagemeister’s small heart grew three sizes that day.

And then the true meaning of Christmas came through,

and the Gage found the strength of two Gages plus two.

                                                            (Dr. Zuess, The Grinch)

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-34-32-98And now that his heart didn’t feel quite so tight,

he logged onto his computer that night.

He whizzed through the forums and found boolprop true

and did what he knew that he had to do.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-37-36-20Gage spawned the sim modder

and with just a click

He pulled off the old relationship trick.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-41-04-80“Wow, I suddenly feel forgiving again.”

“Gee Zip, I don’t hate you anymore.”

“Yea, that’s weird. What were we fighting about?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-48-17-37“Don, this is for you.  It’s a special gift from me.  Something in your want panel.”

“A baby!”

“NO Don.  Geesh, you family sims.  Samara would kill me.  It’s a bowling alley.”

“Er, how did you fit it in that box?’

“Don’t ask.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-50-58-18“Don, I’m so glad we’re friends again.”

“Yea, it was weird, I hated you one minute and the next we were besties again.’

“Relax Samara, it’s just a friendship hug. Geesh your wife scares me.”

“She scares me too.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-46-11-39“Here Samara.  This is for you.  I saw it on the internet and thought it would be perfect for you.”

“Birth control?”

“Er no… they don’t have that for the Sims 2 that I’m aware of.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-18-06-64“I love it.”

Of course you do Morticia.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-16-43-39-76“And this is for you Zip.”

“But I was so mean to you.”

“It’s okay. You were just watching out for your dad.  It’s a house, for you and Cleo so you can finally have your own place.”

“A house?  In  a box?”

“Okay, okay, let’s say it’s a deed to a house.  It’s actually an old newspaper, but I’m going to get you guys a house.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-03-15-71“Last but not least, this is for you Donna.”

“You don’t have anything I want.  My life was pretty much destroyed in your last apocalypse attempt.  My fiancee had become a brain eating zombie.”

“Yea, about that.  This box contains a bone phone.  It all you need to bring your true love back.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-31-34-76“Hello Grimmy!  No, no, I’m paying full price!  I need Fricorith Tricou back!”


sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-36-28-83“Yeah, I kind of need him to not be a teenager…”

“I’m on it Donna.  Woah, nothing I can do about the bad choice of clothing tho.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-42-31-03“Thank you, thank you.  I’ve been so depressed!”

“I know Donna, now run along and live happily ever after at that House of Leaves.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-19-29-22-34“I heard there was one of those Uglacies parties here.  I will put an end to this right now!  Those zombies don’t actually eat brains do they?”

Possibly, the chili is still questionable.  I’m just saying.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-34-48-29“Ladies and Gentlemen, Goopy Elvis is in the House.”

Oh no, too late, that cop wasn’t fast enough.

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-34-12-35***Sang to I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas, which Elvis did sing…***  Insert sexy, southern drawl…

I’m dreaming of a Sims Christmas, like we all played in the Sims 2…

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-23-25-51-72With all the decorations…

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-22-16-14-28And Recreation…

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-12-46-39-33Too bad the kids still had to go to school.

“Yeah, what’s up with that.  I have to go to school on Christmas?  What a rip off!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-18-15-45-93“How do you think I feel little girl?!  I have to work on Christmas day and drive a bunch of ungrateful brats to school.  Now get your *%@#&@  in the bus already!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-35-21-92I’m dreaming of a Sims Christmas.  Just like the ones in the Sims 2…

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-12-11-38-87With the tree tops burning

sims2ep9-2016-12-17-22-37-23-81While Sims keep learning,  …not to pet the electrical deer.


“It’s fine sweetie.  Daddy’s fine, zrrr, errrp, eeee, nothing to see here.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-36-02-29I’m dreaming of a Sims Christmas, complete with the Seasons pack…

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-20-01-01-60With the evil snowman, his friend the penguin, whose conversations never lack…

“I’m telling you Barney, there’s something not right about that Uglacy chili.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-36-29-15I’m dreaming of a Sims 2 Christmas

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-19-37-59-65Where Santa shows up for cookies

“Santa is that really you?!”

“Uh oh.  This is the Uglacy house isn’t it?  *sigh*”

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-19-39-12-75“Sure, you don’t have to be my BFF.  BUT a lot of things could happen while you’re out delivering presents.  I hear there are all kinds of falling satellites out there.”

Where he pees and pees, and pees and pees…

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-19-45-18-27And does his creepy laughing inbetween.


sims2ep9-2016-12-18-19-51-19-92“Santa, you’ve been in here for two hours.  I need to potty.”

“Get lost little girl.  It’s a long trip for an old man like me.  Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-32-12-27“I’m dreaming of a Sims 2 Christmas, complete with all the simselves raising hell!

With their heart farting, and fire starting, and screwing up their stories oh so well!”

“Sing it brother!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-33-22-92“Upload yourselves, ladies.  You know you want to.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-18-25-06-75I’m dreaming of a Sims 2 Christmas with every legacy I write.

May your days be Merry and Bright…

And may all your Christmases be white.

sims2ep9-2016-12-18-00-28-14-07Merry Christmas from the Uglacies!

sims2ep9-2016-12-23-13-44-06-73“Elvis has left the house.  Thank you, thank you very much.”



Chapter 6, The Ugly Gene is Back!

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-19-13-00-68Welcome back to the legacy family striving to get ugly in 10 generations!  Sure, we have a few other goals as well, such as surviving glitches, taking over the Blue Water District, meeting the well dressed handicap, keeping our noble composure handicap, allowing our ghosts to roam free, keeping our legacy tree alive, and storytelling, both the handicap and for real life too!  This family will be anything but bored.  So lets recap a little.

sims2ep9-2016-12-02-22-41-48-90When we last left the Uglacies, they had welcomed the third generation, Tiffany to the family.  Tiffany is named for Chucky’s Bride.  Sadly, Tiffany did not inherit the cool zombie skin, but she is definitely an Uglacy.  The personalities have started.  She has 10 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 9 playful, and 1 nice.  Yes… one nice point.

Image result for grinch

They’re baaackkk…

sims2ep9-2016-12-02-23-01-38-35Meanwhile, Angel and Quinomei sit around playing chess and generally being useless, like you would expect retired education ministers to do.

sims2ep9-2016-12-02-23-26-51-05Angel does like being a grandmother tho, it’s that family sim thing.  She never leaves poor Tiffany alone.  She stands over her crib when she sleeps.  Creepy.

sims2ep9-2016-12-02-23-43-40-42Quinomei tried to pass on his business perks to Wendy.

“So it’s all about money, you have to make them pay for items.  The razzle dazzle works best…but it will take me a month of non-stop lecturing to teach it.”

I hate trying to pass business perks, it takes like a year of yackity yack.  Like my sims, I don’t have the attention span, so this did not happen.  But  I tried… for 10 seconds.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-11-39-19-84And Jihoon, well I’m not sure he’s feeling the Christmas spirit or his new family.  In his defense, I did dress him in plaid.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-13-27-18-96But he has some unhealthy feeling towards his mother in law.

“I don’t know what she sees in Quinton.  He’s such a loser.  She deserved better.  I want to play with her, talk to her… hang out. Give her a backrub.”

Yeah, that’s not creepy at all.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-13-27-47-15“Hey Mrs. Uglacy, let me give you a hug…”

freewill… 0___O

“Hey Jihoon, I’m your father in law… standing right here… hello, hello?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-13-31-43-37“Here, let me rub those knots out.”

“Wow, Baboon, that’s so thoughtful.”

“Jihoon, my name is Jihoon.”

Those lips say otherwise.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-12-11-38-87In other news, we finished the death memorial pictures…

Oh the tree?  We decided to combine a fireplace with a tree this year, saves room.  It’s very toasty.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-18-39-31-06So Jihoon invests in a business, Christmas trees!  And stuff.  The Uglacy Christmas Lot is officially open and operational.  Wreaths, light up reindeers, gingerbread houses, and a wide variety of useless Christmas crap that this sims will carry around in their inventory forever to use one time a year.  Sound familiar?  But I love Christmas Crap!  So this should be fun.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-13-59-44-25Our first customer, Gage Uglacy!  Nice matching stalking raincoats boys.  Plan to do a little flashing later?

“Hello Gage, such an honor. What are you looking for?”

“A sim self in a hot Santa outfit…”

“Er, we don’t exactly carry those.  What about a nutcracker?”

“You’re kidding me, right, kid?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-14-01-20-05Of course my sim self makes an appearance and admires Wendy.  Who wouldn’t.  She’s the all star with skill points, several badges, and appears to actually be an intelligent sim.  Unfortunately if history repeats itself,  inbreeding with ugly townies is probably going to change this story line fairly fast.  And then my family will be lucky to sell peanuts to an elephant.


Are you kidding me?  Yea, let’s throw away a business so Quinten can be a Parking Lot Attendant.  What a dream job!  And it’s not an entry job? So what is?  Dog poop picker upper?

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-12-08-23-05Like father, like daughter.  Yea, no one bring the baby in, it’s not like it’s winter or anything.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-19-13-00-68Fortunately, Tiffany survives, and we miss the whole birthday party thing… because I didn’t notice. Anyway, she reminds me of someone… I can’t quite put my finger on it.  Let me think…  Looks through old albums…

SAMARA!!!  Muhahaha… oh the gene really is back.  Happy times!

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-19-20-27-26Third Christmas tree and counting…

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-21-44-26-21We still have all the lovely dogs… “FOLLY!  How many times do I have to tell you not to destroy the flowers.  Geesh, fill up that bar already!  You’re 100 years old.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-21-45-54-70And Angel teaches Tiffany how to walk, talk, potty, and sing a nursery rhyme her first day as a toddler… GO Angel, you rule!  Smart milk might have helped a little…

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-06-03-38“Jihoon, I think we should expand our family… maybe we could have an ugly zombie baby.  I just wish that sim self, Nichola, would stop staring at us in the car.”

“Well if it’s a show she wants…”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-09-21-35Nothing makes a sim self run off your lot faster than baby making.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-15-53-44“Oh these flowers are trash!”

Actually baby making was dream date 50, completing Wendy’s lifetime want.  It’s all platinum plumbobs from here.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-10-24-35Grrr.  You are a disgrace to Hoover.

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-28-56-61“I want to sing another evil nursery rhyme, Grandma…”

“Silly Tiffany… there’s no such thing as evil nursery rhymes…  Lets sing 3 blind mice again.  You seem to like the part where they get their tails cut off by the farmer’s wife.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-35-50-66“Folly, you’re old as the hills now.  I just want to let you know… it’s okay to go towards the light. No really, it is.  Anytime… anytime at all.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-03-22-48-37-58“Oh no, I think I’m pregnant…”

And possibly impaled through the door.  Yea, pregnancy may be the least of your problems.


That’s what you get Circe, for stealing our invisible paper and your bad choice of a cow neck sweater.

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-13-51-33“I need to lecture you, Wendy, you are dirtying up all the toilets in the house and we can’t have that.  What are you doing…”

“I’m sizing up your casket, dad.  You don’t lecture pregnant women without dire consequences.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-16-10-49Another real example of my really bad sim playing…after wondering why the option to never breed Peppy and Buffy came up, I finally realized the problem.

“Yes, random townie woman, how would you like to adopt our dog, Buffy.  You see, someone adopted her to breed with our Uglacy lineage, but didn’t realize she was an elder… yea, not gonna work.  So would you be kind enough to give her a home?  She should die any day now.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-20-02-32Speaking of dying, Folly’s time had finally come… but prepare for some of the worse Grim Reaper pics ever.  Turn away… turn away.

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-20-40-91“Er, I’m here to collect your dog… are you really going to jump in the bathtub right this minute. Maybe you want a minute to say your final goodbyes?”

“No, I’m good.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-21-13-20“How about a picture… for Facebook?  Good dog, Folly, be with you a minute.  Got to snap a picture of this.  No one is going to believe this family.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-21-54-96“You sure are hanging around a long time, Mr. Reaper.  Are you glitched?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-23-56-36Dear Lord, is he beating her with a stick in the bathtub?!  What is this? Shades of Gray, Reaper Style?!

sims2ep9-2016-12-09-12-25-18-06What a disturbing and somewhat satisfied expression.  You do realize your dog just died?

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-21-51-40-12New dog!!!  Angel goes to the pet store and gets a younger version of Buffy, who we name Teddie.  After my dog.  Except my dog is actually a boy… so it’s not exactly the same.  Minus a few parts.

She is a hyperactive, playful, finicky genius… which is exactly like my Teddy.  *Sob*.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-21-55-33-54Meanwhile, Jihoon gets promoted almost daily and is up to Guest Lecturer.

“Woohoo, whose the man?!  I put the teach in teaching!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-22-13-32-28“Er, what’s this?  Another dog?  Did we really need one?”

Yes… yes we did… because this handicap is SOOOOO much fun.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-22-03-30-75While in the bathroom… (Where all good sims go to die)

“OH for the love of boolprop, I can’t get away, I’m trapped!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-22-04-01-67“There, there Quinton Uglacy.  You are actually about to be free, you’ve been trapped in this mess of a legacy. Drink my magical pina colada, and join us for a free, non-ending vacation of platinum bliss.  Drinks and condiments are not included… tour packages are extra.”

And so Quinton (aka Quinomei) passes on at 72 years old, leaving his business to Wendy, but taking all his business perks with him.  That made me cry the most.  He was fun though, and his Komei ways shall be missed.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-22-41-24-46Angel never cried, but she did start downing “juice” immediately after the death.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-03-18-28Death aside, it’s time for birthdays and mayhem.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-06-39-45The Uglacies were in attendance.

Nose:  “Wow, she is one creepy looking kid.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-07-37-51“Hey Nosferatu, how has everything been?”

“I’m living it up, sis, in an apartment downtown with my cheer leading girlfriend and my dog Moody.  Good times for a vampire.  Can’t stay for the party, I’m burning up.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-10-09-85Everyone looks a bit bored with the party, except Don of course.  Who can blame them, seen one toddler party, you’ve seen them all.

“Yay, go sweetie!!!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-11-28-69I don’t know if I would get that glowing kid too close to the flames…could be catastrophic.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-12-21-20“Yay, grow up ugly!”

“Is she actually yelling at my kid to grow up ugly?”

“Yea, that’s how she is.  I always knew legacy players were twisted, but she’s really on the crazy train.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-13-54-94Survey says…sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-14-27-43We have an Uglacy.  Repeat… We have an Uglacy.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-16-45-04“You shouldn’t even be here, you traitor!  You don’t deserve to be at this party!”

“Arrgh, Gage, get him off me.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-18-33-62“I’m stepping back out” (and he actually did) “What’s wrong with these people?  Do they think I want to attend toddler parties and break up fights.  I’m a lover, not a referee.  Is that a  sim self coming up the sidewalk?”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-15-24-85“Take her down Grandpa Don!  She’s a backstabber!”

“Yea, Don, she forgot I’m her grandaughter.  Beat her into tomorrow!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-20-02-20“Sorry I had to do that Don, but I have body points too.  I hope you’re happy, scarring our great, great granddaughter at her birthday party.  Poor kid will needs years of therapy for this one!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-20-31-74“Wow, Can you guys do it again!”

Okay, maybe not.  She is an Uglacy after all.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-28-27-58She does have issues with dogs on the beds however.

“Oh my gosh, he might have fleas, or ticks, or something…Ewww gross.”

It’s those 10 neat points.  Poor little freak.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-41-34-68“Dad, she kicked the tar out of Don.  But sometimes he kicks the tar out of her.  Meanwhile the party score plummets. We can’t keep having snooze parties, we have a reputation to uphold.”

“Yea, son, I get you.  Simselves are drawn to our roof raising parties.  We can’t keep having snooze fests, even if this is a toddler party.  I’m going to have to fix this.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-32-05-13Meanwhile, upstairs, Don keeps slapping me, while zip elbows me in the head.  Now they are tag teaming me.   Seriously guys, enough is enough.

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-33-21-06In a pathetic attempt to save the day, Wendy runs around singing Go Gerbits to all her guests in free will mode.  It doesn’t help the situation.

“GGGoooooooo Gerbits.”

“Geesh, Wendy, I heard that song enough in college.  It sucked then and it sucks now.”

sims2ep9-2016-12-10-23-44-28-17Jihoon ask both of us to join him in the hot tub to get us to stop fighting, and tries to remind us that once we were best friends.  It at least gets the party score up to Good, but Don and I are a long way from friends now.

sims2ep9-2016-12-11-00-02-18-99Busting moves may have been a bit too much for Wendy…

“Arrrgh, I think I busted something else, like my water!”

sims2ep9-2016-12-11-00-03-02-74Yay!  A baby zombie boy!

Meet Shaun, for Shaun of the Dead.

sims2ep9-2016-12-11-00-09-07-57“Good job, honey!”

“Er, thanks.”

And that is where I shall leave it.  Will Shaun be an ugly zombie baby and take the heirship from his sister Tiffany?  Will Don and I ever reconcile?  Will Tiffany grow up to look just like Samara?  Will the Grim Reaper post naked bath pictures of Angel on the internet?  So many questions… only to be answered in the next installment.  Until then, happy simming!

Chapter 5, Honeymoon and Babies

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-40-19-22“LADIES!  I’ve heard your simselves recently arrived in Strangetown.  Welcome Keika and Nichola to my humble abode.”

“Gage Uglacy?”

“That’s right, baby, the one and only.”

“Do we get to meet Don?!”

*Sigh*. “Sure darling, in due time.  Make yourselves at home.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-23-43-92“Now girls, I know you are probably intimidated by the masterpiece that is me, but please, don’t be.  This is after all, Gage’s hot tub of love where no topic is off limits.”

I sincerely apologize to Pony, Sam, and Rflong, whose simselves were shamelessly used in the making of my storyline.  (Although Rflong really held her own with Gage!)

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-28-39-45“Now I want to be clear about the terrible rumors about me, started heartlessly by my creator Candi.  I am completely misunderstood and just want to be best friends with everyone.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-32-44-48Rflong:  “Last I checked girls he was a romance sim, not a popularity ones.  He wants friends alright, with benefits.  Watch out in here, no splashing… no cuddling of any kind.”

“Hey I resemble, I mean resent that remark.”

True side note… Rflong agrued every topic Gage brought up.  Hilarious.

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-35-14-17“Sorry to interrupt your pathetic attempts at seduction, but we need to talk mister.  I did what you asked,  I downloaded these poor simselves against my better judgement.  But you’re not holding up your end of the bargain, Gage. When are you going to help me repair my relationship with Don?!  We’ve been fighting all over town, and this has gone too far.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-24-12-00“Just today he had a horrible accident where he ran smack into the tree while stealing our invisible newspaper.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-36-11-01“Baby, I’m working on it.”

“Enough Gage.  It’s been 5 chapters already.  You need to make this a priority.  Don hates me and it is only getting worse.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-38-01-45“Relax sweetheart.  I got this.  I’m nothing if I’m not charming.”

“And full of yourself.”

“I’m confident, baby.  I mean look at this package.  How can I not be?”

“Yeah, I’d rather poke my eyes out with a rusty fork.  Now can you get to this already.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-38-47-87“Don’t get your panties in a twist, I can handle this. But you have to remember, you literally left us in the middle of a zombie eating apocalypse.  And Don is dealing with some serious disbandment issues.”

“You mean abandonment issues.”

“NO.  You forget I ran an asylum for simselves and was once Dr. Gage.  I know diagnoses.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-37-06-72“UGH.  You were a pretend doctor.  Fine Gage. Whatever.  Just start working on this, okay?”

“Sure baby.  Now stop stressing.  How about a soak in my hot tub?”

“No thanks.  I have a story to write.  Just try to be a gentleman, please.”

“Baby, I’m always a gentleman.  I know how to treat the ladies.”


Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-45-39-10“So Gage, we were all talking and we want some of Don’s chili.  Can you get it for us?”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-45-20-18“Why of course, Sam.  Don and I are tight.  He’ll whip me chili and then some.  No problemo.  The Gagemeister is on it.  I wouldn’t leave you ladies down.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 10-59-11-51“Gage can you do this, Gage, can you do that.  Simselves.  So demanding.  Pfft.  Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.  Now I have to convince that cranky zombie to have a chili party and forgive Candi.  What do I look like?  Dr. Fricking Phil?”

Woah… note to self, way too much animal print for one picture.

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 12-03-54-26Meanwhile, at Don’s…

Samara: “Honey, come play some poker with us. Stop moping.”

Don:  “Samara, I’m not moping.  I’m angry.  She trampled all over this family and threw us out like we were yesterday’s garbage.”

Samara:  “Now that isn’t completely true, Don.  She did save us on a hard drive for years.”

Donna:  “Yeah, Dad, I hate to say this, because I love to hate people, but maybe it’s time to move on.”

Ding dong (Or Insert doorbell sound of choosing).

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-56-03-46“Gage. so good to see you.  How’s everything at your new condo?”

“Hey daddy Don.  Can’t complain, the view is great.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-57-09-17“Yeah, I heard you’ve been having quite the time of it.  What happened, Gage?  Did you sell out already.  Did you forgive Candi for a cheetah car and a hot tub?!”

“I’m appalled.    You know me better than that.  I’m not that cheap.  She had to download simselves too.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-58-16-84“Why, I can’t believe I wasted all that time potty training you and you stab me in the back like this!  Have you forgot how she abandoned us? Left us unplayed for YEARS!”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 11-59-53-50“Now listen Don, I agree that was wrong, but if you are going to be angry with anyone, maybe you should be ticked at EA, who shut down our site in the height of popularity just so they could repackage the same game all over again.  And that destroyed the Sims 2, not her.  Now I’m not condoning what she did, but everyone makes mistakes.  Except for me, because I’m exceptional.  But let’s be honest here.  Don’t you miss the parties, the good times?  She came back.  We have the chance to do it all again.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 12-01-07-24“Maybe you have a point.  Sure, I miss the good times.  But she put those brain eating zombies back in the game!”

“Come on Don.  You know that was an accident.  She totally sucks at this game.”

“Well, yea. Okay Gage, I’ll give you that one.”

Sims2EP9 2016-08-21 12-01-52-14“So let’s have a huge chili party, all the Uglacies, all the simselves.  Crash this game like never before.”

“That does sound like fun.”

“And no more fighting with her, Don.  Geesh, that ruins a party score.”

“I’ll try, but no promises.  My enemy meter is out of control.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-25-48-47Flash back to the actual legacy house, Nose and Wendy have returned home from college.  Nose sports a nifty suit.  Still living on the dark side of life, he hasn’t changed much.

He and Quinomei play an immediate game of redhands.  “Gosh, son, I’ve missed this, sniff.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-29-22-30Wendy moves back home and ask Jihoon to move in, avoiding the error you get if engaged to a college student and then you can never marry them in Sims 2.  So move em in and live in sin first, another Sim 2 Tip.

Still playing the well dressed handicap, I had outfits already selected for Jihoon.  But seeing his choice in clothing, this is staying!  It so fits his quirky personality.  He rocks those socks and sandals.

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-57-56-24Unfortunately Nose remains a vampiric idiot, and immediately decides to go hot tubing in the middle of the afternoon.

“Nose, have you learned nothing from college?”

“But Wendy, I am drawn to the light, the sun is so pretty.”

He reminds me of a moth.  And he was headed for the same fate.

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-58-34-73“Well big brother, it’s been great.  But you need to get off this lot before you burn to a crisp and  we don’t have time to babysit you anymore.”

“Love you sis, invite me to lunch, er, a late dinner sometime.”

Then he moved out, took his dog Moody with him, and settled into a nice apartment in the downtown area where he could be his vampire, Night Life self.  Don’t worry, we will see him again for holiday and events.  He’s living it up as a spare.

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-50-58-84“Wendy, we were just getting to know your friend Baboon… I asked him what part he played in planet of the apes…”

“Mom, it’s Jihoon, his name is Jihoon.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-54-47-06“Jihoon, I have something to give you…”

“A name tag so your idiotic parents know who I am?!”

sims2ep9-2016-08-26-23-55-02-19“No, I want you to marry me and become Jihoon Uglacy.”

“Oh my!”  Insert girly squeal…  “I never imagined being in a legacy family!”

And he says yes… so a little profile on Jihoon.  He’s a family sim with a lifetime want of being… wait for it… AN EDUCATION MINISTER!  Ugh!  What is with these sims and their constant need to be teachers!  I mean I have nothing against teaching, but come on.  He’s a Cancer, 6 Neat points, 3 Outgoing, 6 Active, 4 Serious, and 6 Nice.  So he is well balanced, there’s that.  He rolls his second aspiration as pleasure.  Well good, he’ll enjoy all the dates he and Wendy will have.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-05-16-24Which gave Wendy time to plan for the big wedding.  She looks like she might be regretting her choice… nah, she just hates the veil I picked.  Well tough, bridezilla, there’s no time to download now.

Sims2EP9 2016-08-27 00-19-08-50.jpgMeanwhile, out on the front lawn…

“Kick her sorry simself butt, Don…”

“Take her down!”

Let the festivities begin…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-21-44-85“You stop picking on my dad.  You left him in the sim bin for years, and you have the nerve to show your boobs, I mean face, here!”

“Eyes up here, Zip.  I can tell you are related to Gage.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-24-39-56Finally everyone settled down enough to have the wedding, let the inappropriate heart farting begin…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-23-30-69“I can’t believe they seated me next to you.  Pervert.”

“Well it’s not my fault you dressed like Gage picked out your formal wear.  Maybe his animal print fetish is wearing off on you.  That is so classy for a wedding.”

Maybe Zip has a point.  Plus fighting Don in high heels is putting me at a disadvantage.  Note to self:  Download some new formal wear.

The wedding was beautiful…  Sneak peek at the album.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-27-54-11Finally, it’s time for generation 2 to begin.  Which means…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-30-26-54Time to Party!!!  Hey is that Russian?  It looks Russian.  Eh, time to drink champagne, vodka, whatever…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-34-07-26Let the toasting and endless peeing commence.  To the Bride and Groom…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-35-54-99“May they have lots and lots of legacy babies… Back off Zip, I’m watching you.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-37-28-02“Here’s to you Wendy, may you find the love and happiness that Samara and I have.”

“Thank you Grandpa Don, that means a lot to me.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-40-01-46I knew Don had hit the champagne pretty hard, so now that he was wasted, I mean relaxed,  it was my chance to approach him.

“Don, let’s get along.  We both want a future for this legacy, come on, it’s time to move on.  Be on the same side again.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-40-26-28“Nah, Nah, nah, not listening.  I don’t want to hear it.  You left us.  You didn’t care about this family for years.  Now you want to be friends again, I don’t think so.  Apology denied.”

Don shot me down three times… talk about a grudge.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-42-06-37Even Wendy tried to help and influenced Don to apologize to me.

“Come on grandpa, let bygones be bygones.  Isn’t it time to focus on the positives and let go of the past.”

But what did my simself do…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-42-53-31“So now you want to apologize.  Well I don’t think so.  You just shot me down, and that ship has sailed.”

Yeah, I have no control over Don or my simself at this point.  Just best to leave it alone.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-45-05-11Random townie: “This wedding cake is delicious!”

Wendy:  “Who are you again?”

Townie:  “Oh I’m just a random townie who decided to crash your wedding for free cake and vodka.”

Wendy:  “It’s champagne.  Russian champagne.”

Townie:  “Exactly!  That’s what Vodka is.”


sims2ep9-2016-08-27-00-38-56-93“Wendy, you’ve been such a good sport about this.  I got you a wedding gift, a honeymoon to Twikki Beach.”

“Oh my gosh, really?!  I thought legacy sims were not allowed to take vacations.”

“No, I think they can.  Just get a few dates in with Jihoon, okay.  And by a few, 50 would be nice.  Reach your lifetime goal and get it out of the way, okay?”

“Er…”sims2ep9-2016-08-27-22-57-30-59“Hello bell hop who looks an awful lot like my husband…  I’m here for my free vacation package.”

“Oh the 3 day budget plan…”

“I should have known.  Seriously, 50 dates in 3 days.  That’s not happening.”

And it didn’t…

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-07-20-69“It was nice of her to give us a little breather before we enslave our lives as legacy sims forever… but we only have three days, so we have to make the most of it.”

“Does everything we do have to be a date?”

“Yea, pretty much.  On the plus side, we will be super platinum while we are super exhausted.”

“Um,that doesn’t really sound like a vacation…”

Actually it sounds just like a vacation in real life.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-00-17-07Swimming in the ocean only gives her 500 aspiration points?  Cough, cough, Rip off!

The ocean definitely gives me more aspiration points than that!

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-14-37-28“Well if it’s aspiration points you want…”

Nooo, look away!

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-16-47-36Dream Date!  Not mine of course… but good for them.

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-47-28-80“The Riff raff at this hotel is terrible.  That old geezer just took my egg omelet.”

“What?!  I cannot allow him to do this to my beautiful bride.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-49-24-16“You sir, unhand that meal.  How dare you steal my wife’s ice cream.”

“It was an omelet…”

“Ice cream, omelet, same difference.”


And that is how we got him to step away from the omelet so Wendy could eat.  Hey, this hotel food is expensive.  So what if it has a few old man germs on it?

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-59-37-83It was time to enjoy the local hot springs, although who left the eight year old brat in is anyone’s guess.

“Hey, hey guys!  Do you want to hear about my new top!”

In unison:  “NO, no we don’t!”

“It spins really, really fast!  And it’s red and yellow, and I can make it go all the way across the room!”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-00-27-08-64Next up, a tour of the pirate ship.

“Ahoy, matey, bring us ashore!”

“Aye, Aye Captain.”

Note that Wendy is the captain, and Jihoon is the first mate… yea, that tells you a lot about how this marriage is going to be.

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-00-33-18-93“BOO, I’m Edward Dregg, land lovers, and I don’t like no sims plundering me boat.  But if you friend me, I shall teach you a chanty of the sea.  I was an awesome sim captain in Sims 2 but I got pretty lamed down in Sims 3, and I’m still pissed about it.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-00-34-53-55“So I’m on my honeymoon, and I was thinking about, you know, spicing things up a bit.  A little bondage maybe.  I could do a whole sea captain scenario, you have any tips for the ladies?  Can I borrow the eye patch?!”

“Er… I think I’m going back into my cabin now… you’re on your own mate.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-00-56-15-22“So I can see how this legacy gig can get tiring.  I mean, we’ve been on a never ending rotation of dates and interactions and this is just a vacation!  Do we get a prize for this?”

“Um, we get to have kids, work our butts off to reach the top of our careers, skill till we drop, and then die…”

“Oh.  That sounds… really depressing…  Is there an up side?”

“Lots and lots of birthday parties?”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-00-38-09-19“What are you doing , Jihoon?”

“Trying to dig my way out.”

“Too late.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-01-05-00-47“Roll your hips, yes, yes that’s it.  Now you can go home and teach everyone the Macarena!”

“I thought this was the hula…”

“Sorry, but remember you got the low budget vacation.  Next up, Wheels on the Bus…”

sims2ep9-2016-08-27-23-34-11-93“Well that’s it, Jihoon.  Tomorrow, we start legacy living.  Any regrets?”

“I got you baby, it will be fine.  Besides I’m a family sim, I’m already rolling wants for babies and  I can handle all those dates with just you.  Now if I were romance, this would be a lot more painful.”

sims2ep9-2016-08-28-01-16-43-89“So this is it, our last breakfast in peace.”

“Do we have to go back, she might not notice…”

Fat chance of that… *cracks whip*

sims2ep9-2016-11-25-17-51-15-57“Well at least we finished with some car woohoo…wait what’s sound?”

“What sound?”

“It sounded like a lullabye…”

Welcome home my pretties…

sims2ep9-2016-11-25-19-31-52-80Meanwhile, while Wendy and Jihoon were goofing off, Quinomei had been hard at work using his gold sewing badge and taking over the old ladies’ quilt club.

“Hey, I make a mean quilt!”

I’m sure you do.

sims2ep9-2016-11-25-19-32-07-49Angel was hard at work designing bouquets and snapdragons.  Their flower and crafts store is at a whole level 4 now.  Yes, be amazed.

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-10-17-05-23“Hey  Wendy, how was the honeymoon…”


Er never mind dear,  I don’t need details.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-10-06-37-34Now that the honeymoon was officially over, Wendy went back to work on a servo, that we can never use because of the the pets clogging up this house.  I don’t like the pet handicap.  You always have 3 pets or more running around and it does not leave room for spares or servos.  I am beginning to think about ditching that restriction.

Jihoon has taken up pottery, cause that’s sexy in the movie Ghost.  But Jihoon making plates not so much.  He’s just at the playdoh level right now.

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-10-19-28-49Quinomei actually surprises me and does something on free will I rarely see.  He runs up to Wendy right after she finds out she is pregnant and talks to her belly.

“Hey there little one, whose your totally cool grandpa, yeah, that’s me.  Pssk, stay in, it’s not safe out here.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-25-19-44-55-86So giving the pets one more go, we adopt a female for Peppy, our current heir pet.  Now in case you’ve forgotten, I’m trying to do the pet handicap, where you actually breed your pets alongside your sims, but it is a huge pain.  This is Buffy, I absolutely love her because she looks like my real life dog…Teddy,  a Basinji.

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-10-29-59-08Unfortunately, Peppy does not share my sentiments.

“Grrrr, I hate you.  Get out of my yard!”

Dang it, this is not how puppies are made.  I’m probably going to have to lock them in the yard together like I did before with Pep’s mom and dad.  Well this sucks.

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-15-39-04-74Jihoon can’t find a job teaching, so he buys the Mercantile Mart in Blue Water and opens up a pottery store. He can only make plates, so the merchandise is quite limited.  Like plates.  Only plates.  And more plates.

Angel:  “This store sucks, who is going to buy plates… how boring.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-26-15-43-03-62“I can’t believe we sold out.  Tell me again why I bother making Snapdragons?”

Quinomei on the other hand is quite the business man who wants to hire Don the Zombie for an employee.  Smart choice as Don is quite the worker, however, he isn’t about to leave his chili palace.  Yea, he carries it around in his want panel.sims2ep9-2016-11-27-12-07-04-81Hire Don the Zombie as an employee.  Not likely, but very smart.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-12-10-52-31Therefore, Quinomei hires Lainey Bartlett, a semi-ugly teenager who might be useful later.  Right now, she doesn’t have a badge to her name and whines constantly.

“I have to stand at the cash register today?  Ugh, that so unfun Mr. Uglacy.  Can’t I just stand around and look pretty and people will pay me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Lainey, there’s no such thing as a job like that.”Image result for Kim Kardashian snob

Ok, maybe there are some jobs like that.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-13-45-46-56So I’m tired of boring businesses, and decide to do something that I’ve never seen done before.  Someone may have, so don’t send me ugly messages if this was your idea first. Copyright it, okay. So its a Christmas Lot!!!  With Christmas trees!  Yay!  Only, I have no idea if this will work because my seasons pack is right on the verge of winter and I’m not sure sims will like shopping outside in the cold.  This could be great… or it could be horribly disastrous!  The Uglacies dropped a cool $20,000 on this lot in Blue Water.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-13-56-25-36Gage Jr. seems to approve.  Of course that doesn’t mean much, but still.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-18-06-95Finally, Jihoon gets a job in teaching,   And who does he bring home from work his first day but Samantha Ottoman.  Now in case you’ve forgotten, she was the bring home coworker of both Quinomei and Angel back in the day, but now it looks as if she’s been demoted from Education Minister to Playground Monitor with Jihoon.  Worse, he has all these lightning bolts and inappropriate thoughts with her.  Grrr.  Dude she has a whole houseful of kids and a loser husband.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-19-36-71“Here, Samantha, let me massage your back for you…”

“Oh Jihoon, that’s so kind of you.”

Random townie: “Boo, hiss, hiss, you’ve got a pregnant wife you jerk.”

My sentiments exactly.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-30-41-70“Um, yes, Sim Pet Patrol?  I’d like to report our dog Buffy as missing.  How long has she been gone, er, today, a few days, not sure, we haven’t paid any attention to her since we brought her home.  We just noticed she’s missing.”

Yea, Buffy ran away.  I haven’t had that happen before, but the other dogs hated her and no one had a relationship with her.  I’m sure my sims would do this if they could.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-32-15-15“Hey Quinton, look at my awesome hula I learned at the island.”

“Wow Buffoon, that’s the most awesome hula ever!”

Said the loser to the loser.  Dumb and Dumber.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-35-19-63“So I don’t know what happened guys, one minute I was Education Minister, and the next I was monitoring the playground again.  It’s as if I have no control of my life or my fate.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-36-16-54“Er What do you mean you’re my mother in law’s best friend?”

“Well we’ve known each other forever.  Why I remember when Wendy was in diapers.”

That awkward moment when you realize you’ve been hunting cougar.

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-36-58-76While everyone else was enjoying a soak in the tub, Wendy was hard at work, finishing up a servo we could never use *sob* and basking in the glow of her tinkering abilities…

When suddenly…sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-38-19-60“OWwww, owww, owww, owww.  Where is everyone?!  I’m in labor!”

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-42-51-70“It’s been summer for like 5 chapters now.  It’s time for winter.  Is that screaming I hear.  No, never mind. Probably just the winter wind starting.   So what were we talking about… oh yes.  Seasons.  Any day now, there will be snow.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-43-57-96“Oh man, that was screaming we heard!”

“Oh look Tiffany, it’s your stupid daddy who just missed your birth.”

Yup, it’s a girl, and continuing with the naming of horror movies/monsters, meet Tiffany, named after Chucky’s girlfriend… Related image

“Barbie, eat your heart out.”

sims2ep9-2016-11-27-14-48-21-04“Hey, why does her thought bubble have my husband in it?!”

And with that that I shall leave the readers.  Tune in next time to answer the questions…

  1.   Will Don ever forgive me?
  2.   Will the Christmas lot be a success or a dismal failure?
  3.   Will Buffy ever return home, and why would she?
  4.   Did I just lose the cool zombie skins?
  5.   Is Jihoon ever going to stop crushing on Samantha?

Until next time, Happy Simming!!!







Chapter 4, Uglacies Back In Business

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 21-17-44-02Hello fellow simmers, or sim story readers, or accidental browsing victim, whatever your story is, we are glad to see you.  The Uglacies are still striving to produce the ugliest sim yet in 10 generations of legacy living. I know it’s been a while, but there’s a reason, which we will get to (trust me, it’s the roughest college years ever).  Legacy living is sim living with no cheats, lots of agendas, and usually shows how masters play the sims… usually.  But not here.  Angel Uglacy is the first generation descended from 10 generations from 10 years ago… are you following?  Now I know what you’re thinking, she just got promoted to her lifetime want of Education Minister!  Hahaha.  No.  When last we left the Uglacies, they had returned from their family camping trip to Axe Mountain, or wherever.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-03 11-04-13-14So a quick recap, Angel married this… Quinomei, as I like to call him for his Komei like appearance, who reached the top of his career ladder, Education Minister, and achieved his lifetime want.  He grew old in this chapter.  Now I make him sew and garden and do lame stuff.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 18-24-42-85Noseferatu, the firstborn,  was a knowledge sim (lies!) who only want to have fun, fun, fun all the time. He’s an overactive, mean, playful freak of nature.  I aged his neighbor, Nancy, who he completely ignored to spite her attempts to follow him home from school everyday, and suddenly he rolls the want to date her.

“I don’t understand, Nose. You never talked to me as a kid, you ignored me when I came over, why the sudden interest?”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 18-28-00-80“Should I tell her boobs!”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-01-48-77Meanwhile, Wendy is a focused opposite of her brother.  Yes, she is playful too, but more directed and nice.  She loves to dance, but she has a horrible metabolism.  She actually works out more than any of the family, and yet gets none of the rewards.  Well I don’t care, she can wear that husky sized tutu with pride because she has the most body points.  I’ve never had a sims body stuck on the bottom of the fit scale like this. I was beginning to think she was glitched.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 21-54-23-24“Grandpa Don, I dance and dance, but I’m still not skinny like the other girls in dance class.  I can’t lose weight.  They make fun of me.”

“That doesn’t matter, Wendy because you are an Uglacy.  Being pretty is over-rated.  Frankly we don’t care what other sims think.  Can’t is not in our vocabulary.  Won’t is our motto.  We use sayings such as no way, don’t give a flip, and a variety of cuss words, but it’s not because we can’t, Wendy.  It’s because we won’t.”

“So what you’re saying is…”

“Eat lots of chili and tell them to buzz off.  If that doesn’t work, the after effects of my chili will.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-36-32-43Wendy is not the only Uglacy who likes to dance.  Gage Jr. shows up almost daily and heads straight to the dance bar.  That was something I didn’t see coming.

“What?!  The ladies like a man who knows his way around the dance floor.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-41-03-76“Hold that pose, ballerina boy, I’m going to get some of my dollar bills.”

Drunken nanny strikes again.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 18-37-21-37“Daddy, daddy, I got straight A’s!”

“That’s nice Wendy, but daddy is trying to skill.”

“But doesn’t your light bulb have to be on.”


Yeah, minister of education my butt.  His light bulb is never on.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-49-30-55Speaking of education…*cringes*

“Why hello, Mrs. Uglacy.  I heard you want to get your daughter into private school now.”

“Why yes, headmaster.  I think you will find that Wendy is actually our brightest, most talented child ever for an Uglacy.  She dances.  She skills.  She carries straight As.”

“Psssk, pssk.  You know that intelligence and academics are over-rated.  What matters is how well you kiss my @$$.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-51-23-93“How dare you bring up hats.  Those are so last year.  Why I never!”

Angel has 10 fashion points and 10 Charisma points.  YOU LOSER!  A hat wouldn’t hurt your shiny bald head one bit.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-43-46-58“Well I see you went all out and served me your finest bass and squash, but I was really wanting some of that Uglacy chili.  I like to let go with a good after dinner fart.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-44-43-44“And a nice cold beer would be nice too.  I heard this place serves it on tap to nannies all day long.”

Pillar of salt, this guy.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-53-39-07“Oh my, what a nice looking young man.  Can I have him… I mean give me the tour.”

“Ohhh, this creep is getting on my last nerve.”

It’s okay Angel, there’s one sure fire way to win a headmaster over.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 19-52-53-31“OH I love the interior decorating.  What pretty pink butterflies, and toilets, beautiful, sculptured toilets!  It takes me back to my youth, before the constipation set in.”

Headmasters love bathrooms, probably because they are full of… well never mind.  Point is we got in.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 23-18-33-70“Did you forget something?”

Uh, nooo. Oh come on, how many sim birthday cakes can one person take?  So Wendy grew up. She rolls family, and is turned on by logical blondes (*snickers*)  What?!  I can make that joke, I am blonde.  Her turn off is athletes.  And she wants to marry off 6 kids and live happily ever after.  Booring…

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 23-33-19-51Now just in case you forgot our lovely pets, That’s Pierre, the demon poodle.  He’s an aggressive doofus.  He brings such joy to my hours of sim playing.  Like tearing up furniture and homework, and peeing all over the floor so that the Uglacies have lots of cleaning points from moping up all day.  Sometimes he attacks townies passing by, which actually I do enjoy.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 20-19-02-32Then there’s Folly.  Like Father, like daughter.  Her pastimes include avoiding baths and tearing up Quinomei’s garden.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-03 00-08-12-57 (2)And finally Moody, a doofus , lazy, pigpen male terrier we were forced to adopt to keep the family breed going.  He likes to dig holes… and dig holes… and dig holes.

What he doesn’t like is Folly, which made puppy breeding a real pain.  I literally had to build a yard and lock the two of them in it for days.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-03 00-10-27-71Really Angel, you want to adopt another pet.  Oh hell no.  Even Nose and Quinomei are glaring at her like she’s off her meds.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 20-48-51-39But then they go and make cute puppies… introducing Peppy, a friendly, genius pigpen.  I almost had the trifecta.  But I sense lots of baths in his future.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 20-53-18-57Little Peppy is adorable and an only child… THANK the stars!!!  Cause if I had to have six dogs running around on this lot, I would have quit without saving…  not really…*shifty eyes*  maybe… I mean, really, would you blame me?

Sims2EP9 2016-04-07 21-32-23-87But enough with the dogs, time to dust off an expansion I do miss.  Open for Business!  Now that Quinomei has retired, he and Angel decided to buy the Little and Local shop in the Blue Water District and sell crafts and flowers. Just the kind of lame thing a couple of nice retired school teachers would do.  Well technically, Angel’s not retired because she keeps getting demoted, but I digress.

Now I have created my own handicap, one that Pinstar never thought of.  I call it the Monopoly handicap!  By the time this legacy is through, I want to own ALL of Bluewater!  MUhahaha, break out the evil laughter.  I don’t know if it’s actually doable, but that’s not the point.  I am going to try.  If I do it, I’m going to be generous and in the spirit of Pinstar, give myself one whopping legacy point.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-07 21-47-20-68NO Quinomei, it is not your wife who is open for business!  *Smacks him upside head*

Sims2EP9 2016-04-07 21-51-26-91“What do you mean this isn’t a shoe store?  Wherever will I get my petunia pink prom high heels?”

Time for a grand opening with all the agonizing townies.  And there’s only one worse customer than townies…

Sims2EP9 2016-04-08 23-54-07-53Simselves!!!  (Cue Game of Thrones music).   Blueberry Pie, long time no see.

“Yes, while just ignore that rude narrator in the background.  I’ll have you know that I am an excellent customer.”

I HAVE pictures that say otherwise!

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-05-00-95“Excuse me, miss, but what kind of restaurant has dirty dishes on vacated tables…”

“Sir, they just got up, I was headed over there right now.”

“What?!  That’s no excuse.  I expected better of Don’s Chili Palace.  Why I have to dock some stars for this.  And that hair… I’m afraid that will cost a star too.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-04-20-41“Hmmm, I’ll just wander around aimlessly, look confused, demand special attention, and dock some more stars.  I’m confused to what I want to buy and no one is helping me.  Tssk, tssk, horrible service here.”

It’s a restaurant!  Not a Home Depot.

Guess I should plug his Apocalypse since I shamelessly made fun of his simself.  Blueberry Pie is still writing an Apocalypse Challenge… but this time using movies!  You can check it out at the Boolprop forum.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 22-18-46-17As if that wasn’t bad enough… my simself had to be oogled by Quinomei.  Ewww.  You better stop heart farting mister, or I sense an accident in your immediate future.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 22-30-13-14But who should come to save the day but Samantha Ottoman, the official best friend of the Uglacy family.  She gives them the star that gets them to a level one business the first day.  Poor Samantha, pregnant and stuck forever in the sim bin, which I finally figured out when someone informed me over at Boolprop the other day.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-03 12-13-55-55Samantha was like a loyal puppy, following Angel home everyday from work. Even hanging out with Samara, the queen of mean.  There was only one thing to do.

“Samantha, us legacy families don’t usually give a crap about random townies or CAS sims, but you have been more then dedicated.  You should at least get to have that baby and get a real house.”

“Really Quinomei?!  Does this mean… I’ll be a real pixelated, simulated, real unreal person now?!” Cue sims loading music…

Sims2EP9 2016-04-03 12-18-17-88For a moment, I was feeling all warm like a fairy Godmother, then I loaded them. Uggggh!

OH dear God, she’s a rabbit!  There’s a reason this family is stuck in the sim bin.  Maxis made CAS sims are always weirdos.  They live with his mother!  And it only goes downhill from here.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 23-31-32-93“Hey, hey baby, we’ve been in that Sim Bin a long time.  Are you thinking what I’m thinking?!”

Samantha’s husband, Peter, is a real prize.  A romance sports photographer whose first want is woohoo her  and then meet someone new.

“Hey dad, I’m right here!”

“That’s okay Davey, watch your old man here, you’ll learn how to handle the ladies.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-09-43-51“OWWW, oh ouch, I think the baby is coming.  Where is Peter?”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-00-59-06Oh he’s just outside, autonomously flirting with some co-worker he brought home and scarring your seven year old daughter forever, no biggie.

“Well I need him because…”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-10-46-14OH Samantha,  YOU did not do this to me!  Of course you had twins!!!

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-11-43-90“Excellent work Samantha, twin girls.  That’s lovely.  Why I’ve already rolled wants for another grandbaby.  I just love seeing my loser son spread his DNA.”

Okay, that’s my cue to leave.  I ain’t birthing no more babies here.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 22-47-08-09Back at the Uglacy home, Angel was working her way up to Snapdragons.  Oh the flower that forever fills your sims needs.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-02 23-52-41-26And she had just finished a novel to meet the storyteller handicap.  That oddly does not look like “The Uglacies Return.”  Unless that’s Gage on the cover with a sim self *cringes*.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-04 20-24-45-50And in the spirit of overachieving at everything, she continues to get demoted due to bad chance cards.

“Yeah, at this rate I’m going to be the cafeteria lady next week.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 21-17-12-19Meanwhile, Quinomei has been trying to convince the garden club to toss a wishing well our way, but they constantly whine about bugs, dying plants, and worse, they dare to insult our flamingos!

UntitledYOU are the only trash in my yard, missy.  Plastic flamingos reek of class!

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-47-36-00But there was one sim that actually frightened me, because I’m not use to successful sims.

“Ahh, the top of my part-time music job. What is this?  My first day?  Well, that was easy.  I just love the smell of stars.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 01-16-07-93“Oh, look at that, I just maxed my dance skills on my own.  Maybe if she doesn’t notice me, I can actually win a few more scholarships.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 22-36-32-68“Now you’re just showing off, dear.”

“Oh sorry, mom.  I forgot you’re still an epic failure at your lifetime want.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-04 20-06-46-60Nose has talents too, like he cooks random turkey and makes out with girls he just met.

Knowledge sim… seriously?!

Sims2EP9 2016-04-04 20-34-06-18Sim Tips for the Legacy Player by Candi. So the hardest part about handicaps is maxing the hobby that goes with it.  For example, Fearless means you must take every chance card, have no burglar alarm, and repair all electrical objects.  However, you must also have the founder or heirs have a 10 interest in crime, or max game hobby.  At first, I was going with max game hobby, which Angel did but it was painful and wasted tons of time.  Instead, choose the interest and buy the magazine with that interest.  Your sim only has to spend like 5 minutes reading it, and their interest goes right to 10.  Go interest, go magazines, you heard it here first.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-35-01-66Pierre died, and no one even noticed. Except maybe Satan, who is getting his dog back.    He’s probably peeing all over the Netherlands by now.  Enjoy bathing him every fricking day, Grimster!

“That’s what the Hulu girls are for.  That and they make a mean Pina Colada.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-10 00-39-31-97Still, he gets his plot, right under the family founding apple tree, that might need tending.  Don’t judge me.  Let the graves begin.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-09 21-12-47-02“Why does this family keep calling us over here?  Their plants aren’t cutting it. Did you see the apple tree, it’s literally dying.  And their founding tree reeks of bugs! What kind of legacy family is this.  They usually have perfect gardens.”

“Eh, I don’t know, but they do have a keg inside.  Let’s keep failing them and we can drink all their booze and play their musical instruments.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 23-05-29-32Day 3 of the garden club…

“OH it’s all about the bass, bout the bass, no worries…”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 20-45-11-88Wendy rolls a want to go out on a date, so she goes to Don’s Chili Palace with David Ottoman.  Who immediately fills her in on his dysfunctional family.

“So my grandma wants me to have lots and lots of babies.  I hope you’re up for that.”

“Um this is our first date, David.  But I’m a family sim, so hell yes!”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 20-51-28-37“Here, let me throw some food on you in a romantic gesture.”

“Oh, ho, ho, nothing builds my relationship points faster!  You know how to turn a guy on.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 20-46-16-88“Wow, so this is Candi’s Uglacy.  I don’t know, I thought they’d be, well, more ugly.”

Keika, relax.  It’s still in the first generation.  Simselves are always drawn to the Uglacies, like moths to a flame, like Romeo to Juliet, like…

“A roadside wreck you just can’t turn away from.”

Thanks, Keika. Well said.  She writes the White Legacy, another Boolprop classic.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 20-53-55-42“Can you guys stop throwing food everywhere?  I have to clean it up.”

“YOU should clean up, Tank.  Geesh, don’t you ever shower after your dad has you run those obstacle courses!”

“Showers are for girly men, my dad told me so.”

No wonder the General’s wife left him.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 19-11-25-80And David and Wendy did seem to hit it off, unfortunately he is a CAS sim with some serious family issues going on, so he was just pre-college aspirational fodder.  Unless she becomes a spare and really wants to ruin her life.  Then we’ll talk about it.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-26-39-18David leaves a hot tub as an after date present!  Say what? His family is dirt poor.  Is this drug money.  Is that kid selling bubbles or what?!

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 19-18-02-89“So Peppy, I leave for college tomorrow.  Now you be a good puppy, don’t grow up too freakishly ugly.  And try not to dig dad’s garden up so he can finally get that wishing well.”

Yeah I wouldn’t count on that, Wendy.  We’re going to be wishing for the wishing well for a long time with my gardening know how.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-23 20-48-43-08It was time for Noseferatu and Wendy to go off to college.  Staying in the well-dressed tradition, they got brand new wardrobes for college and unfortunately, Wendy is sporting quite the distorted muffin top there.  Exhibiting their father’s sense of intelligence, they suddenly realized they knew each other.

“OH yeah, I know you, you’re my sister.”

“Hey Nose, like the new haircut.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 23-26-27-79Moody was Noseferatu’s dog.  He went deep into the red when Nose went off to college.  He wouldn’t eat, he just laid on the street… all the years I played Sims 2 I never realized pets miss their owners when they go off to college.  Moody went moody alright.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-53-55-61

OH MY BOOLPROP!  I got a chance card right! BE amazed.  I was.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-54-50-79And Angel finally gets her lifetime want!!!  Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!

“I did it Samantha, I am the Education Minister!  I can finally retire.”

“That’s great girlfriend.  I’m just glad I’m not pregnant anymore.  That was my lifetime want.  That and for Peter’s mom to get hit by a bus.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-48-27-90“Hmm, so you’re saying I don’t really need the wishing well?”

“Not with me around.  And the best part is some matchmaker randomly threw me in your front yard.  No effort at all.  So what do you want?  Money, looks, life… you got three wishes…”

“Three!  Who needs those garden snobs. So I already have amazing good looks, and I don’t want to do this legacy any longer then I have to.  Let’s go cash!”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-49-07-71“WOW!  Quinton likes this!  It is like winning the Sim Lottery.  There’s got to be some kind of rule against this.  It’s too easy.”

“Yea, but you know, you’ve got your narrator half ass reading the rules, so enjoy.  This is just one installment, others will randomly fall out of the sky in the next couple days.  Might want to get a hard hat.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 21-59-29-10The third bag of cash landed on Moody.  He was unfortunately fortunately unharmed.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 22-09-59-17“So Sam, I have a genie in my front yard (*sounds like a song*), and I can wish for anything.  I’m going to wish for something everybody wants…”

“Jon Snow is added to the seasons pack and comes with Winter…”

“Uh no… but that would be an awesome hack!”

“A decent husband.”

“Well, maybe, I mean no… I’m wishing for more life.  I got ripped off when I didn’t get my lifetime want by the time I became an elder.  I need more time.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-22 22-11-21-31Genie:  “So okay, lady, what’s it going to be…”

Sam:  “Is he a male stripper for the retirement party.  Awesome, Angel!”

Angel:  “No, I told you, he’s a genie.  So I want a long life.”

Sam:  “And a male stripper…”

Angel:  “Samantha, please.”

Sam:  “What?!  You want to enjoy that long life right?  Hey, hey can I have one of the wishes.  I want some cash to land on my husband’s cheating, miserable head.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-23 00-00-41-68A quick inside view of Little and Local, starting to take off.  It’s a level 3 now.  And it just won the Best of the Best award.  To spite Nervous throwing out negative stars.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-23 20-44-01-98Meanwhile, back at college, Wendy has found love at first sight in the Landgrabb dorms.

“Oh Jihoon is hot!”

Er, yeah, Wendy. Might need to get you some glasses.  Still way to go picking Uglacy material all on your own.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-24 14-22-13-76Noseferatu rolls the want to be a vampire, oddly symbolic since he was named after the first Dracula film.  However, he did not get the aspiration points (*cough, cough,rip off).

“I don’t think you bit me hard enough Countess.  I still don’t have the points.”

Move along, people, move along.  Nothing to see here.

Sims2EP9 2016-04-23 20-45-54-80“So you maxed all your skills.  Wow.  I heard your legacy sort of struggles with success.”

“Our legacy isn’t about success. It’s more about genetics.”

“I see, so you’re interested in me for my good looks.  Well I can live with that.”

“Er, something like that.”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-24 14-22-29-71“Seriously Nose!”

“Still not getting my aspiration points here!”

Sims2EP9 2016-04-24 18-53-10-31With max skills point, Wendy begins to use her time to develop an army of robots.  She also excels in tinkering so this is cake for her, like everything she does.  She rolls the want to major in literature, which she did, and Nose rolls the wants to major in Physics.  Unbelievable.  Einstein he’s not.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-02-04-40Next up it’s time to convince the members of the Uglacy Greek House to let Nose and Wendy get in.  Let the painful social interactions began. Time for a nice chat.

“Personally, I think we should nuke all those pretty sims and their fraternities.”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-06-02-27And the geeky glasses, school cheering, and pathetic attempts to force relationship points commences.

“WOW, your school cheer is so awesome, I can’t help but be your friend!”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-08-51-39Oh this looks like the Countess’s handiwork.

“Hey Hyun, aren’t you a vampire now?  What’s up with eating pancakes? Shouldn’t you be sucking blood from unsuspecting victims?”

“Shut up. They’re pancakes of doom soaked in blood.”

“More like Bisquick soaked with Aunt Jemimah.”

Yeah, Maxis never did do vampires justice.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-32-54-64“Yay, Welcome to the Greek House, Nose!”

“Ow, you just elbowed me in the head!  What do you people do?  Take Ritalin all day?!”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-39-51-56So Nose leaves for the Greek House his sophomore year, saying his final “Good Blehs” on the way out the door.

“I can almost bite my own neck!”

Good for you.  A sim should have skills in life.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-51-51-63“Yaayyy, let’s go tell Wendy she’s in too!”

Bunch of freaks.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 20-53-08-20“What, is this my birthday?  Did I finally get a party?”

Not quite.  Welcome aboard the crazy train.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-17 21-03-42-09The Uglacy Greek House is now level 6!  It consists of 7 college students trying to maintain 4.0 GPAs.  Kill me, kill me now.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 10-02-28-35“Excuse me sir…”

“You’ve come to challenge my dark powers haven’t you.  Well it’s futile.  I am the shadow that stalks in the night…”

“Great, this secret society is getting really hard up for members now.”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 10-05-01-98“Dude, I am not Van Helsing and I don’t give a crap about your dark powers. Just get in the limo so we can give you this secret blazer!”

“I have to wear that hideous blazer?!  No wonder it’s a secret.  Do I at least get a cape?”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 10-09-58-56And under the soft glow of the cowplant, Viola Suwnaki was instantly smitten.

“Oh my, that Noseferatu looks more delicious then the forbidden cake.”


“Do they have a bong here?”

Er, not exactly.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 10-12-39-32“How dare that tramp look at you!”  *smack, smack, smack…*

“Wait, what did I do…”

And the not so secret society is a hodge podge of drama now.  Nose is not a romance sim and yet all the ladies are drawn to him.  Gads.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 14-31-22-92“Yeah, you guys just stand over there and play kicky ball, well I fix this computer in the glow of my amazing ability to be in the zone.”

Nothing changes, all Nose wants to do is have fun, fun, fun, while Wendy repairs all the stuff these lame-o’s break.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 14-43-49-58Not that Wendy is quite up to servo level yet.

“Wendy!  Your gizmo is crapping trash again!  Gosh, how do I turn this off again?  If only there were a button or a remote or something.”

Like the one in your hand?!  Argggh.  Took her forever to actually turn it off.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 15-40-30-24 (2)“Dude, I think I got a bad trip.”

“Phil you are a bad trip.”

Sims2EP9 2016-05-22 15-47-06-44“Is he dead?”

One can only hope.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-27 22-38-39-62

By now, I should know not to play with cowplants.  But I couldn’t help myself.  After all, my very favorite sim Don came from my mishaps with a cowplant.  So I thought, it’s been so long since I played college, let’s break out a gate at the secret society and have a little “fun”!Sims2EP9 2016-05-27 22-39-25-85Meet Richard Leon, an unsuspecting freshman that was the first to go for the cake.  It had been a while since I created a zombie, so I had forgotten a few minor details.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-27 22-43-10-53Richard was instantly a household member.  But hey, that’s cool.  So I have one zombie stinking up the Greek House.  It’s not like he will really eat brains or anything…

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 00-11-24-17But Richard moves in only to start attacking everyone… starting with Wendy.

“Listen buddy, if you want to eat my brains, you need more than 2 body points.”

Eat brains?!  I forgot I carried over my game mods from my original Sims 2 Apocalypse, and I had added the Zombie Apocalypse from Mod the Sims! This mod makes  zombies actually attack other sims and if they win the fight, the attacked sim becomes a zombie. My game was suddenly the Walking Dead!  Worse I couldn’t find the mod to pull it out.  Yes, I know I’m supposed to make a separate file for that stuff… but in loading my game from years ago, I guess things got jumbled up.  I couldn’t find the file!

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-29-16-83“Sorry dude, did anyone ever tell you that you suck at being a zombie.”

At first I ignored him.  I mean even Aurora here with 4 body points could take him.  Hey, how bad could this be? I’d just keep my eye on him.  Keep him busy, doing homework and moping puddles.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-43-03-69But Richard was smart.  He would roll wants to get body points and autonomously pull out a jump rope.  GADS.  What sim does that?!!!


I was constantly clicking that crap off.  No way am I letting him get body points.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-40-25-09But then the inevitable happened…

“You jerk, you bit me on me bum!”

Poor Shiela, she is the romance queen of the Greek House.  She didn’t take it well.Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-44-19-59“HAhaha, one down, six to go!”  Yes, he did have the nerve to look right at me and cheer.

Oh crap, now there are two brain eating zombies.  I did not sign up for an Apocalypse.  I contemplated moving him out, but would that be cheating?  Or at least taking the easy way.  Well I’m no quitter… bring it Richard!

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-48-50-64Of course if a little “accident” should happen, that wouldn’t be technically cheating…

“Wow, that cloud looks like braaainnns…”

Besides it keeps him distracted.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-44-58-76“It tis zokay, Shiela.  It was not like you gathered your lovers on your good lookz anyway, no?  Now dee men will vant you for your charming personality, no?”


Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-45-45-16“Get off of me you zombie freak!”

Oh no, not Aurora again!

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 19-46-32-62Uh oh, this is getting totally out of hand.  Worse, they start attacking passer-bys, and they really like professors.  Probably big brains.  Still, I was determined to get Nose and Wendy through college, and they have like 8 and 10 body points, so they are fairly safe.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 21-13-11-15The sentry that Wendy built seemed to know the zombies were bad news and shocked them on a regular basis.

“Danger Will Robinson, Danger!  Zombie Alert!”

If only we could have turned up the voltage.

Sims2EP9 2016-05-28 21-17-56-66Still there is a certain thrill with brain eating zombies.  I was hoping he would attack the Diva, but instead he rolled the want to date her.

“Braiinsss… ohhh,pretty.”

“Usually I do not mingle with common folk, but oh my your dangerous edge is so attractive.  Kiss me zombie boy.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-01 21-31-11-33 Sadly, my brain eating zombies were getting more action than my potential heirs.  Mainly because I was trying to keep them doing anything but eating brains.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-02 21-11-19-17Nose is dating a few girls, he acts more like a romance sim than a knowledge one.  His Junior year he rolled popularity with a lifetime want to be a celebrity chef. His second aspiration he rolled knowledge again.  Well, he is popular with the ladies at least.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-03 21-25-44-69Wendy rolls pleasure her Junior year with a lifetime want for 50 dream dates.  Her secondary aspiration is family.  Wendy is skilled out and has maxed tinkering.  She keeps the house in tip top shape.  Still there are a few mishaps with the dishwasher on occasion…

Sims2EP9 2016-06-03 21-26-36-82“If you are even thinking Brains, sister, you better think again.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-02 19-41-23-05But Nose has the most “mishaps” of all, because he decides to go chasing butterflies in broad daylight instead of staying in his coffin!  UGH!

“They were pretty.  Oh hey, I think I might be having a little heat stroke here, yeah, just a touch.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-02 19-43-20-79“Oh nooo, not Nose.   I must plea for his life.  Please Grimmy, give him back to us.”

“Yea, okay, but you might want to hurry because your automatic Hoover is headed over to suck up his remains.  Crazy legacy families.  I don’t get paid enough for this.”

(True story, the vacuum was almost the end of Nose!)

Sims2EP9 2016-06-13 21-40-40-19Meanwhile, Heather Huffington continues to plague the home in hopes of being asked to live here. Oddly, the zombies don’t attack her.  Much to my dismay.

“She doesn’t have any brains.”

Oh… touche.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-03 22-26-42-20And I am not the only one who is tired of the zombies.  Christopher had had enough.

“You guys leave fricking puddles all over the house, you reek, you make the toilets dirty, you leave books out, you break appliances, and if you attack me one more time, I am going to slap you into next week!”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-03 23-54-38-54However Shiela does have one secret power, she can seduce anyone. Not that Heather Huffington here takes a lot of effort.  She’s kind of the “go to girl” of the university.

“Here you go Heather, roses are red, violets are blue, no one on campus is as easy as you.”

“Oh Sheila, that’s so sweet.  You even wrote me a poem and everything.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-13 21-12-42-90And then the zombies killed my game… literally.  It started when Aurora, for the millionth time, decided to attack Phil as they were coming home from class.


“Hey  guys, just stand there and watch in horror, don’t help me or anything.”

The good news was Phil won.  The bad news was I closed out my game that night and the next day, I was able to get on my game, get into the neighborhood, but when I clicked on the house, I got an error message and it wouldn’t load.

“HAHAHA, we win!!!”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-14 18-49-51-49After hours of trying to fix the lot, cleaning cache files, and researching error codes, there was only on thing I could do, and that was to move the Greek house.  They took a real hit from the move, only have 4000 something dollars, and had to buy this little two bedroom for 8 sims.  They lost their knowledge bookcase and snapdragons that Wendy had brought with her, her mechanic table, her sewing machine, her garden, and the college portraits of the Uglacies.  Oh yeah, and Nose lost his pool table, his drum set, and his coffin.  You can see where his priorities were.  They ended up on Peanut Street, with literally… peanuts.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-14 19-20-54-14“So with the lousy 800 dollars we had left, you get a coffin!”

“Hey Barb, what can I say?  I’m a vampire.  We need our beauty rest.”

“Arrgh. We got four crappy beds we have to fight for, you jerk!”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-18 18-35-25-65I don’t know why we wasted our money though because it’s not like he stays in his coffin.

“Hey Michelle, how’s it going.”

“Er, I smell something burning, and it’s not that pizza.”

“Eh, I was hungry, thought I’d visit the old campus.”

“You do know you’re a vampire, right?  And it’s the middle of the day…you’re smoking.”

“Smoking hot, baby.”

Michelle Young has a college version of her simself and now gets to wander my zombie infested campus.  I’m sure she didn’t sign up for this. Sorry Michelle.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-18 18-38-42-40“Please Grimmy, you have no idea how crappy this chapters been.  Can you let him live just one more time?”

“Yea, I can guess how crappy this chapter has been.  It amazes me the two of you have made it to your senior year with the leadership you’ve had…”

HEY Grimster!  I can totally hear you!

“Whatever.  Okay, once more for old time sake.  I can’t even revel in this, it’s too pathetic.  Tell your mentally challenged brother to stop chasing butterflies and going out for pizza in the middle of the day.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-18 18-54-02-42Finally, there was only one thing to do.  Good bye zombies.  Normally I would never kick anyone out of a Legacy Greek House, but I wasn’t about to risk another crash and the loss of my heirs.  All their fighting and fight memories were likely causing the lot to glitch it up.  It was time to bid “Adios” to the three musketeers of zombieville.

“Yea, get out loser.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-21 11-04-58-45At last Nose and Wendy graduated after the most painful college chapter I have ever done in my simming career.  Nose wanted a toga party, and all the Uglacies were invited.  Nothing like blowing bubbles with Don and Gage to get a party score up.

Sims2EP9 2016-06-21 11-05-24-99Of course it got a little creepy when Samara wandered over and started heart farting over her great grandson.

Don:  “Samara?!  What’s that thought bubble over your head?!”

Samara:  “Er, nothing Don, I just love these grand kids so much.”

Gage:  “Wow, really mom, cause you don’t like kids.  You pretty much hated me.”

Samara:  “Who are you again?”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-43-55-12It was time for me to break the good news to Wendy.

“OH yay, really, I’m the heir?!”

“Well you got max skills, a gold medal in robot building, and  I don’t really like the 50 dream date want but it’s doable.  Plus Nose is a huge pain in the butt.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-47-55-84“Congratulations, Wendy.  I know the heirship means more to you than Nose.”

“Thanks Grandpa.  I am going to do the Uglacies proud.”

“I have no doubt, I just met your boyfriend Baboon.”

“It’s Jihoon, Grandpa…”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-53-35-76“Oh Wendy, we are so proud of you.  An actual overachieving Uglacy.”

“Well I get it from you mom.”

“And Baboon is a perfect choice.”

“MY name is Jihoon!  What’s with these people?”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-54-22-32“And YOU!  YOU need to get that fricking, flipping hack out of this game!   It causes Zombie prejudice and nearly killed my two grand kids.  How can you suck so bad at this?”

“Don!  That’s not nice.  Stop looking at me like that.  You’re not one of them are you?  You look really vicious.   You’re not going to eat my brain…”

“LIKE you have one!   Grrrr.  I gotta go find the booze and soak in a hot tub. This chapter was long and painful.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-58-55-01“See you back in Strangetown, Wendy.”

“Don’t you want to stay and see what I change into?”

“Oh I’ve seen it.”

Sims2EP9 2016-06-22 20-59-26-83And let’s just say it fits your pleasure aspiration alright.

That’s a wrap folks, sorry for such a long chapter and that it took me a while to get it out, but I did have some issues with the game.  I’m glad to say that everything is up and running and those brain eating zombies are tucked away in the Sim Bin where they shall stay for all of eternity.  Until next time, happy simming!






Chapter 3, The Uglacies Go Camping!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-27-38-62“I can’t believe Gage Uglacy,  my arched nemesis, is back in Strangetown.  I thought I was finally rid of him and his heathen ways.”  Knits furiously…  “How can this be?  Things have been so quiet since everyone went to play Sims 3.   All those nasty simselfs have moved on.  Especially that Candi one, beseeching the clean ideas behind legacy living, hard work, and wholesome families.  Why I remember when legacy families were a thing of pride, not abominations like Gage.”  Knits even more furiously…  “With that disgusting troll roaming the streets, I have to get some more bricks for my purse. Oh, I hope Grimmy likes this sweater.  I never can tell if he wears them, with that dark cloak get up.”

It’s okay Crumplebottom, I have a feeling you are going to be doing a lot more knitting and drinking before I’m through.  Maybe you can knit your man a colorful cloak of death!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 18-58-58-02Welcome back to the Uglacy Family, revived and still alive thanks to my Hard Drive.  Woah, I am a poet.  Anyway, I don’t do recaps well, so you might want to read the other chapters, but let’s just say Gage and I had made a bargain, involving simselfs and one angry zombie.  In return for putting some simselfs back in the game, Gage would butter Don up for me.  Our first victim… er addition… CowforBrains.   She took her simself off the exchange years ago, but I had her in my hard drive.  Well not her… but her simself.  Anyway, she is still killing sims “accidently” and recently uploaded a story at the Boolprop Forum last month, but she hasn’t logged on in the last couple weeks.  Heh, heh, she’s in for a treat when she does.

“Renee, baby, I’ve missed you.  Come give Gagey a big hug and a woohoo for old time sake.”

“Back off you freak.  I am so calculating Candi’s death as we speak.”

Don’t let her protests fool you people, she actually has a special place in her heart for Gage.  She literally stalked all the other simselves that ever dated him.  Now as for the legacy…


“Welcome back everyone to the most awesome legacy ever!”

The overzealous founder is Angel Uglacy.  She is Don the Zombies granddaughter and my simself’s great, great granddaughter… it’s a long story.  Read the other chapters for details.  She’s a nice, pretty family sim who wants to reach the top of the education ladder.  She’s married to a Komei clone named Quinten, who she found in college.  He’s a mentally deficient knowledge sim *snort* that also wants to reach the top of the education ladder.  Geesh, get an original lifetime want already.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 15-58-16-80Our firstborn, Nosferatu was basically a miserable little brat.  He has the worse personality with 10 playful points (KILL Me now).  He was constantly unhappy, the little $&!#!!!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 12-45-46-27“I HATE ice cream.  It sucks!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 15-59-40-90
“Don’t be waving those friendship faces at me, Wendy.  I hate babies.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-00-22-66But Quinomei (heh, heh,see what I did) rolled the typical knowledge want of getting precious little Nose into a private school.  Headmasters… I still have PTSD when I see them coming.  Still, we whip out the chili and let the butt kissing commence…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-05-16-71“What do you want to be Nosferatu when you grow up?”

“I want to be a serial killer… of headmasters”


Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-08-27-05Let’s look behind the scenes on this one.  While trying to feed the headmaster we are at 8/90 points.  Yes, be amazed.  And Lassie picks this time to have her puppies, all 3 of them.  In addition, that is a baby on the floor and 2 notebooks of homework left in the living room.  Not to mention the keg in the kitchen.  Plus if you look closely, Angel is rolling wants to call her old boyfriend from college.  Now if this doesn’t say classy family to this headmaster, why I don’t know what would.  And just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-08-00-82“So Mr. Headmaster, let’s talk balls.”


Well if tighty whities don’t schmooze him, nothing will.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-17-06-89Maybe it’s just better if we don’t know how the Uglacies got little Nosferatu into an elite private school.  *cough, cough*

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-09-01-64With the fiasco going on, poor Wendy doesn’t get a birthday party.  But she does get sparkles and… *drumroll*

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-10-06-20An awesome doo! How many toddlers grow up in a beehive bun! My first thought when I saw this… it’s staying!  So stats are 9/2/6/2/10.  Wendy is nothing like her brother (THANK goodness for a little thing I like to call randomizing in CAS before a baby is born.  No firstborn effect here).  She’s neat, shy, active, but not insanely so, and serious.  And she has 10 nice points!!!  Woah… another Angel.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-20-32-08
As I go for the family breed goal, our first batch of puppies have arrived.  The puppies all look alike and have the exact same personalities,  Genuis (from Lassie), mid-hyper, independent, mid-friendly, and finicky.  I name them Frick, Frack, and Folly.  One of these lucky (or unlucky) pups will get to carry on as the family breed!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-26-40-15Wendy is basically a lonely child that lives with the dogs.  Sort of like the Jungle Book.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-37-04-78When I can’t find her, I look for the dogs.  And there she is, thinking she is one of the puppies and living on kibbles and bits.  It doesn’t help that the nanny is completely incompetent.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 01-03-18-78
And a drunk that plops her butt down by the keg the entire day.  She isn’t Super Nanny.  She’s Stoopered Nanny.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-10-29-39
Nose continues to be a little $#!+ who only cares about his selfish fun needs.

“Weeee, this is so much fun splashing in the puddle.”

“Nosferatu, please, we don’t want to mop all day.  Aren’t you a neat kid?”

“BUT I have 10 playful points and only 3 nice points, weee, weeee, weee!”

Meanwhile, lurking and stalking in the background is another nanny we didn’t ask for.  Word on the street is the Uglacies provide free booze for babysitters.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-16-16-79Insert bad Austrian accent…”Nosferatu, let me pump  you up with homework!  Quinten is  a smarty pants principal, your mudder is a univerzity speaker, how is it going to look if zuch a brilliant super couple’s kid getz terminated from school for being a girly man and doing his homework?  Your grades are terrible.  Zhis is not allowed!  How are you going to learn to talk in the third person and be a manly man if you don’t pazz school?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-17-06-22“I don’t care.  I want to play!  I’m bored.  This sucks!  And NO, I do not want to play chess!  I don’t feel like that right now!  I don’t care if I have a D!  YOU can’t make me!  I want to have fun!”

“Fine little man, but I’ll be back.”

Clicks, looks for option Smack child upside head.  I think you forgot an option EA.  You might want to add it to the Sims 4.  Make your social workers work a little harder.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-19-08-68Well don’t look at me Quinomei, he’s your kid.

LOL, this really happened.  And they say sims aren’t real!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 16-53-11-25Meanwhile, totally neglected again…

“Hey, um, there’s a little kid out here with the dogs.  Hello?  Anyone home?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 01-02-41-49“Burp” *wipes mouth on nasty granny sweater sleeve*

“This is my best gig ever!  Nothing like booze and dog fights!”

Say what?  There’s no such thing as… uh oh.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-12-43-07NO!  Bad dog Pierre, how dare you beat up the mother of your puppies!  And Lassie would never be taken down by a foo foo poodle.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-13-33-91Oh but she was.  You jerk, Pierre.  I should boolprop the tombstone of death right now!  It was at this moment I realized who Pierre looked like…Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 16-59-06-63


       “We come in peace, heh,heh.”

Aliens have infiltrated our family in the form of ugly poodles.Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-14-09-95

 “BAD foo foo dog, BAD!  Manly dogs do not beat up their baby mommas!  We will have none of that!  Next time we shave your pom poms off!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-29-23-47It’s midnight. Do you know where your toddler is?

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-35-34-23“Arrgh!  I just got demoted cause you picked the wrong card again, and Quinten keeps getting promoted!  The puppies are peeing all over the house, the nanny is constantly drunk, my husband only runs around in his underwear, my kid is a brat, my other kid is being raised by wolves!  I thought you knew how to run a legacy. MY aspiration is tanking.”

Oh,  I’m sorry.  I know you didn’t get that idea I could actually play from any of my other legacies.  Fine, fine.  Go do that stupid want you won’t let go of!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-36-37-59“Oh hi Phil. How are you?  Yes it has been a long time.  Yea, since I dumped you for the Komei lookalike.  Uh huh.  Well I know I was never attracted to you in college, but now I am obsessed with calling you.  Romance sim, ha, don’t be silly.  I’m family, remember?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-18-10-80“Now little man, we are going to do those three notebooks of homework you have been ignoring.  Your father did not schmooze the headmaster with questionable methods so you could fail school.”

“Forget you dad.  I ain’t doing no homework and you can’t make me.”

Flipping, flapping, dang it, where is that slap the kid upside the head option.  I demand it now!   And when is Quinomei going to put some pants on!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-38-28-66“Hi Nosferatu.  I’m Nancy.  You invited me over to play after school. Wanna play tag?”

“NO, I hate tag.  That’s so boring.  I’m playing SSX.  Take a hike.”

Yeah.   I didn’t make this up either. Tried to get him to play with another kid and he wasn’t having it.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-43-47-94Quinomei, you are not feeding that to Wendy.  On the other hand, if you want to put it all over Nose’s cheerios, I got no problem with that.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-51-29-27Winning in the puppy race is Folly!  Folly is the only girl and the only puppy that Angel rolls wants to snuggle, play with, etc…  So it looks like she will carry on the best of breed for the Uglacies.  I wonder how cute she will be!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-55-18-39Oh, um… oh my.  This looks like a cross between  a wolf and a lamb.  Just creepy.  Guess breeding a poodle to a collie was a bad idea.  At this rate the dogs are going to beat the family in the ugly department.  I actually wasn’t going for that, but hey, while in Rome…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 18-54-09-76Worse, Frick attacks Lassie as soon as he grows up.  Poor Lassie, she’s so nice and doesn’t fit into this family’s pack of vicious, alien, poodled wolves.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-03-32-29Time for a party, but for safety reasons, my simself did not attend.

“That traitor Candi.  Playing Sims 3, serving up spaghetti at an Uglacy party, breeding malformed dogs.  Why she better not show her face today, or it’s wham, bam, to the moon!”

Don needs some anger management.  Hopefully, Gage will start fixing this situation soon, but betting on Gage?  Geesh, I really am at an all time low.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-12-12-89“OH my gosh, fire, fire!  What to do?!”

Even though Quinomei here has 9 cooking points and should easily be able to barbecue burgers, I expect disaster from my sims.  Hence the fire alarm. I have learned a few things, people.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-12-53-76So has Don, apparently.   Notice the fire is evident in the left corner.  But did he run out like most idiotic sims do.  Oh no.  He just sat there, eating his chips. Calmly.

“I’m not going out there.  I know how Uglacy BBQ’s end up.  I’m just staying in here and eating chips. Should have made chili.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-13-51-68Really Quinomei?  You just won a cooking contest the last chapter, and now you burn burgers!

“The barbecue was so complicated.  It was hard for poor Quinten.”

Yeah, the science of charcoal.  That’s a tough one.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-17-17-47Every now and then, something sweet happens in my little families.  In this case, Gage Jr. falls in love with Lassie and played with her throughout the whole party.  Poor Lassie was largely neglected by the family, other than Wendy, and abused by the other dogs.  So I had Angel give Lassie to G.J.  Hopefully, Daddy Gage won’t mind all the dog hair on his animal printed furniture.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-18-43-93Time for yet another birthday party, today we are doing two for the price of one.   First up, little Wendy.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-21-05-92“Good grief, she grew up in those trashy UFO pajamas!”

Actually, I like the UFO jammies, but we have a special wardrobe for her as per the Well Dressed handicap.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-24-15-33Next up, Nosferatu.

Angel:  “NO, no,  I don’t want to grow this one up.  He’s already a pain in the butt as a kid, I won’t be able to stand him as a teenager.”

Well I can understand that.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-25-41-21“Oh my gosh!”

Oh come on guys it can’t be that bad.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-25-17-90“Wow, I suddenly feel like joining the military career and running an obstacle course!”

Tank Grunt called, he wants his clothes back.

And, to spite the camouflage,  Nose rolls Knowledge (ARE you kidding?  With his pathetic grades?)  with a lifetime want to become the hand of Poseidon.  I’d love to put him out to sea.  His turn ons are fitness and cleaning, and turn off is make up.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-22-14-66“Did Angel have an affair with General Grunt?  Because that really is going to be unforgivable.”

NO Don, I promise.  Besides, Grunts are not Uglacy material.  Mental issues maybe.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 19-22-54-05Geesh Gage Jr.  Make yourself at home why don’t you?

“Angel’s house is gross.  I feel so dirty, and not in a good way.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-22-26-56Speaking of the house, although trashed and covered in dog pee puddles, it has been expanded into a super sized Barbie townhouse!  The roof is already glitchy, but I don’t want to talk about that.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-53-31-96Now it’s time for Angel’s day of Hell.  So I really like Angel, because well, she kind of reminds me of me.  She does not have the best luck in life.  First, another chance card causes her to be demoted to high school teacher.  Quinomei is way ahead of her and is the principal, which is insulting because I know who the smarter sim is.

“Yay, I was demoted!’

Being an optimist, Angel didn’t let it get her down.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-40-23-34Angel had realized from the night before that it was time to get rid of some of the pups, as the house was becoming trashed.  The hell hounds (as I like to call them) were reeking havoc on the Uglacy home.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-54-15-61But of course, we want the pups to get good homes, so Angel gives Frick or Frack, who the heck knows, anyway, she gives one of them to Samantha Ottoman, as Samantha practically lives with the Uglacies, and what a lovely canine companion they would make for any child on the way.

“I know you’re expecting Samantha.  The mom is actually Lassie!”

“Wow!  I’ll take one.”

Don’t mention that the dad dog is an alien, creepy, doofus poodle.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-55-36-82Samantha immediately realized she was duped.

“Those dogs are ugly and they smell like trash and pee!”

Sorry, Sam, no refunds, no returns!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-57-21-52Of course, the dogs did stink.  So Angel decided to give Pierre a bath, only Pierre had other ideas, and being the jerk dog he is always is, he wouldn’t let Angel bathe him.

“Bon Voyage, madam, Pierre must bid adieu.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-57-52-39Most of the time I make fun of my sim’s suffering… but I actually did feel sorry for Angel.  She had a complete melt down and started to cry.  Pierre running off filthy was the last straw for her.  Angel strikes me as kind of a neurotic perfectionist, who tries to project the golden standard of being a flawless working mom and ends up a hot mess instead.

“I was demoted, my dogs stink, my house is trashed, my life sucks…. waaaahhhhh!”

It’s okay Angel, I’m going to take you down to the game hobby lot, cause I’ve never seen it, and you can just have fun.  Let’s go girl!  Seriously what I planned… but Angel and I were in for a shock.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-07-03-20.jpg“Quinten, what are you doing here, with that gaming lady?”

NO, we did not invite Quinomei, nor did we have any control over him.  He was just there as a random townie… I have never had this happen before.  I mean someone from the same family randomly there.  But Angel and I both figured he was just playing pool, although they sure look guilty don’t they?

“Er, Angel, baby.  As your loving husband, I am just playing a game of pool.”

Whose watching the kids?  Cause we didn’t call the drunken nanny.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-08-11-10.jpgThen Quinomei goes over and ADMIRES the exterminator.  Excuse me, mister…

“Oh baby, I love the way you smell like bug spray and toxic chemicals.”

Me and Angel in unison, “What the hell?!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-10-59-50Even more disturbing, he swims in the pool, just long enough to change into his sexy swim suit, and then runs into the TV room with Samara and the game lady, and proceeds to exhibit himself.

“Hello ladies, look at my manly muscles.”

“Wow Samara, this gaming lot is not usually so exciting.  Lets get some beer and have him do a male review for us!  I don’t have dollars, but I have tokens for the games.  We can insert them somewhere!”


Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-14-45-64Angel and I were both tempted to poke, push, argue and insult Quinomei, or insert a few tokens ourselves, however no harm had been done… yet.  So instead, Angel decided to take advantage of the situation.

“Oh Quinten, I’ve had such a lousy day.  Forget those women. Let’s go on a date.”

“Your manly man agrees.  That exterminator has nothing on you.  You have the odor of wet dog and demotion.  Quinten likes the scent of failure on a woman.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-20-26-59So Quinomei and Angel went to Botanical Gardens, where they had their first date.  They would have made Don proud ordering the chili.  The date lifted both their spirits, kind of like the poor married couple they were that had gotten so caught up in the day to day crap that they had forgotten what was most important.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 21-24-13-69Like public woohoo in  a photo booth!

“Honey, whose taking care of the kids?”

“Who cares?”

Can you spell Dream Date?  I knew you could!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-31-13-32The next night, Nose brings a friend home from school, but in typical Nose fashion, completely ignores him.  Apparently Tank Grunt actually showed up to get his clothes back, and I was just kidding.  Worse, he apparently had a little thing for Angel and followed her around all night.

“Wow, you’re so pretty Mrs. Uglacy.  Did anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?  I can’t believe Uglacy is even your last name.”

“Is he flirting with my wife?”

Well technically, he’s a teen and can’t, but he sure is laying on the puppy dog eyes.

“Quinten is not happy!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-06 20-29-28-95He even follows Angel outside to the patio and eats rotten grilled cheese with her.

“Wow, Mrs. Uglacy…”, gag, choke,”These are the best grilled cheese sandwiches I’ve ever had.”

Oh the things we do for love.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 20-06-46-64Meanwhile, over at Gage’s house, Michelle Young’s simself makes an appearance, but she is a simself with a mission.

“Gage, we’ve all been curious. We want to see your house.”

I have no idea why people in the boolprop forum actually asked for a tour, but I can say Gage is totally delighted to show off his interior decorating abilities.  He would like to show off a few other things as well, but I am trying to keep him on a leash.

“Oh baby, of course I’d love to give you a personal tour.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 22-12-34-55“But first let me start by showing you this… MY BRAND NEW CAR!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 22-09-57-02Oh my, a cheetah mobile.  Obviously someone at Mod the Sims made the perfect car for Gage.  Now time for the safari, I mean tour.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-03-17-20“Oh Gage, this is so you.  It’s just what I expected.”

“Well darling, I do have a style all my own.”

You can say that again.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-05-20-59“Is that the Girls Next Door?”

“Yeah, I loved that show.  Blondes just turn me on.”

And it does, it’s always been one of Gage’s turn ons.  So watch out Michelle.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-10-01-68“And this is my dining room, baby.  It was no easy feat to find zebra chairs, I can tell you.  I mean what’s wrong with these furniture designers nowadays. Back in the day, animal prints were in hot demand on download sites.”

“Um, maybe people are more environmentally conscious now.”

“Pfft, decoratively unconscious is more like it. You got to have flair to woo the ladies.  I mean what does this room say to you?”

“Uh, welcome to the jungle?”

“Tarzan, baby, Tarzan.  Can’t you see me swinging on a vine?”

Yeah, as Cheetah maybe…(Most this stuff was downloaded from Mod the Sims or Sim Resource).

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-11-53-76Now Michelle is really playing with fire.  Gage’s bedroom is one place any self-respecting sim would avoid.

“I went tiger theme in here baby, Rawwrrr.”


“If you want the more personal Gage Tour, that could be arranged…”

“Now, now Gage.  I didn’t agree to that.  I just asked Candi if she would let us viewers see your house.”

“Sure baby, sure.  I get it.  Home and Gardens has nothing on me.  Still, if you want to see if the sheets match the bed, I can show you some decorative tips you could only imagine.”

OK, Michelle, that’s your cue to run, girl, run!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-15-26-89Michelle!  What are you doing?!  Stay away from the…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-34-05-32hot tub… *sigh*  Simselfs, hot tubs, and Gage.  Every flipping time.  By the way, Gage was none too happy when Goopy jumped in.

“Hey, Goop, I had dibs first!”

“Maybe I just want to be her best friend.”

“Oh knock it off Goopster.  I wrote the book on ‘I just wanna be your friend cause I’m sensitive that way’.  I’m romance too, so why don’t you and your plaid bermuda shorts go find your own sim self.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 21-35-04-20“Um Candi, you think we should go warn Michelle that hot tubbing with those clowns isn’t a good idea.”

“Hey she wanted the house tour.  And she jumped in that hot tub on free will.  Besides Renee, do we really want to leave the bar?”

“Good point.  Booze or a fellow simself?  She’s on her own.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 22-03-17-19So here it is, Gage’s condo, which is a maxis made condo just revamped.  Very revamped.  Bottom floor has living room, kitchen, dining room, 2 bathrooms, and Gage’s master bedroom.  Yes, that is my simself watching TV. I still live with Gage temporarily, but I want to make it clear, I sleep on the sofa.  Much to his dismay.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-18 22-03-36-76And this is the second floor, where I added an outdoor patio, bar, and bubble blower.  And yes, that is Michell at 3 AM in the morning still blowing bubbles with Gage and Gage Jr.  And NO she does not live here, but she won’t leave now.

Seriously, I always get blamed for this stuff, but I really don’t set it up.  There is like this creepy magnetic draw between Gage and simselfs.   But enough with the side show.  Let’s tune back in to the legacy in progress…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 21-51-46-95So I realized that in all my legacy playing, I’ve never enjoyed my Bon Voyage expansion.  I always had the family skilling,skilling, skilling.  And personally, I am sick of it.  So from now on, more vacations!!!  Only, Quinomei and Angel didn’t have a lot of money, so free camping it is.  They book a vacation to the Axe Wood Campgrounds.  First up fishing… the family that fishes together…erm, I don’t know.  Catches fish?  Let’s have a little competition.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 21-54-32-19In the lead with a big mouth bass, weighing in at 20 pounds, is Angel.  This was her first catch folks.  Be amazed! Camping makes fishing easy!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 21-56-01-08Also in the competition, Wendy catches a 19 pound catfish.  Wow, my sims have never done this!  I can’t wait to see what the guys catch.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 21-57-28-93Wow Quinomei, that’s just sad.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 21-55-01-28And that is sadder!  You guys suck at this.  Girls rule.  At fishing no less.  You two should go toast marshmallows or can your sardines, or hide your faces in shame.

“Well I hate fishing!”

Yeah, yea, Nose… cry me a river.  You’re bonding with your *&^%#@ family so shut up!  See, isn’t my legacy all warm and fuzzy now?

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-02-07-82Bass with buttered squash?  That’s making me hungry.  How was it Angel?

“Erm, I wouldn’t know.  As soon as I sat it down, all the campers came running and no one in the family got any.”


Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-01-45-32“Wow Bill, isn’t this bass and squash delicious?!  One of those sappy legacy families just served the whole campground.  Haha, suckers!”

Grrrrrr.  Seriously, this happened several times, and I couldn’t even click on that extra plate cause some other creep townie had claimed it.  My poor sims were starving and these moochers took their food right out from under them.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-25-03-95Worse, they are pigs and leave their plates everywhere, knocking my sims environment bar down.  These aren’t paper plates you JERKS!!!   Poor Angel was always having to clean up after them.  It reminded me of the Secret Society.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-21-50-88All townies are weird but the camping townies were really, really creepy.  This guy would not leave Wendy alone and he had no relationship with her.  He kept asking her to dance…

“Hey little girl.  You want to dance?  I’ve got candy.”

“Excuse me Chester the Child Molester, but that is my daughter.  Move along.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-22-37-00“But can I cut in?  My turn.  Come on, let me have a turn.  I’m going to stand here staring at you with my glitched up face until you do.”

“Daddy, don’t let that pervy guy near me.”

“Don’t worry, Wendy.  Daddy is going to personally to dance with him in about two minutes.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-09-23-83“Mommy’s going to do a lot more than dance with him.”

There should be other options than just target practice with the axe, especially in this neighborhood.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-25-09-93The moochy campers were getting on our last nerve, so finally I figure out how to confuse them.  Townies are generally stupid, so it doesn’t take much.  Just put the food on the ground and they can’t figure it out for about five minutes, giving the Uglacies a chance to grab a plate and eat before these vultures swoop in.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-52-28-97Wanting to be culturally sensitive and all, Quinomei and Nose head down to the local lodge and learn the “slap” dance.  It’s kind of the backwoods folks version of the smustle.

“Slap it boys, slap it good…”

Ugh, I just realized what I typed.  Moving on and trying to keep this PG…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-57-13-10Quinomei, Nose, and Wendy all roll the want to see Bigfoot.  Heck, I rolled the want to see Bigfoot.  So after researching it, I figure out you have to go on a tour, to get a secret map, to go to his secret lair.

“So what’s it going to be kid, white water rafting, ziplining, feeding the bears…”

“Whatever dude.  I just want the map.”

I figured this would take a kazillion tours and a lifetime to achieve.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 22-58-24-17

Woah!  I was wrong.  First try, first tour. This never happens for me.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-10-58-25Quinomei:  “Being a principal, you kids should just let me read the map. My intellectual ability sayz Bigfoot is zomewhere in dee woodz…”

Nose:  “Gee dad, I don’t know.  The map is so confusing.  Let’s just stand here.”

Wendy:  “Hey idiots, follow the sidewalk that goes through the woods.”

I begin to realize that Wendy has taken after Angel and is smart, while Nose, sadly he is his father’s son.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-12-38-02Hence, it was no surprise that she got all kinds of aspiration points for meeting Bigfoot.

“Why hello little girl.  I’m Alon.”

“That’s a funny name for a Bigfoot.  Shouldn’t you be Chewbacca or something.”

“That’s my cousin.  Man that dude hit it big, and I have to hang out in this lousy lair and greet campers.  I don’t even have a bathroom. I mean couldn’t they at least give me a cool secret lair?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-14-06-30“I would introduce you to my dad and brother, but they’re stupid and are playing redhands like a pair of idiots.”

“Hahaha, I like you Wendy.  Let me throw some more aspiration points your way.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-17-40-09“So don’t you want some marshmallows, Alon?”

“Little human, I am so sick of marshmallows, I could puke.  What I wouldn’t do for some lobster thermidor, a hot tub, and central air.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-38-08-22Meanwhile, Angel finds BigFace and feeds it.

Meet Jessie Miguel.  He’s like a red headed Gage. What a find!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-57-07-00Angel introduces Jessie to Wendy.  They hit it off, and not in that creepy townie way.  He has no idea what I’m, I mean Angel, is up to.  He played ball with her and listened to her lame kid jokes.

“Knock Knock…”

“Whose there?”


“Woo who?”

“Geesh pervert, that’s not a topic you should bring up with a kid.”

“WENDY, behave.  Mr. Miguel is a nice man. That is a potential… friend… for later.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-40-38-93Nosferatu was not really having a very good time camping with his family.  In fact, he was the typical teenager and was miserable most of the time.  The camping weirdos weren’t helping the situation.

“I dislike violins.  They are just guitars with a stick.”

“That’s it.  I can’t listen to this drivel. Hey creepy townie guy, back up so I can get the hell out of here.  And stop drooling on me.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-42-52-12“Let me beat my chest for you.  It is the greeting of us woods folk.”

“Arrrgh, get away from me you freak.  Why couldn’t we go to the beach for our vacation?!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-51-13-58“Well it’s our last night Quinten.  Wasn’t this great?  Bonding with the kids, getting close to nature, meeting new and exciting people.  Most legacy families never see a vacation.”

“Yes, my beautiful wife. I have loved freezing my @$$ off, cleaning up these townies dishes, feeding them while I starved, fending perverts off my eight year old daughter, and visiting Alon the Bigfoot who had no bathroom.”

“I’m so glad you had a good time.”

But before we go… a couple pictures to enjoy.  I know I did.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-41-11-71When I first saw this, I thought, wow, that sim sleeps weird.  Can sims have seizures? But then I realized…

Sims2EP9 2016-03-19 23-41-23-56She was falling on her face… haha.  Apparently hammocks take some sort of skill points.  Anyhow, that’s all I have for this chapter.  Next time we will get back to the old grind of legacy living.  Until then, happy simming.  And watch those hammocks!





Uglacy Chapter 2, Let the Real Fun Begin!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-53-21-24My Simself face says it all.  I realize that over the years I have forgotten some crucial things about my Uglacy family. It all started when Zip Uglacy showed up at Gage’s house…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-43-32-44“HOW could you?!”

“Zip, er, which thing do you mean?  Use your daughter in a legacy?  Forget you guys on the hard drive for several years?  Betray you for the Sims 3?”

“FORGET who my wife is?!  You called her a random townie you had married me to.”

“She’s not?”

“NO!  She’s your great, great granddaughter!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-43-59-63“What?!  I am sure I would know if she were my great, great granddaughter.  She was some townie from the Chili Catastrophe Apocalypse, the last story  I was writing before the whole Sims 2 exchange collapsed.  Ohhhh, the Apocalypse… wait a second, now I remember.”  So now I realize I need a recap, not just for the readers, but myself.  And this recap is from years and years ago… Pay attention people, this gets tricky.  Pull out the old family photos…

It all started with this picture (kind of bad because I had a crappy graphic card back then) and an off the wall idea.  I started a legacy, a challenge to get 10 generations of sims through the game without cheating (and a whole lot of other rules and handicaps that can be found here:  But unlike most other legacy writers at the time, I decided to strive for the ugliest sim in 10 generations, thus I called the family, the Uglacy.  I went for the ugliest townies and oddest characters I could find, and played it in my usual haphazard way.  It was kind of like reality tv for sims.

Somewhere in all the story writing and poking fun, characters emerged.  Characters like Samara, worse mom ever, and Don the Zombie. Probably one of the most notorious legacy love stories on the exchange.  Now up until Don, I don’t remember of anyone adding a zombie to their legacy family.  And this was back in the days when zombies weren’t cool, pre-Walking Dead.  They couldn’t make heirs.  And worse, they had no personality.  But Don proved that theory wrong to me and many, many readers.

Another of the most popular sims was Samara’s son, Gage Uglacy, a romance sim with a particular fetish for simselves.  He was not easy on the eyes, but he thought he was EA’s gift to women everywhere, and he did have a certain chauvinistic charm about him.  I managed to finish the Uglacies, and that legacy is here  Along with many other sims 2 classics by lots of authors.

But now we are talking about this legacy, right… well it all ties in.

My last story  before the exchange crashed was ironically an apocalypse and I sent my simself’s son, Bam Bam, who I had with Boom Boom (a famous sim from Ephemeral Toast’s stories)  off to save the world.  Well this is Cleopatra, a spare of that apocalypse and the great, great granddaughter of Bam Bam making out with Zip (Don’s zombie son) at college, where they fell in love and had…

Angel!  Her skin had not zombify yet, but she was Don’s Granddaughter, and technically my great, great,  great granddaughter.  SO we are all related to Angel!!!  How did I miss this?  It thickens the plot considerably.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-52-05-04“Cleo!  My great, great granddaughter!  Now I remember you.  Give Nana a hug.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-52-41-29“Buzz off grandma.  It’s too late to apologize.” It’s too late to apologize, it’s too late, I said it’s too late to apologize, it’s too late…Woahooo woah…

Oh shut it, Justin!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-45-56-38I was feeling pretty low about this.  This was terrible sim playing, even by my standards.  Don wouldn’t even take my calls.  Not that I could blame him.  Years of being in my hard drive, abandoned, and now I return and call family members random townies?!  I needed advice on how to win Don’s cold, dead heart back, and there was only one sim that could help me or would help me.  The last sim I’d ever thought I’d need advice from…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-55-34-72“Gage, about Don… you two have always had this bond…”

“Yea, well he fed me when my mom basically didn’t.  And lured all those simselfs in our house with chili and grilled cheese.  Good times.”

“Well, I need your help.  He won’t even take my calls.”

“You need my expertise.  I am the master.  Well if there’s anything the Gagemeister knows, it’s socializing and winning hearts.  Let’s do a group outing.  I’ll call him.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-02-40-00 (2)Immediately, it seemed like the outing was going bad.  The town diva went straight for Gage’s heart, and I do mean literally.

“It’s hollow, this man has no heart!” (Like everyone knew that.)

“Alright, lady, even I have boundaries here!  Can you get your hand out of my chest?  If you mess up this classy jacket, I’m charging you for the dry cleaning.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 22-37-26-21 (2)“Hey Don, hi.”

*crickets chirping*


*Still chirping*

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 22-58-45-42“Don, come on, you can’t ignore me forever.  Think of everything we’ve been through.  2 Legacies, half an apocalypse, and a couple side stories.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 22-57-34-14 (2)“Yeah, think of everything we’ve been through, and then you just abandoned us to play your new Sims3 game.  And calling Cleo a random townie because you literally forgot her and Angel until you needed a founder, that’s pathetic.  Well I’m not about to forgive you.  Run along and play Sims 4, you know you want to.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 22-54-30-06 (2)“Now what, Gage.  He still hates me.”

“How should I know?  I’m a romance sim, not a popularity one.  When I get really desperate, I serenade the ladies.”

“Hey, that’s a great idea!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-10-31-83“So everyone, I’d like to dedicate this song to Don…”

OH no, my simself has had too much to drink.  I… she… we can’t sing!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-29-23-30“Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done
But when I call you never seem to be home”

Oh NO.  I went for straight for Adele.  I can’t even sing Happy Birthday well.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-32-53-02 (2)“OH damanation dad, she’s terrible!”

“I know, hahaha.  All those years she made fun of me serenading… wow, she had no room to talk, or sing.  Hey, do you think she’s picturing me in my underwear right now, you know, to relax?  Over here, baby, and I don’t wear underwear!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-26 23-08-09-19 (2)“Uh,  is that a cat dying a horrible, excruciating death?  My eardrums are bleeding.”

“No, that’s just a simself that I used to know.”

Okay, okay, enough with the introduction and the musical innuendos.  Obviously, Don was not impressed with my singing apology.  So on with the show.  Angel just graduated…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 20-48-03-00

The familiar legacy lot, 5X5, and Angel is watching us, watch her.  Let the good times roll.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-07-19-96We waste no time, because really, who wants to see pics of a toilet in the sand.  Someone is out there is raising their hand… well tough.  Angel starts out with $4.800 and this lovely engagement ring.Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-07-21-75To propose to the man of her dreams, Quinten Tellerman…okay thats not really his last name, but come on, he’s a Komei look-a-like.Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-02-13-47Of course he said yes while this stupid photo bomber circled the couple and ruined the pics.Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-21-29-71Immediately Angel celebrated by downing an entire six pack of beer.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-20-15-13Then heart farting over Vicund.  Really?  Family sims are the worse by far.  At least with a romance sim, you know exactly what you’re dealing with.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-37-53-05Point in case, my simself arrives wedged between Gage and Gage Jr. whose conversation I cannot began to tell you… (Banned 4life, only Sims can’t do that now, so there).  Both of them actually wolf whistled at me as I was trapped.  True story.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-39-45-36“Really Gage?!”

“What baby, I can’t help it if you get glitched in a simself sandwich.  Heh, heh.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-29-39-97Now I am admittedly a terrible sim player, but the one thing I do do well is parties, well I do have my secret weapon Don the zombie, but first things boys and girls is ALWAYS have ample booze.  We can’t afford a bar yet, but this nifty keg from Mod The Sims will do.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-42-09-97Unfortunately, everyone was boozing up and polluting the lot with red solo cups while Angel and Quinten tied the knot.  It was so romantic.Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-52-29-28“So you really want to get that party score up, little lady, cause we could make out.”

“I think I’ll pass Goopy.”

Even Don’s expression in the background says it all.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 21-42-42-39Beer and Butterflies, love was in the air…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 22-00-58-72The good thing about the Uglacies, is that they don’t need much to have a good time (other than booze and dirty jokes).  They went right into a competitive game of hacky sac…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-22 22-02-49-93If only there was a handicap with points for roof raisers, I would totally nail a legacy.Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 12-27-55-64Immediately following the wedding party, Angel goes shopping!  This is the first legacy where I am going to play the well-dressed handicap.  So how it works.  Each sim must have their own wardrobe, and the rules are kind of fuzzy on when, it implies everyone needs an adult and elder set by midnight of the first night, which would be like a kazillion dollars no legacy has.  Hey, these are poor kids straight out of college.  After I read the rules a little closer, it sounds like they have to have their whole wardrobe by midnight of their new age… because anything else would be insane and impossible.  So I am going with that.  She buys an outfit in every category for her and Quinten, which was plenty of money, let me tell you.  Sim outfits are not cheap.Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 22-12-25-46With Quinten’s other $4000 they were able to build a very minimal house with the awesome roof I added.  (I really suck at roof tops.)  Looks like a minecraft project.Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 22-12-54-47The inside was done in lovely pepto bismol pink decor as per Angel’s desire.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 16-59-06-63In addition to being well dressed,this family will have a family breed, a dog every generation bred back to Pierre here, who I paid no attention to when we bought and ended up with an aggressive, finicky, lazy doofus for a dog.  I hit the pet jackpot!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 12-56-14-18“Well I guess we have $6.00 left after buying that dumb dog.  Quinten must look for work now.  Dur… test subject, that sounds easy.”

“Honey, is there anything in education?  I want to be a teacher.”

“NO, Quinten is the smart one.  I shall be a teacher!”

UGH.  Both of these guys have the same LTW, to be at the top of education.  And is the job there?  No, of course it’s not.  That would be too easy.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 13-06-23-79So Angel gets a job as a Sea Lice Assistant for the money, and is immediately promoted.

“Yay,  I love my life, I love my house, I love this lot!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 13-16-29-99“Arrgh, I hate my life, I hate this house, I hate this lot!”

Okay, well Quinten is not feeling science quite the same way.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 15-34-53-95“Do you like my new make over, Quinty?”

“”Oh yes, it’s so Betty Crocker.  What’s cooking, good looking?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 21-04-24-14As a matter of fact, there is something cooking, the little bun is in the oven.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-33-46-25“Oh my gosh, Angel, are you pregnant?” *Surprised gasp*

“No, Barbara, I swallowed a watermelon.  Geesh.  I would have thought the baby shower invitations gave it away.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-27-00-91“Baby shower?!  I don’t do no flipping baby showers.  You probably don’t even have booze, mascots, or a bubble blower here.  This blows.  Who throws baby showers in the sims?”

“Uh, we do.  And you’re mistaken Barb, we always have booze.”

(Wouldn’t it be cool if family sims rolled for that!  Instead of calling every guy in town… grrr, like Angel).

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 22-49-32-84“Wow that dog is uglier then I remember.  What was I drinking, I mean thinking when I had her adopt him?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 22-58-38-91“I’m so glad you came by, Miss Candi.  Now about this plan for world domination…”

“What?  I just want to get through this without cheating an getting an ugly sim at the end.”

“Please.  You can be honest.  I’m a knowledge sim.  A genius, I am.  You chose me for my superior intelligence to pass to my children.”

“Uh… sure buddy. Whatever floats your boat.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 22-59-06-02“Hey baby, I’m here.”

“Yea, okay Gage.  Glad you could make the baby shower.”

“Don’t you want to come over and give me a big smooch, for old time sake.”

“No, I’m good.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-05-18-81“Hey cuz, so you’re popping out another Uglacy, eh?  Well I don’t know if it can beat my handsome mug, but congratulations.”

“Thanks Gage Jr.  I’m loving this.  Have you seen how platinum my plumbob is?”

“I don’t look at your plumbob, being related and all.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-09-35-77“Look, I don’t want to complain, the spaghetti is good, but don’t you guys think you should have served chili?  I mean Don’s coming, and you know how butt hurt he gets.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-10-57-89“Slurp, smurg, gobble, gobble…”

“Hey Angel.  What’s that you’re eating.”

“Uh, oh oh.  It’s Candi’s fault.  She made me cook it.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-12-37-60“Is that… dramatic pause… spaghetti?”

*Awkward silence*

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-16-14-10“NO chili!  What kind of family get together is this?!”

“Um, the Gagemeister sees a cheerleader at the computer.  I’m out.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-21-15-54“YOU traitor.  First you play the sims 3 and now you have my granddaughter serve spaghetti at a family function?  You know our traditional food is chili.  Why I ought to…”

“Don, calm down.  She didn’t have the cooking points, yet.  It’s not my fault.”

“HERE’s a thought, maybe you should learn how to play this game and actually skill your sims!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-22-46-01“Wow, I have never been on the outs with Don before.  Well maybe if this legacy goes well, maybe then he’ll forgive me.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-31-32-58“You will be glad to know, Grandma, that I have my fashion at 10 points and I just bought a toddler outfit in every category for my baby to be.  I have this well dressed sim down to an art.”

“That’s great Angel.  You know the Uglacies are all about fashion.”

Gage:  “Well of course we are, I mean look at me.  Nothing says high class fashion like animal print, honey. It’s not easy looking this fabulous.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-32-23-87“Gorvitz to the right, Gorvitz to the left… gooo Gervitz.  Want to see me cheer one more time Mr. Uglacy?!”

“No, shouldn’t you be at a college party somewhere, annoying someone else?!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-34-17-86And then this happened, now keep in mind, I am not controlling me or Don.  We are at Angel’s house and our relationship started out just a little beneath neutral.  I can’t believe we are enemies!!!  Tell me it’s not so.  His pixelated self really  is pissed at me.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-25-07-37Fortunately, there was no time for Don and mine’s drama.  For Angel went into labor right as her shower was ending.

“Arrrrgh, curses, I knew I should of listened to Grandpa Don and not ate that spaghetti.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-28 23-36-12-80“That’s my cue to leave, darling.  I don’t do babies, unless it’s babymaking of course.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-25-40-40Quinten is not doing any better than Gage, he’s sleeping through the whole thing. Here he was a knowledge sim who rolled a want for a baby.  Pfft.  Don’t get too excited there.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-26-34-74“OH wait, my spidey senses are saying something major is happening!”

Way to photo bomb your baby’s birth pictures at the last minute Quinten!  But nice abs!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-27-34-21Meet Nosferatu, in the Uglacy tradition of naming after horror films.  Don’t know who that is?  Oh, I bet you do.

The oldest dracula on film (I think).  Nosferatu was the vampire of the 1920’s, before you know, they got all hot and everything.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-31-30-00“Mommy is sorry, little Nose, but I have to go back to work to continue to make sure this family is well dressed.  Unfortunately education won’t open up, so mommy has to be a dive master.  Don’t worry though, we have a professional nanny to take care of you.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-29 19-46-08-99Who misses the nanny?!  Oh come on, you know you do.  Why she is a wonderful, caring professional for your little sims.  You can be assured of excellent care of your heirs and spares!  She not neglected that baby, oh no, she is giving it tummy time!  Er, or back time, same difference.Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-00-46-37Hey wait one stinking minute, there.  It’s a good thing I installed the nanny cam!  She stealing our beer, and you know, not taking care of the kid too.  But our beer!  Now that’s just wrong!Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-08-10-90“Mrs. Allister?  Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just fine young man. *burp, hiccup… fart*. Can you fill the keg back up and restock your red, solo cups?  I’ll be here tomorrow, 8 AM sharp.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 20-51-28-34Meanwhile, Angel continues to work on the family death portrait.   Which always takes nearly a lifetime to paint.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 20-56-39-90“Quinten sad, there are no education jobs in the paper or the computer.  How will Quinten ever get promoted and get his lifetime want?”

Yes indeed, Nose is nearly a toddler and there’s still no sign of an education track.  I must fight this growing desire TO CHEAT!!!  But I didn’t.  Almost… but NO.  Finally they got jobs as teachers.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-08-43-54And Angel brings home her lookalike best friend, Samantha Ottoman.

“OH you look wonderful in that suit.”

“No, no, you wear it much better!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-48-45-58Samantha becomes that one friend.  You know the one, the one who never leaves.  Who thinks they live with you, and they eat all your food and drink all your beer.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-11-09-39And then rudely try to hog your bathroom.  Geesh Samantha.  Go home already.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-03-07-10

Let the chance cards began.  So another handicap I am doing is called Fearless, which means we take every chance card, have no burglar alarm, and must repair our own electrical devices.  (Plus have a 10 interest in crime or max game hobbies).  Anyhow I suck at chance cards.  First Angel gets this one, and I figure everyone wants hamburgers not salad at a BBQ.  WRONG.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-42-36-12

Then I get the same chance card for Quinten and choose salad.  WRONG!  I just can’t win here.  *cough, cough, chancecardsarerigged*

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 21-52-42-93

Time flies when you’re having fun, and it is soon time for Nose’s birthday.  Of course this means an Uglacy party.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-03-18-49But Uglacy parties can be a little complicated.  So of course Samantha shows up, well she never left, but anyhow, she falls for Gage, who is considering… well you see the lips.  Meanwhile Gage Junior is also heart farting over Samantha, and Angel just wants to get Nosferatu to the cake before he grows up.  It was a cluster of wannabe actions gone wrong.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-04-43-96By the time Angel gets Nose to the cake, Cleo starts heart farting over Gage… really Cleo!  In front of your husband, Zip no less.  You’re rolling wants for his big brother, missy.

“Hey honey, are you okay?”

“Oh my, did it just get hot in here?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-09-03-39Finally, it looks like Quinten managed to get him to the cake.  (The cake was in an impossible place on the counter, so we fix that).

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-09-28-29The Uglacies are pretty excited about this first legacy baby.  Even Samara is thrilled.


“Really grandma, did you have to do that right in my ear?”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-11-00-96Oh well that is kind of disappointing.  He looks… normal.  However his personality is anything but!  9/4/9/10/3… He’s a neat freak, overactive, playful, mean little brat.   Already the true Uglacy genes are coming through.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-15-29-48Immediately, he makes a run for it through the freezing snow.  Great.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-19-55-45Surprisingly, the one relative who takes an interest in Nose is Uncle Gage.

“It’s okay kid, we can’t all have my good looks.  Let’s work on the charisma points, it’s never too soon to start charming the ladies.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-03 22-25-11-91Being the typical family sim, as soon as Nosferatu turns toddler, Angel rolls her wants…I’m on board because our goals are kind of the same.

“Let’s have another baby, Quinten.  Preferably an ugly one this time.”

Yes, please.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 21-35-34-50The nanny wars have begun!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 22-15-57-05The house gets an upgrade.  Look it’s Barbie’s townhouse!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 23-59-57-61Quinten’s hair gets an upgrade!  (If you like the bozo the clown look).

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 23-20-47-73And the toddler gets upgraded.  Woot, one whole skill set!  I rule.  So what if he never learned to walk or talk.Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-04-51-90But alas, not everything in life can be upgraded.  Don’t you throw your stick at me, Gage!  OH wow, that sounded bad.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 23-25-20-95Meanwhile, Angel is one of my hardest working, smartest sims ever, she would be perfect if she didn’t continually roll wants to call her ex boyfriend from college.   *familysimsareclosetromancefreaks*

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 23-26-06-74“Arrrrgh!  The baby’s coming!”

Sure, sure, anything to get out of fixing the shower.  You just lost your hard working status.   Here I am bragging on you, and you pull this.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-04 23-33-37-21Meet Wendy, um yes, a girl.  Wendy is named after the woman who was married to the psycho in The Shining.  You remember…

“OH Jack, does this mean that the honeymoon is over.”Sure, sure I know you’re thinking, well Wendy wasn’t really a monster… but I don’t know.  This “victim” sure had an arsenal of weapons…and facial expressions.Wendy

But I digress, Little Wendy was born and it was time again for another Uglacy Party.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-07-10-58Toot the horns and throw the confetti, after mastering toilet training, Nose is growing up!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-08-24-36.jpg“YAY!!!  Look at me!”

*Crickets chirping*  This kid is far too cute for an Uglacy.  The family senses it.  Notice I am not at this party, and for good reason.Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-09-18-88“It’s a good thing SHE didn’t show up here.  I’ve been so mad, I can’t even season my chili right.”

“Woah Don, calm down.  You know what always makes me feel better.  Hot, meaningless…”

“GAGE, boundaries!!!  We’ve talked about this.”

“Yeah, sure, I totally get boundaries. Got to have them.   What’s your safe word, Don.  Everyone should have a safe word.”


“Very zombie of you, Don.  Okay, ugh it is.  Now is my mom keeping you happy in bed because…”


Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 12-35-09-52To start working on our family breed, we bring a collie home, Lassie, whose personality is a desperate attempt to fix Pierre’s genes.   She a friendly genius, who Nose immediately attacks and tries to knaw her leg off.  Nice.  You might be an Uglacy after all, kid.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-37-31-66Meanwhile, Quinten will not stop rolling the want to enter a cook off.  He apparently got Don’s recipe and had to give it a go.  So down to Sue’s Kitchen we go.  He looks a little nervous.Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-37-54-92*Add bad french accent* “Wee, I cannot believe the legacy man brought chileeee.  I have my French Vanilla cake from a hundred year old recipeee from the kings of France.  How dare he place that atrociteee on this table with my beautiful cake!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-39-11-96“Hello, Mr. Uglacy.  What meat went into this chili?  It’s delicious!”

“Erm, uh… I plead the 5th.  It’s a secret family recipe.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-42-05-24“YES!  I knew Don’s Chili wouldn’t let me down!  First place, baby.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 00-42-38-97Chef Boyardee:  “Realleee!  Your Chilee beat my divine vanilla cake.  This was not fair, not fair I say!  I demand a new judge!”

Secret Society Girl:  “Like I totally can’t believe my bologna sandwiches didn’t win!  All the kids on campus say they are the best!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 15-55-05-03“Oh my gosh, Samantha!  You’re pregnant, we, I mean I just realized it.  I thought you were just some random townie, whose the daddy?  No REALLY, who?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Hmmm.  How odd.  A pregnant townie?  I may have to have a spare marry this one just to seek the information.  Better not be someone wearing a leopard smoking jacket.

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 15-56-30-72What the frick!  Step away from the Keg Missy, that cannot be good for your baby!

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-52-07-74“OH Gage, what am I going to do?  I can’t even go to the kids’ birthday parties for fear Don will beat the crud out of me.  He’s so mad at me.  We’re even enemies… waaaah.”

“Erm, well you could get some body points, just in case.”

“Wow, Gage, you’re actually being nice to me.  I mean could I have been wrong, all these years, making fun of you.  Maybe I misunderstood you.  Maybe you’re deeper, maybe you do seek meaning out of life… maybe…”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-54-32-45“ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!!”Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-57-56-57“What the Hell, Gage?!  YOU can’t comfort me 2 seconds without acting like a jerk?”

“Candi, baby, what do you expect?  I’m  a romance sim, and you are the only simself for miles.  I’m desperate.”

“Desperate!  Now you’re desperate for hitting on me, gads.  You’re such a *&%#@$%^&*”

“OH, I like it when you talk dirty symbols to me.”Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 17-59-38-90“Listen, I can probably talk to Don on your behalf and be one of those meditators…”

“You mean mediators.”

“Whatever.  You know he just needs some smoothing over.  You broke his little zombie heart.  But I have a favor to ask of you.  Kind of an I’ll scratch yours if you scratch mine.”

“Scratch my back you mean.”

“Or whatever part you prefer, I’m flexible that way.”

*Sigh*  I feel like I’m making a pact with  a leopard clad devil.  “Ok, what’s the favor?”Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 18-04-44-02“So psssk, psssk, pssssk, psssssk, and oh yeah… psssk, pssssk, pssssk, pssssk.”Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 18-07-06-44“What, you want me to what?!”

“You heard me, darling.  That’s the terms.”

“But Gage, you realize the Sims 2 isn’t as popular as it used to be and…”

“Excuses, excuses.  You were always the master of getting around a glitch, Candi.  Now run along and make Gage happy.  I need to go get my suit pressed.  Gotta look good for the ladies.”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 18-12-38-75“I can’t believe that baboon talked me into this.  Okay, okay, where can I find some Sim 2 players.  AHA.  The Boolprop forum.  Yea, yea, I mean if someone uploads their simself that’s like begging to be in a story… erm right?  Let’s see,  I could ask permission.

Dear SuelovestheSims,

What a lovely simself you have.   I hope you won’t mind if I download her for Gage Uglacy’s amusement…  I won’t let him do anything too bad to her.   It may possibly be public and followed for years to come and give you terrible nicknames and a reputation that you will never outlive…

Ok scratch that.  When did I ever ask permission?  I’ll just go for it.  Let’s see, whose still on here… oh my gosh!”

Sims2EP9 2016-03-05 19-03-53-34“Candi, you are so DEAD.”

The end, folks, at least for now.  That simself is cowforbrains, if you don’t recall her, she plays legacies, a lot of legacies because she kind of kills her sims a lot.  But don’t worry, she’s an old friend/nemesis of mine, that may have killed me a few times and boolpropped me (I really hope it was boolprop) pregnant with Gage, good times.  Anyhows,  take care all, and until next time… Happy Simming!

















Uglacy Returns, Chapter 1, Go Gervitz!


Meet Angel Uglacy.  She is a true Uglacy, a 12th generation, grand daughter of Don the Zombie and Samara Uglacy.  She is a family sim (ugh), super nice with 10 nice points (ugh again), and a Pisces with 5 neat points, 2 outgoing, 5 active, and 3 playful.  Serious, shy, and nice.  Plus pretty.  She is the black sheep of her family, but she is also my founder.  If you never read my stories back in the day, I wrote the Uglacy.  It was somewhat famous as legacy stories go, but more then that, it was written in the golden days of siming.  If you want to read it, go here  .  Also it might be a good idea to read my prologue, which explains my legacy madness more in detail.  Now on with the show.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 18-40-21-38“Listen Angel, I don’t want to mislead you.  Legacy living is not for the weak of heart.  It involves a lawn and very little money.  The founder has it the roughest.  In addition, I suck at it.  You should know that right up front.   So Angel before we get started, I wanted to explain the rules a little. A legacy is 10 generations that can earn points for various things. On top of that, there can be no cheating. EVER. No boolprop, mods, spawning the happy baby, no crap like that.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 18-35-21-62“OH, I would never cheat. Cheaters are nasty pumpkin eaters!”

Gage: “Great. Wait till she’s living on a lawn popping out babies.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 18-37-49-76Plus I may add some handicaps like free roaming ghosts, storyteller, the well dressed sim, and fearless…”

“OH can I do the impossible wants, like 10 babies!”

“UM, no. NO, no, no.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 18-42-27-88OH, I’m so excited. I can’t wait to get started!”

“Woah, kid, you’re scaring me. I’m not use to enthusiasm.  You’re an actual descendant of a legacy family, so college is an option for you.  Sim State it is.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 18-48-06-99“Grandma Samara, I’m going to college, just like you did when you meant Grandpa Don!  Maybe I will meet the love of life there too!”

“Yea, those were good times, except when I accidentally killed him with the cowplant at the Secret Society, and brought him back as a zombie.  Oh who am I kidding, that was a good time too.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-00-51-80“So Gage Jr., I have a little favor to ask of you.  Remember how I sent you to college before and never graduated you.”

“Yea, and now I’m back to being a teen with limited romance interactions!  Thanks a lot for nothing.”

“Yea, well, how about I make that up to you and I send you to college with Angel.  You can kind of keep an eye on her.”

“Wow, yes… that would be awesome!  Campus ladies watch out, the big man on campus is back!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-11-07-09“Well this is it baby, Sim State…  I can’t believe you were chosen to bring this legacy back to life.”

“It’s what I want daddy.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-11-22-01“Just remember Angel, boys are nasty creatures who only want one thing.”

“Daddy, Gage Jr. is here to watch over me.”

“Yeah, not making me feel any better at all.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-38-25-05Oh Caferteria man, how I have missed you.  Faithfully serving up your mac and cheese.

I feel like I’m home… *sob*

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-36-19-39“So Gage, we have to work on money.  As legacy university kids, our goal will be to build a fraternity house by our junior year that future Uglacy kids can attend.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-37-54-25“Cuz, relax, I got lots of way to make money.”  O__O

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-42-52-25“Hello, would you like to make out with my cousin for five dollars?”


“Gee cuz, thanks for pimping me out and all, but can you reign it in a little.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-52-18-97Angel absolutely loves dancing, but she dances like I play the sims.

“Hey girl, are you okay, are you having a seizure.  Should I call the paramedics?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 19-57-49-96I think Gage Jr. was trying to help her, but this picture is rather disturbing.  That’s pretty close for cousins.  They are actually cousins in their family tree.  Thank God, or this could get really creepy… creepier.  Whatever.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-10-41-19“So my Grandpa Don makes the best chili ever.  He owns the Chili Cafe in Strangetown.”

“Your mother sucks *%$@& in Hell.”


Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-11-38-37“Kaylynn, what have we told you about demonic possession in the cafeteria.”

“Captain Howdy doesn’t like your macaroni and cheese… old man.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-08-54-06Angel is after my own heart and immediately rolls the want to major in literature, taking the storytelling handicap seriously.   I am so proud *sob*.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-02-54-77Gage Jr. rolls the want to major in Art, which sounds like him, probably wants to paint nudes.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-21-45-25How nice, sweet sims attend college…

“These term papers are so hard.  Okay, okay, the history of the Simonian Empire… Focus.  I got to make an A!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 21-29-27-18How not so sweet sims attend college…

“Write your term paper for you?  Of course Gage!  I’ll get right on that.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-32-53-29How nice, sweet sims attend college…

“I have to get all my assignments in, even if that means staying up till 2 in the cafeteria and missing all those great college parties.  But academics are everything!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 21-50-39-41How not so sweet sims attend college…

Gage Jr. has been staying up till 2 too, but for different reasons.

“Everyone’s heard about you and that professor!  You should be ashamed.”

“Hey, a romance sim has to do what a romance sim has to do.  And who are you to judge, the pancake police?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-06-46-22“Hey guys, whatcha doing? Want to see me dance? I’m getting good at this.”

“No Angel, that’s okay. Gagey J. is kind of busy right now.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-05-44-41“Shake it good baby, shake it good… let’s all dance together. We can do the Macarana!”

“Cuz, can you go away, really, you’re killing my mojo right now.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-13-22-16“Finally, baby, alone at last. Come here Whitney! Give me some loving.”

“Oh Gage, tee hee.”

Whitney Hourvitz is a Whore Witch, ha ha. Sorry, that was too easy… like her…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-15-00-42“What are you doing Gage Jr.? Are you busy?

This seriously happened… haha. Family sims absolutely the most annoying.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-15-32-16“Cousin, seriously?! Whitney and I need some alone time.”

“Sure, sure, I understand. I’ll just hang out over here and dance. Don’t mind me.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-46-07-41The next morning at breakfast:  Angel  proves she has a big mouth.

“So did you slip Whitney the tongue, Gage. That was some major kissing.”

“Cuz, give it a rest. TMI!  Can you cool it.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-46-48-86And as if that wasn’t bad enough…

“Hey everyone, Gage had his first woohoo last night with Whitney!”

I think I actually see Gage Jr.’s eye twitching in this picture.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-51-19-76I was tired of Angels creepy obsession with Gage Jr.’s love life, so I decided she needed one of her own.

Meet Phil Barakat. He’s ugly and he’s secret society. This is my kind of sim!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-57-40-06“Hi Phil. I’m glad you could come over.”

Sweet little Angel. What did I say she had, oh yes, 2 outgoing, so shy.  Family sim, salt of the earth this one.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 20-58-00-42“So do you like tender kissing, smooching, kissing up the arm, making out, I mean what kind of action are we talking here?”

Seriously her first conversation with Phil face to face. Gads, frickin, frackin shy, my flip flops she is! Family Sims.  Sexual deviants in disguise.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-09 21-57-56-65“So can I move into the secret society?  I heard you guys have all kinds of ugly guys.”

“Erm, well yes.  Most of them are actually ugly now that I think about it.”

“WOOhoo,ladies, look at my blurred goodies, you know you want to!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 20-58-11-523 Secret Society Friends and the world is ours! Slap on the social glasses and do a school cheer! How I have missed these crazy interactions. Gooo Gervitz… or maybe it Gerbits, or Gerbils… I donno. But I love it.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 20-58-37-24“Wow, I barely know that girl, and yet I feel so connected. Like I could tell her about being gay when no one knows.”

This is Christopher Cwik. I actually had no idea he was gay till later when I could see his wants. He kept refusing girls and rolling wants for Gage Jr. My sim gaydar is apparently wacked.  He did become one of Angel’s besties though.


“Gorvit to the right, Gorvit to the left, GOOO Govitttt!”

Glasses + School Cheer = quick, shallow friendships.  The power of the glasses cannot be denied!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 21-26-54-32“So my cousin has been dating Phil Barakat. He’s one of those freaky secret society kids that think they are a secret when their goofy jackets obviously give it away. I want to make sure he’s an okay guy, Whitney. You know, um, not like me.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 21-25-37-28OH my gosh, Phil is dreamy. I’d totally do him.”

Thank Whitney, for your whore witch input. Something tells me she is a romance sim.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-27-51-51“So Phil, I wanted to put my first flirt out there and charm you. Are you charmed?”

Why is Whitney WhoreWitch’s ass in this picture? Why is she lurking? Skank.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-28-41-29“Oh Phil. I think we should go out for our first date. Somewhere nice, like Oresha’s Family Dining.”

Er, I don’t think the date is going to be a dream date… yeah, this actually happened to me. Because my sim playing really is that atrocious. They were on a date. I see this guy and I’m like oh crap.   Is she up to 3 friends already? Oops.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-29-57-71“What’s your problem mister? Can’t a girl date around here?”

“Nope, you’re fraternizing with a top clearance secret society member. We can’t have that. You have to come with me immediately.”

“Uh, my eyes are up here.”

“Yea, yea, sorry, it’s just us secret society boys don’t get much action. Are those what boobies look like. *drool…”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-30-49-80“Well so much for a dream date! Thanks a lot.”

Sorry. Didn’t realize you had that many dork friends yet.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-35-46-14“It’s okay sweetheart. We can just keep our date going on here, in the glow of the deadly cow plant.”

“Oh Phil. How unromantic of you.”

And there was a problem. No attraction. No bolts. I know I should just be shallow and focused on his ugliness’ but I want my little family sim to be happy. Just a bolt or two. This is sad and pathetic.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-38-00-68“Hey baby, what’s a hot zombie like you doing in a place like this. Quinton see, Quinton like!”

And just like that, Angel meant her two bolt Komei lookalike love of her life. The attraction was instant. Sparks were flying.  Meet Quinton… uh, Jihoon, Kaboon.. Tarantino! Yes, that’s it. Okay, I don’t remember his last name, sue me.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-38-36-83“So my Uncle Komei always said, dur, girls are pretty.”

“OH my, that’s so sweet. Your uncle was distantly related to me. Many, many generations ago. In a legacy far, far away.”

I realized quickly that Quinton is stupid. But they have a two bolt attraction and that’s cute. Plus I’m lazy at building relationships.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-50-18-02Uncomfortable is sitting in the secret society drinking coffee while your recently found heart throb is talking with the guy you were just on a date with about movies, or curtains, or whatever the hell that bubble is.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 19-52-45-58 Ahh, the secret society, where the perks never end and the fun begins. I always, always get my Uglacy kids accepted. It’s a family tradition! Other then a few cow plant mishaps, it’s a great college experience. It was, after all, where Don the zombie was originally born… died… resurrected. Whatever.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-10 21-42-34-18Angel was on top of the world, and then she meant… Heather Huffington.  Heather is a top member of the Tri-Var Sorority. She romances Castor Nova under the nose of her good friend Tiffany.  She is a snob, a slob, and a sleeze. And she did not like Angel, who she obviously thought was beneath her own high standards.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-45-50-68Meanwhile, Gage Jr. was on the brink of failing his sophomore semester, so I forced him to study with Angel.

“WOW, this is what a book looks like. Where is the centerfold?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 20-43-04-59Yet another one of Angel’s wants, a wormrat. So I cave. Meet Panda.  Let’s see how long poor Panda survives.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 21-20-04-24Angel needs some aspiration fodder since she keeps rolling weird wants like selling a masterpiece when she has 3 creativity points. So anyhows, we call Quinton over for a date, and tried to ignore the tramp in the background dancing in her underwear throughout the date. Angel was heart farting the whole time.  Also notice the whore witch back there stalking.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 21-20-42-71Seriously, tramp in your underwear, back off. You are not going to win Quinton from Angel.

An Uglacy always gets their man.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 21-35-56-56Or girls as the case may be…

“Hmmm, I heard this secret society has some hot chicks in blazers. It’ my kind of place, complete with handcuffs and nerd girls.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 22-26-59-71Secret Society has it’s perks, but I had forgotten what pigs these people are. Does my sim look like your personal maid people? These kids need a class in cleaning! Angel may be nice but she is sick of cleaning up your dirty dishes. On top of it they eat like pigs and have a “magical” refrigerator that never needs stocking.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-07-14-42Gage, on the other hand, fits right in. “Gulp, gulp, snort, munch, slurp, gulp…”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 21-27-38-67“Oh Quinton! What a dream date, pillow fighting for hours on end!”

Precious, clean cut Angel. Rolls wants to date Quinton and then just wants to pillow fight. Such a nice girl. So wholesome, so pure… so unlike any sim I have ever played. Uglacies are usually mean and are hell on free will. I avoid their want panels. Especially the ones named Gage.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-11 21-24-19-02“Let’s hold hands, Quinton.”

Is that it Angel… is that all on your want panel. Sure you don’t want something more?

“I want to do a term paper.”

*Bangs head on computer*  What is this? Little house on the prairie?!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 18-59-14-42Who rolls a want to date and go to the library. That’s just depressing. Good thing Quinten is dumber than a box of rocks or he would have lost interest a long time ago.

“Oh Quinton… I think I rolled another want.”

Gads, if its to play red hands, I’m finding another founder.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 19-00-20-47Hallelulah…Hallelulah….Hallelulah! It only took 4 dates, but whose counting?

Of course it is only for a kiss at this point, but I’ll take it. Angel has to have the aura of being hard to get. Family sims have their standards, low as they may be.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-36-41-53So I decided this couple needed a real date, not Angel’s pathetic attempts, and took this couple downtown to the Botanical restaurant. I missed the Sims 2 downtown so much. Absolutely the most fun ever, well actually it got disturbing when I once downloaded a mod bed for free will woohoo and made a hotel, but that’s a story for another day. Tell me you haven’t missed this fellow sim players. Recently, I heard Sims 4 is going to have a restaurant expansion…. really? Hate to tell you EA, but *cough, cough, rip off! Let us toast your repackaging and reselling of this expansion. “To EA, the money making gurus of recycled ideas.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-35-54-80Sadly, Angel doesn’t have much money, but like the poor college student they are, she and Quinton shared cake. Let them have cake, I say.  Ahh, the restaurant interactions, eating each others’ food and blowing kisses. Sure beats rabbit holes any day.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-42-04-59I know what you’re thinking, but you would be wrong. Angel just wanted a picture.

Doesn’t Quinton’s face say it all, or maybe he’s just trying to remember how to tie his shoes or breathe. Who knows.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-05-29-06Sadly, Angel, wants to be BFF’s with Heather Huffington for who the hell knows why reasons. Ever since she met her in the gym, Angel won’t let it go. But I try to make my little sims happy, and it really pisses me off when they get snubbed by townies or even worse pre-made CAS sims in pink striped pants. What? Are you Marsha from the Brady Bunch? The Seventies called, and they want their clothes back.

“Oh, aren’t you cute for a stinky, ugly zombie. Wanting to be my friend, as if…”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-06-33-60“I would invite you to pledge into the Tri Var, but we have standards, and I doubt you would pass our rigorous vision exam. I hear Zombies can’t see, why with their eyeballs falling out and all.”

Lama: “GO Heather, you’re so awesome! Tell that zombie loser girl to get lost!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-08-04-96“Now run along, we don’t allow legacy trash around here. And don’t stink up our sidewalk on the way out.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-10-31-08“Now hold on just a second, sister. No one insults my cousin like that. I hate to tell you that you’re the one with vision problems if you picked that outfit. You’re just pissed cause you will never make our legacy with those good looks.  You’re doomed to spend your pathetic life swooning over Castor Nova, living in a pink house in your pink clothes, and never getting out of college.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-11-08-91“OH my goodness, how rude, how boorish… how manly. No man has talked to me like that, and yet I feel this magnetic pull I cannot explain…”

Random Cheerleader: “GO Gagey, Go Gagey,   You’re so awesome!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-12-53-50“I know I should be repelled by you, but I am but a moth to a flame. We should go out, but not in public. I have a certain reputation to uphold.”

“Yea, I’m sure you have a reputation alright. I would turn you down if I had standards, but I don’t, so I won’t. “

Two romance sims. They were supposed to fight for this story line, not flirt. *Sigh* when am I ever going to learn and turn off free will?

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 19-22-07-11“Grandpa Don. I rolled a want to visit with a relative!”

“Wow, Angel, that so nice, and so unlike an Uglacy. I notice Gage Jr. isn’t calling me.”

“Oh grandpa, you really don’t want to see his want panel. It involves Heather Huffington.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 19-23-38-14“Grandpa Don, I really, really want to join the Tri-Var Sorority house, but they hate me. Heather Huffington hates me. She says I’m a stinky zombie. I don’t know how to be popular. Maybe if you taught me how to make chili.”

“Well first, you would need a few more cooking points, but honey, Heather isn’t worthy of the Uglacy chili if she can’t see how special you are. That chili had a religion based on it. I think you should forget that plan, and make your own Greek house.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-00-02-26And thus, the Uglacy Greek House was born. I didn’t actually go for the 5X5 lot cause that’s just humogous for a greek house and is guaranteed to glitch by generation 3. We took the 4X4 route, and between Angel’s good grades and harvesting money trees, she and Gage Jr. had about 7 grand. This is what we could build. Who would not want to pledge to this house, complete with an aspirational love tub…to lure unsuspecting victims in. There were no cheats in the making of our greek house… well not technically…

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-26-12-07You see, boys and girls, money trees are not cheating. They are aspirational fodder for the taking. But they don’t yield that much money. And it takes a lot of water, and all your guests like to steal the money. So what is a poor little Greek house to do?

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 20-06-44-01“Hey Gage, have you seen the counterfeiting machine? We’re missing one.”

“Nope, nope, haven’t seen it.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-46-21-17“Hey, did you hear that someone took the counterfeiting machine from the Secret Society?”

“No, really, you don’t say? Why that’s a real shame. What kind of low life would steal from the Secret Society?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-54-24-51Speaking of stealing, Professor Jerk here kept coming by every night harvesting our money trees. We couldn’t get him to leave, so I thought, hey, I’ll have him jump in the hot tub with Angel to pull him away from the trees.  Just to befriend him and build up her grades.

Picture1.png lightBut… (and this would only happen to me), Angel gets hit by lightning, not the jerk professor of course.  I get her out of the tub pronto to run her into the house… not wanting anything to happen to my precious founder…When what to my wandering eye should occur?!!!


Picture3Who says lightning can’t hit twice. WAAAAAH!  Great, fricking great! My founder is dead. Seriously?! At this point, what are my options?

  • Cheat, pretend this never happened, don’t save, and never speak of it again.
  • Go to the Secret Society and resurrect her on the ten dollars she and Gage Jr. have. Then she’ll be a real zombie, incapable of heirs. UGGGGGGGH!
  • Or depend on Gage Jr. to save the day and convince the grimster to move along.

Option A sounds the best… *sigh*. Okay Gage Jr. it is.Picture4All my hopes and dreams fell on Gage Jr. Oh good grief. Beg Gage Jr. Beg like it’s Heather Huffington.

“Oh please, please Mr. Reaper, don’t take Angel. If you take her I’ll be stuck in college again for forever. Plus she’s actually nice, she’s never even woohoo’d! It would be pathetic if she died.”

Picture5No pressure, Gage Jr., but you better pick the right hand or this legacy is over. The future of the Uglacies is on your shoulders. Please don’t let me down. Did I say how sorry I was about those college years and leaving in the sim bin for years? OH geesh, I got to look away. I can’t watch. I have to watch. I could still exit without saving if he screws up. No one would know, I could delete the last few slides…

“Would you SHUT UP! I have a plan. Inny, minny miney mo…”

Picture6“YES, I shoot and score. In your face Grimmy!”

Gage, shush, don’t push it!  Thank him politely and point out his handsome cloak.

Picture7“Oh gosh, Gage Jr., thank you for saving me! I thought everything was doomed!”

Whew, so did I. Why do these things always happen to me? Is it Karma for stealing the counterfeit machine from the Secret Society? Hey, they had two.  Ironically, I sent Gage Jr. with Angel to “protect” her as a joke and he actually does save her life.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 22-05-30-63“Well that sucked. ”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-15-15-52Upgrade time. We have fancy windows! Woot! Woot!  Of course the stripper photo bombed this.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-38-29-63“Hi Heather!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-39-04-02*silence*

Well someone is stinky, and it’s not Angel. Way to ignore her, Heather. B@$t&ch!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-40-50-95“Did you hear about that lame new Greek House that weird zombie girl started. I hear no one is joining, and they have some stalker professor hanging out on the lawn. No wonder they are only a level one, haha!”

“Totally sitting right here, Heather.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-41-47-06Not that this guy was paying attention any way. Typical Secret Society loser.

“Oh my gosh, boobs!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 23-44-13-34“That’s it Heather, I was nice to you. I wanted to be your best friend forever! Well you want a Greek House war?!  You got one. And the Uglacies may not know much, but we know how to party! Bring it on!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 22-33-06-37

Step 1: Before any party, make sure your home is clean and tidy! Influence one of the annoying mascots or cheerleaders to do the dirty work for you.


Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-03-04-86Step 2: Invite a variety of friends and participate in an array of interesting and tantalizing conversation.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-06-38-68Step 3: Randomly make out with a few of the guests to up the party rating. We just went to “Not Bad”. Have books available so nerds like Christopher can read novels at their leisure.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-22-16-43Step 4: Invite Heather Huffington to the party, and use her like a roll of cheap toilet paper to get that rating to Roof Raiser! Treat my sims like crap and you pay a price…ComboSims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-24-26-83Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-24-41-03Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-25-23-16Well I don’t know about everyone else, but I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 20-37-11-13“Heather? What are you doing here? Why are you in a bikini?”

“Just reading a novel, zombie girl. Nothing to see here.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 00-50-05-16“So you got a roof raiser and two pledges. It’s going to take a whole lot more than that to beat Tri-Var.”

Shut up Heather and do your walk of shame home. I won’t tell everyone that Gage Jr. got you to pledge just for the fun of it and to make you clean our toilets. Oops, I just did. Oh well.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-12 21-35-21-15I don’t know which is more disturbing. Watching Gage Jr. Woohoo Heather Huffington,or watching him play with Panda the wormrat. It’s a close call. Maybe I should have a poll.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 23-22-02-68Winter is coming… no really it is. Gagey get some clothes on and stay away from the OCD coach.  We don’t need to be begging for another life.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 00-00-23-45Seriously, what part of winter is coming are you guys not getting? This is not bikini weather. On a side note, isn’t that bright red plumbob pretty?   You don’t see plumbobs like that in every legacy. Rudolph has nothing on us. It’s a gift really, a natural talent at sim playing. I look at all the pretty platinum plumbobs on other people’s legacies and think, what the hell? Do they cheat?!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-13-05-90The college years would not be complete with at least one Toga Party! Toga, Toga, Toga! Okay, does anyone notice Gage Jr. in this picture. What in boolprop is he describing? Ugh. No PG 13 here.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-13 00-32-57-10Apparently she bought it, and she pledged in, and it upped our party score.  Go Gagey J!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-16-31-74Get ready for some “As the Sims Turn…drama”

So somebody’s boyfriend was none to happy. By the way, that’s Phil, Angels first crush that didn’t go anywhere. Phil needs some serious anger management. First, he attacks Robin Cho… she’s the ugly girl getting slapped, in case you didn’t know.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-25-39-31Then he goes smacking Angel around!

“Chill Phil, we just had a crush, we never even kissed! I’ve been with Quinton for two semesters now!”

And Quinton, and Mr. Read a book completely ignore the whole situation. Nice, guys. Way to stick up for a girl.  He’s a domestic violent offender.  Plus this creep is ruining our party score!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-26-29-75“What a jerk, I can’t believe I ever liked that guy. And I can’t believe what a wimp my boyfriend is for not defending me!”

Well Angel, just wait. You see, Karma has a way, especially with the Uglacies.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 23-06-09-09Phil decided that next he was going to open a can of whoop ass up on Gagey J. And so they fought for literally an hour. Now this wrecked the party score of course, but the entertainment was great. Pop the popcorn, baby, cause this is better than pay for view. Well kind of. Not really. But it is free!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 23-08-00-83“I ain’t some girl you can slap around bitch. Next time you try to open a can of whoop ass, try bringing a can opener.”

Gagey is not one to mess with. He doesn’t have much in the way of skill points, except body. Much to Phil’s dismay.  Stupid Phil goes on to try to beat Gage up 2 more times.  Yea, it ended the same each time.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-28-38-87“Waaah, I got my butt kick.”

Oh suck it up buttercup. Maybe you shouldn’t be slapping girls around. Fortunately, Phil here is already pledged to our Greek House because he totally hates Angel and Gage now.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-35-25-22Speaking of Angel…

“Quinton, I finally got the want to do something more than pillow fight.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-14 22-36-34-05“Oh?   OHHHHHHH.”

Look at that face, not the brightest crayon in the box.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 00-48-44-23Angel’s final party was her graduation party. She even invited grandpa Don, but the picture was ruined by everyone heart farting over Robin Cho. Seriously guys? She’s not all that and a bag of chips too.  Look at that haircut, it could take someone’s eye out.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 00-49-17-75DON! Not you too. You better not let Samara see that thought bubble!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 00-54-12-03“Durrr, this assignment is so hard!”

Psssk, Quinton. You graduated. You don’t have to do assignments anymore!

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 01-35-15-87The Uglacy Greek House, now a level 5, which beats Tri-Var (at a 3).  If I was a good sim player it would be 10, sigh.  That ship has sailed.  It has Christopher Cwik, Robin Cho, Phil Barakat, and Aurora Woodrow (all from the secret society) there to keep it running for the next generation of Uglacies.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-15 01-10-22-32And so the time had come for Angel to go off into the world and start this legacy up. But before we go, one more picture for your viewing enjoyment.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-19 21-26-31-20Hey, Heather, I think you missed a spot! Well that’s it for now folks! It’s been great playing the sims 2, and if you are getting an itch to play it again, let me give you a hint. EA now has The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection on Origin that you can get for FREE. It’s the original game PLUS all the expansions. Yea, yea, I Know the internet says it happened in July 2014… but here’s what you do. You go to Origin, go to chat help, you give the sob story that you had the original game, and that you missed out on the free game. They will ask you for the cd code of either your game or any expansion. If you give them that, you can download the free game. I read it in a forum, tried it, and it worked! I didn’t even have all the expansions, so Bonanza!!! Take advantage of the free giveaway, and then join us at!  You can still post sims 2 stories there. Don’t settle for cheap imitations… ok they aren’t cheap. Play the classic! Happy Simming!


Prologue, A Blast to the Past


Screenshot-369“So kids, are you ready for a good story?  I was known for being a good storyteller in my time.  You see Sims 3 were not the first sims to roam random neighborhoods.  There was another time, in a galaxy far, far away… Let me take you back…”

Screenshot-370“Listen lady, you just bribed us with candy to be here.  We don’t want to hear lame old stories, we want to play video games and look pretty.  That’s what we do.”

Screenshot-368“Look you little ingrates, you are going to hear my story and you are going to like it!  Now circle round, cause this might get a little scary  for you lolly pop munchkins!”

Screenshot-381So originally, Maxis said let there be sims, and there was the Sims 1.  And Maxis look upon Sims 1 and said,this is good.  And Maxis created Sims 2.  Sims 2 was the rise of the Sim Empire.  Us writers came alive.  Stories such as the Uglacy, Apocalypso-Go-Go, Bearly Alive, Simhaven, Disney Legacy and so many more ruled the exchange.  Challenges, Apocalypses, stories of every shape and size, unbelievable videos, player made content, it was the golden days of the sims.  There was something for everyone.  All on one main site.  And it was a free site with free content.

Screenshot-403But sadly it was not destined to last.  EA figured out that to make money they needed to recycle it and repackage the sims.  Worse they shut down the exchange and nothing since has compared community-wise.  The fans scattered to the winds, trying to keep stories alive on blogs and in player ran forums.  Alas, the golden age had died.

Screenshot-392“Lady no offense, but that’s a boring story.   Sorry your life is so pathetic.  It’s not even scary.  What does it matter to us if that game got trashed.  Look at us, we’re far superior.  We’re all pretty, and now everyone can take prettier pictures and have flowery backgrounds and log in Origin and buy lots and lots of content with actual money.  It’s a paradise.  You’re just old and stuck in the past.”

Screenshot-394“Kid, I hate to break your little cookie cutter heart… well not really, but EA is about to do the same thing to your world.  Sims 3 is being replaced by Sims 4.

Screenshot-397“WHAT?!  They can’t do that!  We are gorgeous, perfect sims.  What about all the expansions?!”

Screenshot-401 “Yeah well suck it up, buttercup.  Sims 2 had plenty of expansions and it didn’t save them.  Your neighborhood is about to go to the graveyard of forgotten games.

Screenshot-388“Waaah, you’re mean lady.  I don’t want to go to that graveyard and die!”

Screenshot-376“That’s scary, tell me it’s just a story.  They didn’t make no Sims 4!  You’re just being mean and lying to scare us!”

Screenshot-396“Nope, mean maybe but not lying.  You kids can kiss your perfect little Sims 3 butts good-bye!  If you get lucky, someone will save you on their hard-drive.  Worse, Sims 3 didn’t have any of the legends that Sims 2 had.  No Goopy, no Komei, No Sandy Bruty… no, you won’t even be remembered for much but pretty pictures and unknown townies.  So was my ghost story scary enough for you now?!”

Screenshot-374“Oh no, they are going to be prettier sims than us.  No one will want to play us anymore.  We’re all going to die!  I don’t wanna die!”

Screenshot-411“Now, now, little girl whose name doesn’t matter to me.  There is some hope.  Maybe your creator will have a sucky computer and outdated graphic card and won’t be able to install the Sims 4.  Now you kids ska-doodle, doodle, okay.  I’m tired of using you shamelessly for my soap box.”

Screenshot-415After completely destroying those kids hopes and dreams, I went out to check on my horse Photobomb.  It sounds like a strange name for a horse, but you’ll understand soon.  In general, I never liked Sims 3 that well, but I did like the horse aspect.  The pet expansion was well done.  Otherwise, I was disappointed.  If you love the Sims 3, then more power to you, I guess we all have our own taste in games.

Screenshot-422“Excuse me.  Are you not Ms. Candi020765, the original writer and creator of the Uglacy?”

“Erm, yes, that’s me.  Why?”

Screenshot-429“It was a masterpiece!  I loved reading it on long flights.  And Gage, my favorite character ever.  He had so much hotness to him.  His animal print garment was mesmerizing.  He was a favorite among my people.”

“Your people?”

“I am from France.”

“Really, that seems familiar, somehow.”

“France, we are from France.”


Screenshot-426“Er, Okay, most people liked Don the Zombie better.  But I’m glad you had a favorite.”

“Say, you don’t happen to have Gage Uglacy in your external hard drive by any chance?”

“As a matter of fact I did save all the Uglacies.  I just haven’t installed the game in years.”

“Well I would love to have him, I mean a copy of him… I still like to tinker with the game.  Could you possibly install the game again and extract him for me?”

Screenshot-428“Sure I guess I could do that.  Just come by tomorrow and you can have a copy.”

“Oh,  I shall be by alright.  Thank you Ms. 020765.”

Screenshot-430“Wow, he’s a nice neighbor.  But there’s something a little different about him, I just can’t put my finger on it.”

Bonus question:  Do you know why the horse is named Photobomb yet?

Screenshot-427Can you get the hell out of my picture, I’m trying to write a story here!”

Screenshot-434“Yup, they are still there, even my Apocalypse neighborhood.  Gosh, I miss this game.  Maybe I’ll play it again someday.  Well time to reinstall.”

Screenshot-439“Now that that’s all done, nothing like a little relaxing telescoping at the end of the night.  What, what’s that Photobomb?  I shouldn’t telescope with my space rock collection all around me?”

Screenshot-416“Pfft, silly horse.  You can’t get abducted in the Sims 3.  They don’t have cheats for that. Er is that… uh oh.”

(Sims 3 abduction is painful and I’m not talking the probing folks.  I had to collect a kazillion space rocks and basically build a shrine for this story line.)

Screenshot-442“OH hell no, I am outta here.  I saw Fire in the sky… no way… oh look pretty lights!”

Screenshot-445“I didn’t know Sims 3 had the Northern lights.  Wow, that must have come with Seasons… ahh… crap.”

Screenshot-448“Arrrgh, I refuse to get abducted, I am going to hide under this cliff and ensure my abduction pictures completely suck.”

My simself pisses me off sometimes.  She ruined the beam up moment.

Screenshot-449“Wait, I can explain.  If this is about the time I played Starcraft…  Oh, I get it, this is an abduction, you’re just going to take me for a little ride around the neighborhood, drop me off all in the red and miserable.  Well jokes on you boys, I’m a Knowledge sim.”

Screenshot-450“Hey wait a minute.  This doesn’t seem right.  Is your ship supposed to do this?!  Oh good grief, don’t tell me the game is crashing again!”

Sims2EP9 2016-01-26 22-08-19-58“Are we there now, are we?  I don’t remember these trips taking so long.”

“Calm down human species.  Do you ever shut up?  Your trip is almost complete.”

Sims2EP9 2016-01-26 22-08-24-55“Thank you for flying United Aliens and have a nice day!  Tell Gage hello for us!”


butt in airMe stunnedStill stunnedoh noscaredSims2EP9 2016-01-26 22-19-14-92“ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!”sims avatar“Oh my gosh, this isn’t Sims 3.  I recognize this neighborhood.  It’s Strangetown.   But this is impossible!”

mad me“For the love of boolprop, I should have known better than to trust that guy from France.  You can’t trust those frenchies.”

me walking“Fine, I’ll just start walking like the homeless townie I am.”

Sims2EP9 2016-01-29 22-10-04-56 (2)“It can’t be, not after all these years…”

worried me“I have to go in.  But what is Don going to say?  He’s going to be furious with me.  I’ve left him locked in a hard drive for years.  Granted, I kept him, but he’s going to be pissed.”

Don surprised“Don?”

“Candi, Candi, is it you?  It can’t be. Where have you been?”


“Yea, well about that.  I’ve been playing the Sims 3.  You know, the new game.  Well now they are releasing the Sims 4, so I guess technically it’s not new but…”

oh dear“You betrayed us?  For another game?!”

Don and me“Erm, yes.  But I made replicas of all of you in my Sims 3.”

Don mad“Oh well isn’t that great!  You made REPLICAS of us!  While we were stuck in your hard drive waiting for you to come back!  Meanwhile you were playing Sims 3!  You’re nothing but a traitor.  Well isn’t that just fine and dandy!”

me sorry“Don, I’m so sorry.  I don’t know what I was thinking. I loved this game, I loved all of you.  But it was new and shiny, and I thought it would be just as fun as this game.  It wasn’t, Don.  It was full of rabbit holes and cookie cutter sims.  None of them had an ounce of your personality.  Please forgive me.  I knew not what I did.”

Don tantrum“NO can do missy.  I just can’t forgive it.  First you cheated with World of Warcraft, and now this.  YOU left us, YOU betrayed us.  Now leave, just go.  Go back to your Sims 3 game, or betray all of them for Sim 4.  I don’t care!”

Samara mad“Can’t you hear, he said get out!  We don’t want your kind around here.  You know better than to mess with me, nice points ain’t my thing.  Play us, use us to get famous, and then forget us like yesterday’s news.  Well go take your traitorous crap somewhere else!”

Apparently Samara is hostess/bouncer.  Her lovely personality has not changed a bit.


Sore from the fall, or actually the landing, tired, and rejected… my simself did what any simself would do in this situation.

snapshot_43ac096c_63bbe3d1                 Head down to the Crypt!  The best downtown bar the Sims have ever seen.  These were the days before rabbit holes and bars where you served yourself.  But of course who is there but Miss Crumplebottom.  Man, I missed her antics.

“I know you, missy… you’re that sim writer aren’t you?”


“You no good traiterous piece of dirt!  Why in my day we would have given your simself more than a proper scolding.  You should have to wear a giant A on your bosom for, well I’m far too much of a lady to say.  You just better hope Grimmy doesn’t see you.  He’s got a tomb stone with your name on it!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-18-49-42“Hmmph, I can’t believe the nerve of that simself, showing her face up here after all these years.  Why I never…”

Ok, maybe I didn’t miss her that much.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-20-26-82So what if Crumplebottom had issues.  I’d just go dancing.  The Crypt was always the place to hang out and dance, and unlike Sims 3 bars, it always had a crowd.

“Hey isn’t that the crazy writer lady?”

“Yeah, I heard she was in an insane asylum!”

“NO she wasn’t.  She’s just a traitor, betrayed all of us.  Go back to your Sims 3!  I bet they can’t dance!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-27-36-31“Yeah, why don’t you get out of here Benedict Arnold or I’ll pay someone to bitch slap you!”

Mr. Big had his panties in a wad.  Things were getting heated to say the least.


“Fine, I’ll just go over here and drink.  I don’t need you losers.”


“What, I can’t believe it… not after all these years.  It can’t be!”


“Baby, long time no see.  What took you so long to bring the Gagemeister back?!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-08-59-66

“Now where the hell have you been and where are my simselves?!  This town is dead.  Is this any way to treat the star of your show.  You do realize I was the top downloaded sim on the Sims 2 exchange!”

I know you are thinking, “yeah right” but for those of you who didn’t have the joy of Sims 2, this was indeed the most sought out sim.  At least for a while.


“Gage, I’m sorry man.  You’re right, no sim has ever replaced you.  Dear lord, the things you did on free will, you literally wrote my story line.  Can you ever forgive me?”

“Sure doll, a little woohoo and we’ll call it good.  I got a hot tub with your name on it!  We can kiss and make up, and then some.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-09-40-01

“Yeah, that ain’t happening, Gage! Not while I’m writing this.  But you are right, I do owe you guys and I’m going to try to make this right.”


“Hmm, I have an idea.  I could do another Sims 2 Legacy.  It would be bold in the face of Sims 3 and Sims 4.  A bit rebellious, but I’ve always written to my own drum. And I still have all those simselves in the bin, should I ever found my old friends.”

“In the bin!  Do tell, baby!  Hope is not lost after all.  Free the Simselves!”

“In a while perharps.  But first, I would need a founder.”


“Well baby, that’s not for me.  I know you have to start out with a handsome sim, but I’m so drop dead gorgeous, that would be unfair.  It would never go ugly.  Besides, I have an aversion to families and lawn living.”

“No, no, Gage.  Of course you are too handsome, *cough, cough.*  But it should be an Uglacy, keeping it in the family and all.  I just don’t know any pretty Uglacies.  Donna’s kind of cute, but she has Don’s nose.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-01 20-01-09-54

“Hmm, well sweetie, I’ll think about this, I’m sure I can come up with something.  Anything to get some sim self action going again.  Man, I miss those days.”


“In the meantime baby, you probably need a place to crash…”

“Uh, Gage, I don’t know.  You know I have no bolts for you.  Being your creator, I kind of feel like your mom and…”

“Say no more.  Does not this fine animal print smoking jacket not say gentleman to you?”

“Well, not exactly.  But I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-04-29-11

“Haha, Gage, should have known.  You haven’t changed a bit.  An animal print clad condo, just your style!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-07-02-80“Ugh, Woman, you have never appreciated my excellent taste in interior design.  Well, no matter, I should warn you I do have a room mate.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 19-51-46-97

“Hey baby, what’s up.  The Goopster is back in the house!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-05-38-19“I should have guessed.   Goopy is the perfect room mate for you.  Now Gage focus, I appreciate you took me in, but we are just friends, so stop rolling any other wants right now.”

“I know you say that darling, but those friend faces are mighty close!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-08-48-54“We’re just two wild and crazy guys…”

“Oh great, of all the places to stay, I’m at Gage’s and Goopy’s bachelor pad.  This can’t get any worse.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-18-41-33“Hey Mrs. Robinson, want to help me with my homework?  It’s Anatomy.”

“Never mind, I take that back, it can get worse.”

I’d almost forgotten about Gage Jr., Gage’s son with Circe Beaker.  Yet, another romance sim in the house, and a teen one at that.

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 22-55-38-54“Geesh Gage, this is so sad.  Sims 2 was a big game in the day, and now it has been shoved aside.  I miss you guys, I really do.”

“Well baby, no one says you have to do what all the other players do.  Listen to Gage, I’ve never been one to follow the boring masses.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 22-54-22-07“Wow, I never thought I’d be taking advice from you, but you’re right Gage.  Who says I have to stop writing Sims 2 stories.  I’m going to start again!”

“That’s the spirit, baby!  Get those creative mojo molecules moving.”

“I need a founder though.  A pretty one to start if I am going to try to do another Uglacy.  And preferably an Uglacy to keep it in the family.  But who?”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-02-10-89“Well I donno, other than me all the Uglacies pretty much got hit with the ugly stick.  I would say Gage Jr. but he has no desire for marriage or baby making.  He’s a bit like the old man.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-00-39-11“Wait, you know what, what about Angel?”


“Yea, yea, when you were playing the apocalypse, you married Don’s son Zip to that Cleopatra townie chick.  One fine lady.  And they had Don’s first grandchild, a daughter named Angel, whose  a real freak for an Uglacy.  She has all these ‘nice’ points.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-02-40-85“Angel?  That does sound familiar.  And she is a direct link to Don and Samara.  But is she pretty?”

“I don’t know, she’s my niece, even I have my standards!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-03-08-20“You’re a genius Gage, let’s go to Don’s house.  I have to see this Angel.”

“Sure baby, but they are pretty pissed at you right now, so you might want to do a lot of gift giving, joke-telling, and hanging out before you pop this idea on them.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-26-03-42“Please be pretty, please be pretty…”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-26-36-08

“Hello Angel, I don’t know if you remember me.  I kind of oversaw your family for many years.  I’m Candi.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-28-21-48“Of course I’ve heard about you, grandma and grandpa talk about you all the time.  But I’m too nice a sim to repeat what they say.  You left us in your hard drive… for years.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-28-01-28

“Heh, heh, heh *insert nervous laughter*… yea, that was just a little misunderstanding.  Listen, Angel, I’m going to get right to the point.  I need a founder for a new legacy, a pretty sim to start another Uglacy, and you’re perfect…a little Meadow Thayer maybe, but you fit the bill.  How would you like to live on a lawn, have lots of babies, and work your butt off.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-28-43-79“Oh would I?!”

“Er, are you being sarcastic, that creepy smile makes you hard to read.”

“No really, I would.  I would have the chance to carry on my family’s name and honor them!  It’s a dream!”

“You’re a family sim aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Great,  a nice, pretty family sim.  So not use to that.  Okay, well you’re have to do.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-07 00-29-10-83“Oh this will be so much fun!  I can’t wait.”

“Yea, um well I don’t know how your Grandpa Don is going to take this, so lets just talk with him tonight, okay?”

“OH he will love the idea!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-42-46-51I hate the idea!  How can you even ask this of our family after the way you betrayed us?!”

“Don, come on, I’m trying to make things right.”

“NO, NO, and NO!  You are not using Angel this way!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-45-07-89Me:  “Don I am not just using her to recycle the family, but this is an opportunity to breathe new life into this game.”

Gage:  “Yup, I knew I shouldn’t have brought her to the house.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-48-58-80“Grandpa, please,  I want to.  I want to have all the fun and excitement that you and Grandma had.”

“Angel, I don’t like this.  She’s just using you.”

“Grandpa, I’m tired of being stuck in the hard drive.  And if this gets me one half of the love that you and Grandma found, than it will have been more than worth it.  Let me do it, preeetttty please.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-43-17-69“Alright, fine, Angel wants to do this.  But I have one condition, she is to go to college.  She’s technically a 10th generation, hell 12th generation founder, so it shouldn’t break the rules.  I won’t have her missing her education and just being a baby making machine.”

“That’s fair, I can do that.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-25-58-90“Angel, do you know what you’re getting into?  Legacy living is not easy.”

“I’ve made up my mind, mom.  Besides, I want a family, and this is my chance to live out an Uglacy tradition.”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-30-09-11“Well, I’m with grandpa.  I don’t like this one bit.”

“It’s okay daddy, I really want to do this.  I want to show everyone how much better Sims 2 families are.  They’ve forgotten us, and they’ve forgotten how much fun we are.  I want people to remember what a great game this is!”

Sims2EP9 2016-02-06 23-12-35-37

“Well that’s it folks.  I’m going to do another Sims 2 legacy, and yes Angel really is Don’s granddaughter who I forgot was on my hard drive all these year.  I’ve missed this game terribly and I’ve just never felt the same about the Sims 3.  I have a feeling that a lot of other people miss it too. So till next time… Happy Simming!

P.S.  I really do have a bunch of sim selves saved from the original, so if you’re missing yourself… and was in my game before, let me know.